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关于”中的重读规则“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Rereading rules in。以下是关于中的重读规则的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Rereading rules in

Rewrite() 方法从获取 Web.config 文件中的一组重写规则开始。

1、method starts with getting the set of rewriting rules from the Web.config file.


2、Mining linguistic valued association rules is an important issue of quantitative association rules.

在拉丁语中,元音 -ae- 变成 -i- ,这 是在复合词中非重读音节的语音规则。

3、The vowel change of -ae- to -i- in Latin is due to a Latin phonetic rule involving unaccented syllables in compounds.

如果发现与某个规则匹配,URL 将被重写,并且对重写规则的搜索将会终止。

4、If a match is found, the URL is rewritten and the search through the rewriting rules terminates.

让我们先介绍一下 Web.config 文件中重写规则的结构。

5、Let's examine the structure of the rewrite rules in the Web.config file.


6、Mining association rules is an important aspect of the study of data mining, and one of the important problems is the evaluation of interestingness of the discovered rules.


7、Presumption is an important proof in modern action, so it should be regulated.


8、Understand the dialogue in "Read and write", then fill in the blanks.

将它设为 true 可以确保当一个规则更新工作内存中的知识时,最终不会导致对规则重新求值并重新执行规则,也就不会导致无限循环。

9、Setting it to true ensures that when a rule updates the knowledge in the working memory, you don't end up with rules being reevaluated and reexecuted, which could then cause an infinite recursion.


10、In case of a rule set, it contains the records that did not verify one or more rules of the rule sets, and creates a row for each non-verified rule.


11、The verification of the model of TCPN workflow nets by means of graph reduction was mainly considered, and some graph reduction rules of flow control structure were put forward and proved.


12、As a social rule, the rule of recognition is shown in the law-identifying operations of the courts.


13、"Regulations" means the Regulations contained in the Annexes to the present Convention.


14、It contains information about the correlations between the rules of a rule set.


15、The outstanding importance is speed but not the scale.


16、For optimized design tasks composition, a multi-object function of regulation rights was put forward to obtain the rights of different regulations available to compose regulations.

Tcpd 读取两个文件,hosts.allow 和 hosts.deny,读取时基于这两个文件中的规则。

17、Tcpd reads two files, hosts.allow and hosts.deny, based on the rules in these files.

业务规则 Bean 支持允许运行过程中业务规则在没有修改和重新部署流程的情况下动态改变。

18、Business Rules Beans support allow business rules to be dynamically changed at runtime without modifying or redeploying a process.


19、There are two weakening rules in weak syllables for the tones of Changsha dialect: broad vs.


20、I read this article plan, if not on the significance of the big data industry to be aware of, can only suggest the readers, please read this article planning.

21、We should follow such principles both realistic and forward-looking, both principles and rules, and openness when we set the standard.在准则制定中,我们应遵循现实性和前瞻性兼顾、原则与规则并重、注重开放性等原则。

22、The Macro-Theory in English textual teaching includes three rules:omitting rule, generalizing rule and structuring rule.英语语篇教学中的宏观理论有三个规则 ,即删略规则 ,概括规则和结构规则。

23、Different rules are required - and adaptation is critical.所以它要求的是不一样的规则-适应规则至关重要。

24、The third lays emphasis on two special and outstanding rules of evidence of documentary evidence:one is authentication, the other is the best evidence rule.文章第三部分侧重论述书证特有的特出的两个证据规则 : 书证真实规则和最佳证据规则。

25、These Rules may be cited as the Patents (Companies Re-registration) Rules 1982.该规则被称为《xx年专利(公司重新注册)规则》。

英文句子26:,26、There are two weakening rules in weak syllables for the tones of Changsha dialect: broad vs. narrow.长沙话的声调在轻读音节中的弱化规则可分为广式和窄式两类。

27、While represented by Lynch who takes Paradox rules on the conduct of the anti-interpretation of Skepticism, post-SSK thinks that the rule is inherent of practic.SSK以布鲁尔为代表对规则悖论进行了怀疑式的解读,认为社会约定和利益决定了规则和行动的一致性;而后SSK以林奇为代表对规则悖论进行了反怀疑论的解读,认为规则内在于实践。

28、The inner spatial development is the product of antitheses: of concealing and revealing, heaviness and lightness, regularity and irregularity.室内空间以对立的法则出现:隐蔽和展示,沉重和轻盈,规则以及不规则性。

29、The 10-percent rule (10PR) is one of the most important and time-proven principles in running.10%规则是跑步中最重要也是被时间证明最有效的规则之

