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1、Filmed in the botanical garden when the snow out across the secondary school take a surge of shoppers with the scene.


2、In addition to the snow-white Buddhist shrine – small pyramids and magnificent views.


3、Chapter Three briefly discusses the relation between the extraction of Cao Xueqin and the Buddhism, and the relation between his experience and his ideas.


4、A swallowtail butterfly was resting in a snow cup. The scene held us for some time.


5、If you are lucky, here you can see the wonderful scene of snowing in the hot summer.


6、The main content includes:The first part narrates the background of Yao Xueyin Anthology's compilation and publication.


7、I also added a little snow falling just to bring home the winter scene feel.


8、SnowmobileHu family from Huville riding snowmobile in the Rocky Mountains during 2008 Christmas holidays.


9、Lijiang has glaciers and magic scenery in Glacier Park in the snow mountain scenic spot; luxuriant cypresses and pines and picturesque scenery in Yushan Ping and Maoniu Ping;

阳光下的雪景, 叫人张开眼睛来欣赏。

10、Under the sunlight of snowscape, it's hardly to open your eye to appreciate.

xx年xx月xx日,德国奥波霍夫时图林根森林一景。 一名男子在大雪之后来到森林中滑雪。

11、A man skiis after heavy snowfall in theThuringian Forest in Oberhof, Germany, Thursday, Dec.

2, 2010.


12、When, for example, a European gazes at a snowscape, he or she sees snow.


13、Snowcapped mountain tops glisten in the strong Alpine sunshine.


14、Several days of heavy snowfall have created an arctic-like scenes. The white blanket that covers everything also occupies the places where homeless people stay.


15、The depth of the landscape is delineated by mysterious flairs of white, the powdery blue snow embankment.


16、You do not need much detail when painting background trees in a snowscape watercolor painting.


17、Su is cripple snow in now which have opportunity to see this scene, immediately laugh to bloom.


18、The diverse43 landscape, from snowy mountains to lush44 valleys, gave filmmakers plenty of options when it came to scenery.


19、Flash Software Description: About Another White Winter Holiday, This screen saver is full of snow-clad scenes complemented with a cool blue background.

雪域 丘陵、引人注目的积云和沿海冰川的极地景观。

20、A polar landscape of snowy hills, dramatic cumulus clouds and coastal glaciers.

21、Broken Bridge Canxue sites is one of the famous West Lake, West Lake, the winter is a unique landscape.断桥残雪是著名的西湖十景之一,是西湖冬季的一处独特景观。

22、Really didn't expect to see the snows in this end of November, as I thought it might be more 'welcomed' during Christmas instead.真的没意料到在这xx月尾的时候就看到雪了呢,总觉得下雪,若是在圣诞节期间就真的很应景了。

23、The continuous snow shoveling, decorated with the world, China jade leaf, pink outfit build by laying bricks or stones jade, white color, is really a snow did good gratifying spectacle.雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。

24、The over-all arrangement of direction gives good consideration for the sight of jokul and sunshine. Thus the guest will best enjoy the sight and sunshine.朝向布局上,以雪山景观和阳光为出发点,让人们在别墅中最大限度地享受景观和阳光。

25、Snow is the main borrowed scene in winter in classical Chinese gardens because of its metaphor morals.雪因“雪的比德”而成为中国古典园林中冬季常用的借景对象。

英文句子26:,26、The snow flax flowing in the sky are glistering under the sunshine shining just like countless little spirits dancing.最奇异的景象是雪花在阳光下飞舞,空中飘着的雪花,在阳光的照耀下,闪烁着,像无数个小精灵在舞动。

27、We have had snow and sleet for the past two days in Colorado's high country and the plan was to photograph some snowy images in the mountains.科罗拉多州的内地在过去的两天里下着雪和雨夹雪,因此我就计划到山里去拍摄一些雪景照片。

28、There is no prospect of good harvest, we can not see Snow's dignified.没有丰年的前景,我们不可能看到瑞雪的端庄。

29、We look out on a gentle snowfall. Little Anna skips up to the window. She lights up at the sight of the snow and rushes down the hall.我们向外看着外面温和(地飘飞)的雪。安娜跳到窗户前面。她吃惊于这雪景,跑过走廊。

30、Natural wonders, including glacier-carved fjords, snow-capped mountains and majestic icebergs.自然景观如冰川、峡湾、雪山和雄伟壮观的冰山。

