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关于”描述爱好“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Describe a hobby。以下是关于描述爱好的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe a hobby


1、Eduardo Galeano, one of the continent's most eminent writers and a self-confessed football lover described him in Soccer in Sun and Shadow


2、Meantime, power law relation can better describe the changes mentioned above.


3、Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?


4、Hence the team's activities are not well described by transactional workflows.


5、Here's a little story that illustrates this situation.


6、Describe all GLBT friendly bars, restaurants and shops in the area.


7、Mr. Hoover is “represented as seeing . . .” But who is doing the representing?


8、So what elements would be better off in deployment descriptors?


9、Descriptive statistics involves tabulating , depicting and describing collections of data.


10、Would you describe yourself as a good person?


11、Hennessy: I think you described it very well.


12、All right, And to describe the recipes, we're going to want a language.


13、All right, so that's how we describe ethane.


14、Copies a bitmap from the source device context to this current device context.


15、The saying that looks like something the cat dragged in describes something in bad condition.

2 old and funny expressions describe something that is the best or finest.


16、Descriptive metaphysics is content to describe the actual structure of our thought about the world, revisionary metaphysics is concerned to produce a better structure.


17、If stated appropriately, they demonstrate your character-building process.


18、The fancy term for this process is Spiritual Discernment.


19、Describing collections involves tabulating, depicting and describing collections of data.

描述:TCP SYN 扫描是 端口扫描的变体。

20、Description: TCP SYN scanning is a variant of port scanning.

21、Defining it is as unrewarding as dissecting a soapbubble.描述定义它和解剖肥皂泡泡一样吃力不讨好。

22、You know the best... you're going to remember your description你知道最好的是……你会记住你描述的,

23、A style described as abrasive and contentious ; a disputatious lawyer; a litigious and acrimonious spirit.被描述成粗糙、好争论的风格;好辩的律师;好辩的、刻薄的灵魂。

24、Those who had made contact with the head described an elephant as a water-pot;摸到头的,将象描述得好似水罐;

25、Product Description: The Beurre Bosc pear is bell-shaped with a brownish skin.中文描述:形状好看,果皮为褐色。

英文句子26:,26、Dear students, I can not describe to you how delicious Vermicelli.亲爱的同学们,我无法向你们描述米线是多么的美味。

27、Neighbours described their only hobby as "takeaways, " as they frequent the local fish and chip shop three times a week.邻居描述说他俩的爱好是“打包”,因为他们每周都一定要去附近的炸鱼薯条打包回家三次。

28、After students reported falling in love, they used more varied words in their self-descriptions.在学生们回答恋爱之后,他们用更加多样的词汇描述自己。

29、We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.我们能够包容时空描述和根据属性的描述(在这些形式的空间中,基于“结构”的描述)。

30、The creation and use of mediation policies is best described by example.用例子描述中介策略的创建和使用再好不过了。

31、It was this very Mozartean simplicity that most characterized Einstein's methods.正是这种莫扎特式的单纯最能描述爱因斯坦的方法的特征。

32、Anyway, the work associated with process number two is described by this box.好,刚才那个过程的功,由这个矩形描述。

33、As an important component of DRM, the most popular rights expression standards such as MPEG-21 REL and ODRL have well established the core standard of rights expression recently.作为数字版权管理的重要组成部分,目前应用最为广泛的权利描述标准——MPEG权利描述语言和开放式数字权利语言已较好地建立了权利描述的核心标准。

34、The result shows that under certain conditions, rational choice function's revealed preference description is equivalent to its consistency condition description.所得结论表明,理性选择函数的展示偏好描述和一致性条件描述具有等价性。

35、The calculating results by the Eulerian algorithms are in good accordance with the experiment, showing that the Eulerian configuration is more resonable for the metal finite deformation problem.空间描述的有限元算法计算值同试验值符合得很好,说明用空间描述法能较好地描述金属大变形压缩的有限变形问题。

36、If you want to describe this particle, what's the kinematics?如果你想描述这个质点,如何从运动学角度来描述呢

