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关于”表达对爱情失望“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Express disappointment in love。以下是关于表达对爱情失望的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express disappointment in love


1、Voters may have been expressing their disillusion with Mr Sarkozy as much as any faith that the Socialists could do better.


2、Mr. Dashwood's disappointment was, at first, severe;


3、Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?


4、Rafa Benitez spoke of his disappointment after Liverpool crashed to a 3-0 defeat to Espanyol in Spain on Sunday evening.


5、Carlo Ancelotti has expressed his understanding for Dario Simic's frustration at Milan.


6、Love comes, to those who still hope, although they've been disappointed;


7、Student who are our hope, we are the pillars of our civilization at this time, we should love others, using actions to express our home, school, love of the homeland.


8、I'm sorry. you're right. you're right. I'm sure j. l. hall will be very impressed With your passion for the dartmouth experience.


9、There is no doubt that his fame mainly came from his plays, however his poems expressed a strong eagerness of love and gracefully described the mellowness of it as well.


10、There is family, friendship and love; there is gain and loss, fame and worldliness . Even you are an open-minded person, you will still find something haunted in your memory.


11、The writings on emotion and love of Wusi female not only echo the general theme of individuality liberation, but also truly describe the gender experience of female.


12、There was disappointment following Van der Sar's heroics during the shootout, but Malouda insisted no blame can be attached.


13、"It's very frustrating to be going home tomorrow, I would like to stay longer and play some more tennis," a disappointed Haas said afterwards.


14、Dear Sir, You have expressed your frustration and irritation with the city library over the past one year.


15、For devotees of Hollywood Westerns, however, the results might be disappointing.


16、Love comes To those who still hope, although they've been disappointed;


17、Many Beijing residents said they were disappointed with the speculative reselling of tickets.


18、The disappointed fans of Aimi Eguchi already have.


19、I love you 4ever and won't let you down.


20、You can also use it to express things that you don't want to have happened.

21、The feelings that she silently conveyed were not lost on him: it was contempt infused with condescending love.她的沉默表明并没有完全对他失望,而是一种蔑视中混和着卑微的爱。

22、They do not necessarily want to overthrow their regime, but to express the depths of their frustration with its inadequacy.他们并不一定是要推翻这个政体,只是在表达他们对其无能失望到了何种程度。

23、Experts have expressed dismay at the quixotic Soviet-style project.专家们对这一不切实际的苏联式工程项目表示失望。

24、He expressed his disappointment and he apologized, I think, in a way that was very moving.他表达了自己的失望并道歉,我认为,某种程上来看他是非常真诚的。

25、The company was "disappointed that both shareholders in the joint venture hadn't yet been able to reach an agreement," Disney spokesman Jonathan Friedland said.迪斯尼发言人Jonathan Friedland表示,对“合资持股双方不能达成共识表示失望”。

英文句子26:,26、What are you looking so disappointed about?什么事情使你显得如此失望?

27、My feeling of disappointment only increased, here was a man who can't even express his predicament, what else can I hope from him?我对他愈来愈失望。这个男人甚至不会表达他窘况,我还可以对他怀有什麽希望?

28、Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.千万别伪装你的感情,也不要冷嘲爱情,尽管有乏味和失望时候,爱这感觉就有如顽强的野草生生不息。

29、Surprisingly, Wang was not disappointed with the runner-up finish I'm definitely not disappointed by my performance here in Penang .奇怪的是,王不失望与亚军-完成我绝对不会失望,我在这里的表现,在槟城。

30、Cao Zixuan questioned his wife, once the patriotic Du Xueyan where to go, and expressed her disappointment.曹子轩质问妻子,曾经那个爱国的杜雪颜哪里去了,并对她表示了失望。

31、She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.她对失败的一方表示同情。

32、A pedlar of gloom and despondency .沮丧失望情绪的散布者。

33、All the contestants, speaking in fluent English, expressed their vehement passion for the Olympic sportsmanship and a strong desire to develop friendship with Canadian people.所有的参赛者用流利的英语表达了对奥运体育精神的深情热爱和对发展中加二国人民的强烈愿望。

34、He despaired of being able to repair the TV set.他对能否修好这台电视机表示失望。

35、The firer to lover's nitpicking, is the source in to love nitpicking, to loses the free …射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧。

36、Impermeable across men and women love the people means that the deep love hope, and wade through water on behalf of sweet and happyly date.男女隔水相望意味着恋爱中的人们对爱情的深切期盼,而涉过水流则代表着甜蜜的欢会。

37、You should know that earlier:only love can make us full of hope and totally despaired.你早就应该知道,只有爱情可以令我们满怀希望而又失望得那么彻底。

