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关于”某地有某物的句型“的英语句子27个,句子主体:a sentence pattern in which there is something in a place。以下是关于某地有某物的句型的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a sentence pattern in which there is something in a place


1、I know we have a whole bunch of things to get done.


2、Avoid certain medications.


3、Hello. This is Mike from Apple Corportaion.


4、As we all know, so and so open, bold avantgarde, unique style and classic style swept the globe.


5、"JTK is a big deal around here, " Koff said. "We had 'What would JTK do?' wristbands, at one point. "


6、I think there's something going on with some type of enviornmental contaminant.


7、His glory you shall see sometime, somewhere.


8、One day at a certain time, to return.


9、The essential property of vocational education--primary vocationization;


10、The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to deal lightly, casually, or flippantly with someone or something.

所有 ADC 都有某种类型的集群机制。

11、All ADCs have some kind of clustering mechanism.


12、Use of certain medications.


13、You need that object to be a substance, to be something.


14、The act of reapportioning or the state of being reapportioned.


15、We're social creatures;a place in the hierarchy is a matter of life and death.


16、Bile also neutralizes some of the acids that are found in certain types of food.

These rules have targets that tell the kernel what to do with packets coming from certain sources, heading for certain destinations or have certain protocol types.

17、这些规则具有 目标,它们告诉内核对来自某些源、前往某些目的地或具有某些协议类型的信息包做些什么。


18、How do work out the problem?

信仰就是关于 信奉 某人或某事物。

19、Faith is about believing in someone or something.


20、But to the reptile brain, someone, somewhere, is always about to attack.

21、leave somebody out of something 没有给某人留下某物

22、To handle something idly or ignorantly; tamper.乱动不起作用地或无知地处理某物;

23、I am very happy to introduce myself here.I'm 某某,from 某某地方..i enjoy these

24、A specialty or special product of the place or area.某地或某国特有的或著名的产物。

25、Excellences do not depend on a single man's pleasure.某人某物是否优异不取决于一人的好恶。

英文句子26:,26、somebody do something at somewhere in sometime.某人做某事在何地何时。

27、He seemed to know, and he sometimes said in covert words, that some one had gleaned certain information in a certain district about a family which had disappeared.他仿佛已经知道底蕴,有时他还遮遮掩掩地说,已有人在某地调查过某个消失了的人家的某些情况。

28、I would like to take freight No. XX at XX o'clock to XX.我想乘坐某某时间的某某航班到某某地。

29、B:A long time … At least since that big breakfast I had this morning.某甲问某乙多久没有胃口吃东西了;某乙说:A long time…… 这句英文有什么错误?

1、At least since that big breakfast I had this morning.(很久了,起码由今天吃过一顿丰富早餐之后开始)。

30、And cries, “It shall be done”–sometime, somewhere.高喊道:「某时某地,这事必成­­­­­­­。

31、If you ever question why they (the bi-polar person) do or say or feel something because you can't understand, this actually might answer some of those questions!如果你曾经质疑为什么他们(有双相情绪紊乱的人)说了某句话、做了某件事或有某个感受是因为你不了解的话,这就真地有助于回答其中的一些问题!

32、I always know something first as something.我在一开始知道某物时就知道它是某物了。

33、Sinistre. Disastro” art exhibition in Germany.这个巨型购物袋建筑是德国某艺术展上的作品。

34、At this moment, memory can repeat in brain some word or something, or, the imagination wears some kind to be able to make the occasion of him cerebra calm.这时,可以在脑海中重复回忆某句话或某物,或者,想象着某种可以使自己大脑平静下来的场面。

35、An array with one of these defined types.具有上面某个已定义类型的数组。

36、For example, some configurations might bring neighboring regions of the polymer into proximity where they could hydrogen bond.比如说,某些构型会使得某些部位接近,聚合物上的,从而产生氢键。

37、I think there’s something going on with some type of environmental contaminant.我想这和某种类型的环境污染物有关。

38、为某人捐某物 For a person to donate something

39、In the test zone's physical simulation and emulation testing room for a type of unmanned aircraft, the reporters saw a type of unmanned drone aircraft doing emulation flight.在该试验区某型无人机物理模拟仿真试验室,笔者看到,某型无人靶机正在仿真飞行。