30、As to unstressed syllables, letter A can be pronounced in two ways: vaguely and clearly. The author believes these are the keys to the learning of English.作者认为这是英语拼读规则的核心内容,掌握了这些就基本上掌握了英语的其他拼读规则,对学习英语有极大好处。

31、While represented by Lynch who takes Paradox rules on the conduct of the anti-interpretation of Skepticism, post-SSK thinks that the rule is inherent of practice.而后SSK以林奇为代表对规则悖论进行了反怀疑论的解读,认为规则内在于实践。

32、There are two methods to read data from common instrument in physics experiment: the approximate read and direct read. We disscussed the rules to read data and to evaluate the error range.物理实验常用仪器的读数规则可归纳、简化为两种:估读和直读,借助这些规则可规范和简化不确定度的评定。

33、Golf’s rules have been called arcane and it is not unusual to see play stopped while a P.G.A. official arrives with rule book in hand and pronounces in the manner of an I.R.S. official.高尔夫规则十分晦涩繁复。 如果比赛中途打断是因为一个职业高尔夫协会人员正拿着一本规则书以国税局的派头在宣读规则,那一点都不奇怪。

34、Mining the association rules is an important aspect of the study of data mining, and one of the important problems is the evaluation of interestingness of the discovered rules.关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘研究中的一个重要方面,而其中一个重要问题是对挖掘出的规则的感兴趣程度的评估。

35、Rule clustering re-organizes rules which are generated during the procedure of association rule mining, to help customers find out interested rules.规则聚类将关联规则挖掘产生的大量规则重新组织,帮助用户发现感兴趣的规则。

36、This also grants read access to each search rule that you have read access to.还授予对您已具有读访问权的每个搜索规则的读访问权。

37、I have read and understand the above explanatory notes.本人已阅读并理解以上的收生规则。

38、And according the essential attribute of Chinese reading, we discuss it from the three aspects in detail: logic rule, structure rule and temperament rule.结合语文阅读的本质特征,这一部分主要是从三个方面对阅读规则进行阐述:逻辑规则、结构规则与音律规则。

39、It contains the ruleset, which is packaged in a JAR file that contains everything necessary for execution (rules, ruleflow, and so on).它包含了规则集,并且打包在一个 JAR 文件中的,其中包含了执行所需要的所有东西(规则、规则流等)。

40、Accretion is an important rule both on the ownership confirming and the property right changing of property right laws in various countries.添附制度是各国物权法确认物的归属的重要规则,也是物权变动的一项重要规则。

41、I have read and agree to competition regulation.本人巳阅读并同意遵守大会规定章则。

42、The input being read may not conform to the specifications.正在读进的输入可能会不符合规则。

43、The rules architect plays a key role in this process.规则架构师在此过程中扮演着重要角色。

44、You can read the new rules in the section of the Guidelines called Building Promotions with Minecraft, but here's a quick breakdown for convenience.你可以在指南里的的Mnecraft 促销部分阅读新规则。 下面是新规则的一小部分。

45、This rule (and some of the others that follow) will be familiar to long-time Zen Habits readers.这一规则(还有其他一些后面的规则)为长期阅读禅僧习惯的读者所熟知。

46、In the example above, even though the two rules are in the same rule group (WaterSample), the evaluate rule will execute after the validate rule based on the provided salience level.在上述示例中,尽管两条规则位于同一个规则组(WaterSample)中,根据所提供的显著性水平,评估规则也将在验证规则后执行。

47、All important announcements and forum rules are made here, please read them carefully!论坛所有重要公告和论坛规则都在这里,请仔细阅读相关内容!

48、The rule of corroboration which was discussed in this article belongs to one of the rules of judge.现有的证据立法中,尤以认证规则规定得最少,本文所要探讨的补强证据规则即属认证规则之一种。

49、However, an alternative for machine readable contraindication rules also exists.然而,一个选择性的,供机器可读的禁忌症规则也存在。

50、The template-based rule will be created and placed into the rule tree.基于模板的规则将被创建并放置到规则树中。

经典英文句子51:中的重读规则,51、You should read the rules carefully first.你们应该先仔细阅读这些规则。

52、Note that test names which begin with '__' are indirect rules used to compose meta-match rules and can also act as prerequisites to other rules.注意,以“__”开头的测试规则名是一个间接规则,它被用于组成元匹配规则和作为其它规则的前置测试,这些规则不会被计算评分也不会列在“命中的测试”报告中。


标签: 规则

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