37、Description: Flixster does one thing, and it does it well: Movies.描述: Flixster 只做一件事:电影,不过它真能做好。

38、Designed for British law librarians, this book provides good descriptions of all types of British and Irish legal materials.该书专门写给不列颠的法律图书馆长,它对所有不列颠和爱尔兰法律文献提供了较好的描述。

39、There's really no objective scale for delineating variations of good.描述“好”的变化程度,并没有客观的范围。

40、Through the author's description we can vicariously experience his exotic journey.我们可以透过作者的描述好像亲身体验这个旅途。

41、Then, it describes the benefits this capability provides to portal customers.然后,描述将这种功能给门户客户带来的好处。

42、Can you descibe your baggage?请描述一下您的行李,好吗?

43、A description that matches the earliest account of Cleopatra's corpse.这一描述和最早对克利奥帕特拉尸体的描述一致。

44、Experiment on face image recognition shows that the method has attractive features than LBP and LPQ which is the state-of-art local feature descriptors.通过人脸图片识别实验表明特征描述算子具有比LBP、LPQ等著名的特征描述算子具有更好的性能。

45、Mr. Liu, will you please clearly define the purposes of your organization?林先生,请您明确描述您组织的宗旨好么?

46、Determines the user's preferred language, using one of the methods described below.使用下面描述的方法之一来确定用户偏爱的语言。

47、When his friends portrayed him as such a good man at his funeral.朋友们在他的葬礼上将他描述成一个大好人。

48、Again, these extensions let me make good use of descriptive messages.同样,这些扩展使我可以很好利用描述性的消息。

49、VD? Variable Descriptor?变量描述符?。

50、Describe this feature in a single line in terms of benefits to the user.用单行文字描述这一特征对用户的好处。

经典英文句子51:描述爱好,51、Is there a thought-picture that describes his conclusions about general relativity?有没有一个思维图能描述广义相对论中爱因斯坦得出的结论呢?

52、Describes the image.图象的描述。

53、7.I slept straight through last night用来描述你睡了好觉

54、Okay, on to the practices.好了,让我们来描述实践吧。

55、Microsoft has been teasing gadget fans with pictures of a new product that the company has described as ‘touchy’ and ‘flat’.微软最近用一件新产品的照片吸引了小配件爱好者们,这件产品据描述“触感绝佳”且“纯平”。

56、Store any held object references in well-described locations.将所有使用的对象引用存储在良好描述的位置。

57、COAT A SPOON , napper la cuillère This term is used to indicate the thickness of a sauce, and it seems the only way to describe it.酱汁裹勺 ,napper la cuillère 这个词儿用来描述酱汁的粘稠度,好像也没有其他更好的办法来描述。

58、The detailed description of these functions are well-documented in APIs_Reference.html .APIs_Reference.html 中很好地记载了这些函数的详细描述。

59、Ok, that was pretty much ripped from the MeetUp.com event description.好吧,从MeetUp.com事件描述开始谈起实在太让人受挫。

60、I can't describe.我难以描述。

61、Which of the following best describes the building?下列何者是对这建筑物最好的描述?

62、Is "Square" an adjective that can only be used to describe the shape?好方”一定是用来描述一个东西的形状吗?

63、Astana’s architectural style can best be described as idiosyncratic.对阿斯塔纳建筑风格的最好描述就是气度不凡。

64、All config elements are well-typed and described.所有的配置元素都是类型良好的(well-typed)且可描述的。

65、A more descriptive message would be better.更具描述性的消息会更好些。

66、Lists are excellent representations of such trees.列表是对这种树的极好描述。

67、'Comment'. -The bag described by Dr. Walter had obvious advantages.评论-瓦尔特博士描述的袋子有明显的好处。

68、Which of the following best describes duopoly ?以下哪一项最好地描述了双头垄断?

69、"Describes" the toothbrush is better manual or electric toothbrush and two of the benefits.描述了牙刷比较好 - 手动或电动牙刷和两个好处。


标签: 英文 爱好

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