31、I believes that the creation of the snow landscape paiting can not design apart from the writing. We may open up a favourable new situation through creating the paiting by emotional attitudes.笔者认为,雪景山水的创作应该在不脱离“笔墨”这个基点的前提下,外师造化,为雪景山水画的创作开拓更为宽广的新局面。

32、The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall on the outskirts of Beijing gets a dusting of white after the first snowfall of the winter swept the capital yesterday morning.在昨天早上,首都北京迎来冬天的第一场雪后,图为北京郊区慕田峪段被大雪覆盖的情景。

33、A pair of lovers in Shichahai, yes…昨日,在什刹海,一对情侣在雪景中缠绵。

34、The missions do vary location - from snowy mountains to vast deserts to forests.不同的关卡有着截然不同的场景——从雪山到大沙漠再到森林。

35、Learn how to define rocks in a snowscape watercolor painting in this free video.了解如何定义一个雪景水彩画在此免费视频岩。

36、I'm so worried about my parent's health that I'm in no mood to to enjoy the snowscape.我很为父母的身体担心,现在没有心情欣赏雪景。

37、Have you ever seen the snowscape?你看过雪景吗?

38、The stage scenery: Mount Qomolangma covered with ice and snow towering into the clouds.背景是直插云天的珠穆朗玛峰。白雪覆盖、银妆素裹。

39、The arts and crafts were impressive, But how did you manage the real snow?I'm well-connected.雪景的布置让人很难忘,但你是怎么控制自然下雪的?我可是很神通广大的。

40、Finally, I added falling snow to complete the winter scene.最后,我添加了落雪,完成了这张冬景图。

41、Tsien noted that this response lasted as long as the event and that context was also important.提雪注意到:反应持续时间和事件同步,背景同样重要。

42、Broken Bridge remaining snow is the famous scene of West- Lake, belong to one of ten scenes of West-Lake.断桥残雪是西湖上著名的景色,属于西湖十景之

43、Now they are in the Devil V alley, a skiing slope with a nice view.现在他们两人来到了魔鬼谷,这是一个风景不错的滑雪坡。

44、Such as snow, water, sand and other views, reflecting performance, light-sensitive than the average amount necessary to adequately reduce the landscape;譬如雪地、水面、沙滩等景色,反光性能强,感光量就要比普通景物适当地减少;

45、Hu family from Huville riding snowmobile in the Rocky Mountains during 2008 Christmas holidays.胡家2008 圣诞节期间到落基山脉骑摩托雪橇的场景。

46、How different had this scene looked when I viewed it laid out beneath the iron sky of winter, stiffened in frost, shrouded with snow!这景色与我在冬日铁灰色的苍穹下,冰霜封冻、积雪覆盖时看到的情景多么不同呀!

47、Images of winter trees have no leaves and white backgrounds because of the snow.冬天的树图没有叶子,而且因为雪呈现白色的背景。

48、Huanglong main scenic spots consist : Danyun Gorge, Xuebaoding Peak, Xueshangliang Path, Hongxingyan Rock, Munigou Valley.黄龙主景区包括:丹云峡、雪山梁、红星岩、大草原、牟尼沟。

49、Moutain Tiantai is a brightest world in winter, the green pine congeals frosts and hangs snow, which is just like blooming of the chrysanthemum and snow lotus .冬天的天台山是最亮的风景,苍松凝霜挂雪,宛如玉菊怒放,雪莲盛开。

50、The remains of snow from the severe winter storm that hit last month, made the scenery extra pleasant.上月刚过去的寒冬积雪残存,令景致更加美丽。

经典英文句子51:雪景,51、Scene: the snows of London , A girl under the tree, with sentimental.场景:大雪纷飞的伦敦,一个女孩在树下,多愁善感。

52、Snow, rain, snow that adorned the world, Chiung-chih Yu leaves, pink jade puzzle loaded, Haoran same color, is really gratifying scene school Ruixuefeng years.雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。

53、I knew that the lighting should be pale and diffuse, because the intention for the scene was to picture a blizzard during the day.我认为照明应该是灰白色并且漫反射的,因为场景需要表现出白天暴风雪的景象。

54、Learn how to paint background trees in a snowscape watercolor painting in this free video.了解如何在雪景画水彩画在此免费视频背景树。

55、Night, away from city lights, snowscape under full moon.夜晚,原理城市灯光,拍摄满月天空下的雪景。

56、The street scene was covered by the heavy XMAS ambiance!路边的雪景也被这浓郁的圣诞气氛给遮去了!