40、Carnegie Mellon University researcher Carey Morewedge uses a food example.某某大学的研究员某某用食物来打个比方。

41、在日本某些地方,避免送4组礼物 in some parts of france,avoid giving chrysanthemum flower。

42、For example, Jack, your parents has been some place, and lives some hotel.例如某某某,你父母已经在某地,住在某个招待所。

43、used to do sth.过去常常做某事 be/get used to doing sth.习惯做某事 be used for。

44、i am very happy to introduce myself here.i'm 某某,from 某某地方..i enjoy these

45、Excellences do not depend on a single person's pleasure.某人某物优异与否并不取决于某一个人的好恶。

46、These rules have targets that tell the kernel what to do with packets coming from certain sources, heading for certain destinations or have certain protocol types.这些规则具有 目标,它们告诉内核对来自某些源、前往某些目的地或具有某些协议类型的信息包做些什么。

47、In other words, when women see something they like, they proceed with more caution.换句话来说,当女人看到她们喜欢的某物时,她们会更小心地处理。

48、Funny plays , often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.滑稽戏剧中常常有表演各个民族所特有的典型的人物或从事某种职业人物的角色。

49、"Love" is a symbolism of passion, kindness, and it means to have affection to someone or something.“爱”是一个象征的热情,善良,这意味着有爱某人或某物。

50、Hello.This is Mike from Apple Corportaion.我是某公司的某某某.

经典英文句子51:某地有某物的句型,51、I'm used to driving now. 我现在已经习惯开车了。

52、Each activity represents something that must be done by someone or something.每个活动表示必须由某人或某物完成的某事。

53、Someplace, Sometime, Somewhere, Somehow, Somebody said I love you.释作“某地方、某时、某处、某原因、 某人说‘我爱你’”。

54、“JTK is a big deal around here,” Koff said. “We had ‘What would JTK do?’ wristbands, at one point.”他是这儿的一个大人物,考夫说,我们有一句他将怎么说,袖口,在某处.

55、If you have time, we will interview on +某时间+at+某地点.Do you agree with our plan?

56、How do you go to school? 你是怎么上学的?

57、Right? We always see something as something, and that is precisely the act of interpretation.对吧?,我们只能将某物看做某物,这就是解读。

58、She used to be very shy. 她过去很怕羞。

59、They all say that certain humanizing animals began to associate certain sounds with certain experiences or behaviors.他们都相信这一点,某些渐具有人的属性的动物已开始把某种声音与某种经验和行为相联系。

60、What will you go there for? 你去那儿干什么呢?

61、yearn for sth crave for sth desire sth covet sth 都是渴望某物某事的意思

62、Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space?你有过与某人、某地、某时空似曾相识的经历吗?

63、Now here's the fun part: Somewhere a human is going to pick up your oily stomach excrement and shout for joy, because guess what?哈,有趣的是,在地球某处,某人正在打捞您那油乎乎的胃部呕吐物并大肆炫耀呢!

64、All the ideas in a day's time and place, disconnected, and then stop.所有的思想都在某天的某个时间地点,断开,然后停止。

65、Having two wings, as certain insects, or winglike appendages, as certain fruits and seeds.有两个翅,如某些昆虫或类似翅的附加物,如某些果实和种子。

66、Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies.其他某个地方可能有完全不同的生物,技术和社会。

67、Similarly, every time a biologist discovers a new species, there is the opportunity to honour someone or something.类似地,每次一位生物学家发现一个新物种,就又有了一个纪念某人或某事的机会。

68、This machine is of a new type except for a few short-comings here and there.这台机器是新型的,除了某些地方有些缺点。

69、These verbs mean to consider as resulting from, proper to, or belonging to a person or thing.这些词均指认为由某人或某物所导致,适合于或归属于某人某物。

70、Somewhat is by its quality, firstly finite, secondly alterable; so that finitude and variability appertain to its being.某物由于它自己的质,第一是有限的,第二是变化的,因此有限性与变化性即属于某物的存在。


标签: 英文

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