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1、Jiangjin Liquor is the representative of Chuanfa Xiaoqu (Xiaoqu produced by Sichuan techniques).


2、On behalf of his admiration for light red, dark red on behalf of deep love and care.


3、White stars show the location of the tsunami wave sources. (Credit: NOAA)


4、That anger may not get expressed in public, in front of white co-workers or white friends.


5、These mutations reduced the level of PAX5 protein in leukemic cells or resulted in the formation of PAX5 protein with defective function.


6、After a few days, the young mountain buck decided to introduce himself.


7、Objective To investigate the function and gene expression of active efflux transporters in drug-resistant candida albicans.


8、There were no expression of CD133 in chronic neutrophilic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients.


9、Doctors and nurses wear white to imply sterility.


10、There have been seen melanin particles in epidermis after autografts by electronic microscope.


11、It is reported that lactoferrin has many physiological functions.


12、The results showed that all the preparations from the larval intestines contained chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like enzymes.


13、Final results showed that we beat our head against the wall.


14、Decreased PTEN protein and increased AKT protein might be a marker for the early detection of the occurrence of colorectal cancer in patients with UC.


15、Whatever awkwardness of casting we have in this original performance we'll cast that aside.


16、JANEX-1 exhibits significant anti-leukemia activity, which could induce apoptosis in human lymphoblastic as well as myeloblastic leukemia cells with over-expressed tyrosine protein kinase.


17、Caspase-3 expressed stably in the control group.


18、Bracelet: Stainless steel vertical link bracelet with black or white ceramic accents and open detail. Jewelry clasp.


19、The quantity of the erythrocyte, leukocyte, hemoglobin and reticulocyte of the positive group is lower than those of the blank group.


20、The object of this experiment is that to obtain low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein (LRPAP1) Cloning and expression vector of rat.

21、所以《表白》中, 像昰唱到 that i wanna be your girl ELVA唱着都像昰连着一起的。

22、The soluble expression was obtained when induced by IPTG at 30℃.重组蛋白在30℃诱导获得可溶表达。

23、Jim was so brave to have made a speech to such a big crowd of people.白色代表着宁静和平

24、I don't see why you are kicking up such a fuss.我不明白你为什么要这样借题表现。

25、Polysaccharides of CGP can improve the immune function of mice.表明CGP能明显提高小白鼠的免疫功能。

英文句子26:,26、Java DB / Derby - white space in table name - how to escape?德比中表名的白色空间如何逃生?

27、The results suggest that the abnormal expression of EGFR on oral leukoplakia tissue is related to abnormal multiplication and malignant-changes of oral leukoplakia epithelial. The authors…结果提示,口腔白斑组织中EGFR的异常表达与口腔白斑上皮异常增和癌变有关,作者认为EGFR的异常表达可能是口腔白斑恶变的较好的标志。

28、Of four protein fractions, glutelin, globulin and albumin had larger coefficient of variation than prolamin, although their difference in prolamin content was cultivar type dependent;在4种蛋白质组分中,谷蛋白、球蛋白和清蛋白在品种间的变异系数较大,而醇溶蛋白则相对较小,且在分布频率上也表现出品种类型间的差异特征;

29、Similar to young Provolone with its white color and shiny exterior.类似年轻的Provolone 干酪,白色,表面有光泽;

30、The discovery of the histone lysine demethylases has strongly demonstrated that histone lysine methylation is a reversible epigenetic modification.随着组蛋白赖氨酸去甲基化酶的发现,证实组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化是一个可以逆转的组蛋白表遗传修饰。

31、Ancient Chinese painting on blank to intangible manifestations visible.中国古代画论的空白,以无形表现有形。

32、Stark white can indicate rigidity, but a softer white is generally associated with the future and prophesy.刻板的白色可以表示刚性,而柔和的白色一般与未来和预言有关。

33、The hemoglobin of Mongolia sheep and Zhongwei goat indicate nearly normal, however , other breeds show lower. The normal amount of white blood cells can be examined in all the breeds.血红蛋白的常规指标测定结果为,蒙古羊和中卫山羊基本表现正常,其他品种则表现较低,白细胞数量在所有品种中表现正常;

34、The FKBP12.6 protein expression was checked by immunohistochemistry.免疫组织化学方法检测FKBP12.6蛋白的表达。

35、Differential markers of TCM syndromes presented as specific proteins in TCM syndromes.中医的证候间存在不同证候标志物,表现为差异蛋白质的表达。

36、In vitro studies demonstrated that the function of actin is regulated by many actin-binding proteins in animal and yeast.体外试验研究表明,在动物和酵母系统中肌动蛋白骨架的功能是由大量的肌动蛋白结合蛋白控制的。