57、Cape seacoast for sea eclipse landscape, reef world-wide, condition strange, surge like snow;岬角海岸为海蚀景观,礁石遍布,状态奇异,浪涌如雪;

58、Carmine and pastel drawing of glass combined with Snow White, elegance in a warm, the snow garden pavilions to carmine color painting, a unique artistic effect.胭脂红与粉彩玻璃白结合绘制雪景,素雅中呈现暖色调,园林楼台中的雪景,以胭脂红颜料绘画,有独特的艺术效果。

59、Throughout the ages, snow scene has been added more profound by intoning and drawing. The ancients always intone, watch and draw snow, as a meaning of understanding life and exploration nothingness.古今往来,文人墨客通过吟雪,画雪等不同的文化表达方式,为雪景增添了许多涵义悠远的文化意境。

60、Learn how to paint more background trees in a snowscape watercolor painting in this free video.了解如何在雪景画水彩画在此免费视频更多的背景树。

61、Chang, one of the eight scenic spots "Ba River Liu snow" is well known for;长安八景之一的“灞柳风雪”远近闻名;

62、Beneath its dynamic appearance, the Chevrolet Epica latently expresses its maturity in style.动感有形的外表之下,是雪佛兰景程成熟风范的潜在表达。

63、Mr Zhang is always the first one to get to school.收集二百二十六个雪景球花了阿伦整整xx年时间。

64、The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain-side dismal.雨使雪化成了雪水,搞得山边景色黯然无趣。

65、Software Description: About Living Snow Globes , This screen saver includes three snow globe scenes: Eskimo igloo, ski area and a classic home.这个屏幕保护程序包括三个雪世界场景:爱斯基摩人的圆顶建筑,滑雪地区和一个温暖的家。

66、I still remenber how excited when I first saw the white wold in Beijing a few years ago.这是北京今年的第十场雪,我有幸在临别前再一次见到了北京的雪景。

67、Cangshan scenery again snow, cloud, chuen, renowned for stone.苍山 景色又以雪、云、泉、石而著称。

68、The entire building acts as an undulating snow covered mountain, following a natural rhythm.整个建筑群犹如雪山般延绵起伏,成为大地景观的一部分。

69、The show will consist of 共设8个景区,其中大型雪雕塑3座、大型雪建筑3座,由400余件雪雕艺术品组成,总用雪量达4万立方米。

8 scenery zones, including

3 large snow sculptures,

3 large snow structures among total 400 snow sculptures. Totally 40,0OO cubic meters of snow will be used.

70、Gorgeous Yu Long Xue Shan sets the background for the sea of relgious flags.壮丽的玉龙雪山,为五彩经幡旗当背景。

71、The New Time Magic World – it is a block of ice and snow world full of creative powers which integrates with ice scenery by taking advantage of LED lighting technique appeared on the Fair.梦幻新时代景区——结合全国LED灯光博览会的契机,与冰景相结合,创造表现力更加丰富的冰雪景观。

72、Visitors could also try cross-country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoe hiking to explore the picturesque landscape.游客们还可以尝试越野滑雪,坐滑雪板,穿雪鞋徒步来探索列支敦士登如画的景色。

73、The Snow Festival in Hokkaido is a dazzling spectacle.北海道的雪祭景观令人眼花撩乱。

74、Plum blossoms in early spring burst from the snowscape in this freezing scene.早春的梅花,绽放在残雪犹寒的景致里。

75、Salzburg, Austria, may have risen to prominence as the setting of The Sound of Music, but its quaint snowy cityscape is likewise charming.奥地利的萨尔茨堡或许因《音乐之声》的背景设定而出名,但其古色古香的城市雪景也同样迷人。

英文句子模板76:Snow,76、The main attractions of the park are Lan Xue Tang, Yuan Xiang Tang, Xiang Zhou, thirty-six mandarin duck Museum, which "North Temple Tower by King", "bridges fly" has become a garden.园内主要景点有兰雪堂、远香堂、香洲、卅六鸳鸯馆等,其中“北寺塔借景”、“廊桥小飞虹”等已成为名园名景。

77、It is very easy to find winter trees with snowy white backgrounds.在雪白色的背景下,很容易找到冬天的树的图。

78、Use the detail brush to paint fine details in a snowscape painting.使用细节刷油漆在雪景画细节。

79、To conch channel cannot miss 到海螺沟不能错过三大景致:一要远望终年积雪不化的贡嘎雪山;

3 old scene: Want far the Gonggaxue that hopes firn of all the year round is not changed hill;


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