37、Main from the fascination express, consumption present condition and curren of Chinese liquor. talk about the comprehend and taste of request of liquor quality.主要从白酒魅力表现、白酒当前的消费现状和趋势、消费者对白酒质量的要求等方面谈了对中国白酒消费的认识和体会的。

38、Conclusions: Human preimplantation embryos express HLA-G protein.结论:着床前人类早期胚胎表达HLA-G蛋白。

39、Conclusion: The protein of PTN was overexpressed in oral carcinoma.结论:PTN蛋白在口腔癌组织中高表达。

40、Expression of Nestin and Ngn3 positive cell and insulin: There were expressions of Nestin, pancreaticoduodenal homeobox gene 诱导前后巢蛋白和神经元素3阳性细胞及胰岛素表达:诱导前有巢蛋白、胰十二指肠同源盒基因-1、神经元素3的表达,无胰岛素表达。

1, Ngn

3, but no expression of insulin before differentiation.

41、From 通过5组脑组织差异比较发现有153个蛋白质发生差异变化,在5组中表达趋势相同的蛋白质有16个,其中9个蛋白质在HB肿瘤中表达上调,7个下调。

5 groups of tissues experiments, 153 proteins were screened, in which

9 up-regulated and

7 down-regulated proteins with the same expressional tendencies in

5 groups were found.

42、The dosage and type of clay were the main influence factors of the chroma and turbidity of the lubricating oil.正交试验结果表明白土用量和白土类型分别是影响白土吸附后润滑油的色度和浊度的主要因素。

43、They inserted a gene for a light-activated algal protein into mice brains, where it entered nerve cells.他们向白鼠大脑中植入了负责表达一种光激活海藻蛋白的基因,使得光激活海藻蛋白进入大脑的神经细胞。

44、The roots of the choice of the white ribbon are probably the traditional association of white with peace and the White Ribbon Campaign.人们之所以选择白色丝带,可能与白色历来都代表了和平有关以及受到白丝带运动的启发。

45、These mutations reduced the level of PAX5 protein in leukemic cells or resulted in the formation of PAX5 protein with defectie function.这些突变降低了白血病细胞中的PAX5蛋白水平,或者表达结构异常的PAX5蛋白,其正常功能丧失。

46、In order to explore the effects of thioredoxin1 overexpression(Trx1) on matrix metalloproteinase 为进一步探讨硫氧还蛋白1(thioredoxin1,Trx1)过表达对高糖环境下肾小球系膜细胞基质金属蛋白酶9(Matrix metalloproteinase9,MMP9)表达的影响。

9 (MMP9) in glomerular mesangial cells.

47、Sequential throat Bai Weichang occurs in swallows in diphtheria foundation, is accompanied by the throat diphtheria's clinical manifestation, the whole body symptom of poisoning strict dish.继发性喉白喂常发生在咽白喉基础上,伴有喉白喉的临床表现,全身中毒症状严皿。

48、Several species of Lactobacilli contain multiple S-layer protein genes.一些乳酸杆菌具有多个表层蛋白基因。

49、Containing protein delegate food is soja and bean products.含蛋白质的代表食物是大豆及豆制品。

50、Symphony: the White and Black are harmony and kindhearted !交响曲:表明白人和黑人和睦充满仁慈!

经典英文句子51:表白,51、There was a significant negative correlation between the percentage of chalkiness, or degree of chalkiness, and the active accumulated temperature.结果表明 ,垩白率是影响这一地区稻米垩白品质的主要因素。

52、It is, typically, a bracing statement, not without feeling.这是一番个性鲜明且真情流露的表白。

53、Objective: To detect expression of interleukin- 23 (IL- 23) and IL- 目的:检测人白细胞介素-23(IL-23)和白细胞介素-12(IL-12)亚基在各类白血病细胞系中的表达并探讨佛波二酯对IL-23和IL-12亚基表达的调控作用。

12 subunits in various leukemia cell lines and evaluate the ability of phorbol diester to up- regulate the subunits expression.

54、Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of cyclin D3, cyclin E and childhood acute leukemia(AL).目的探讨细胞周期蛋白D3、E的表达与儿童急性白血病(AL)的关系。

55、The IGF-1R protein overexpression correlated with gene amplification.IGF-1R蛋白质过度表达与基因扩增有关联。

56、Objective To clone and express Schistosoma japonicum (Sj) calcyphosine gene, and purify the expressed protein.目的 克隆和表达日本血吸虫钙磷蛋白基因,纯化表达产物。

57、The color scheme is off-white and coffee.米白色配咖啡色?是要表达什么意思呢?

58、因为我特地在情人节这一天对你表白 because i chose specially to assert my love to you

59、Methods Findings CT of lung in 方法回顾性分析我院确诊的13例白血病患者的肺部白血病浸润的CT表现。

13 patients with leukemia pulmonary infiltrations were reviewed.


标签: 英文 简短

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