38、If you have been disappointed by love, you may refuse to love again.假如爱曾让你失望,也许你会拒绝再次去爱。

39、The book ably expresses clare's longing as the one always left behind the frustrations of their unusual lifestyle and above all her overriding love for henry.此书巧妙地表达了总是被(亨利)甩在身后的克莱尔的渴望之情、他们不同寻常的生活方式中的挫折,而最重要的是,表达了她对亨利那种超脱一切的爱。

40、Always reveal disappointed expression when shrimp rice appears.总是在小虾米出现时流露出失望的表情。

41、An expectation a subject has expressed regarding an object.主体已经对客体进行表达的期望。

42、What we love that we have, but by desire we bereave ourselves of the love.爱我所爱,欲望过多反而会使我们丧失爱!

43、He really does want to be our hero, and that's how he expresses his love.他真的希望成为我们的英雄,因为这就是他表达爱的方式。

44、I would like to express my regretfulness and my heartfelt sorrow and loss for all the crimes committed from 1975 to 1979.对于一切发生在xx年至xx年期间的罪行,我希望表达我的忏悔和我内心感受到的悲哀和失落。

45、I hope you still give him compassion and unconditional love despite how frustrating he can be.希望无论他有多令人失望,你都会同情他和给予他无条件的爱。

46、Express clear expectations.表达清晰的期望。

47、我感到很失望因为你还不能放下对我的爱 I feel so upset because you still can not stop loving me.

48、Serena, who is secretly in love with Nick, sings a song about how she wants to act out her real life love scene with Nick.暗恋着尼克的塞瑞娜,在这首歌中唱出她如何希望可以在一场恋爱的戏里表达她对尼克的感情。

49、The women novels by DING Ling express the theme of the disillusion of the modern women in their pursuit of the ideal myth of love in the man-centered society.丁玲女性小说表达了现代女性在精神退场、欲望泛化的都市男性中心社会里对理想爱情神话追求的幻灭。

50、We condole with him on his loss.我们对他的损失深表同情。

经典英文句子51:表达对爱情失望,51、To SunLiRen HanShaoGong also expressed praise of love.孙立人对韩绍功也表达了赞扬之情。

52、coffee is bitter but love is sweet.咖啡是苦的,爱情却甜的 希望能对你有帮助

53、This magnificent promise does not indemnify us against the grief of losing a beloved brother or even against disappointment with God.这个美丽的希望没有保护我们免受失去亲爱兄弟的悲伤,或免受对上帝的失望。

54、A look of disappointment passed over his face.他脸上掠过失望的神情。

55、All the time Adebayor was giving interviews to foreign press confessing his love for Barcelona and AC Milan and was desperate to move to the San Siro.阿德巴约一直在外媒面前表达自己对巴塞罗那和AC米兰的爱和对转会圣西罗的迫切愿望。

56、In despair of "love" and met his another partner "peacockish" intended for his silver lining "Love", this time it was completely disappointed.在绝望中的“爱情”又遇到了自己的另一个伙伴“虚荣”本意为自己有一线生机的 “爱情”,这次却彻底的失望了。

57、In the Bible, many different people expressed this hopelessness.在圣经中,不同时代的人都曾表达这份绝望之情。

58、Boo!: I am palpably disappointed and/or trying to frighten you.No! :我对你写的表示失望。

59、She looked at him, love and disgust mingled on her face.她望着他,脸上露出爱与恨交织的表情。

60、Rosenberg's brother, Eduardo Rodas, told the press that CICIG was “our only hope for achieving justice.罗森博格的兄弟爱德华多·罗达斯(Eduardo Rodas)对媒体表示,CICIG是“我们获得公正的唯一希望。”

61、She looked at him, love and disgust mingling on her face.她望着他,脸上露出爱与恨交织的表情。

62、Love her but don't expect her to love you back, this will leave nothing but disappointment and make it worse.爱她,但不要期待她也会爱你,否则只会徒增失望,让事情更糟。

63、And if Arsene Wenger was hoping his skipper would use the occasion to pledge his allegiance to Arsenal, he was left disappointed.温格希望他的队长可以乘此机会,表达自己对阿森纳的忠心,但是看来他会感到失望了。

64、Everybody loves you, so don't let them down.每个人都爱你,所以别让大家失望。

65、Don't be disappointed with me, just remember that your child-wife loves you very, very much.别对我失望,只要记住你的童妻非常非常爱你。

66、Every love, will have to undergo anticipation, disappointment, hesitation and affirmation, smile and heart-broken.每一段爱情,都要经历期盼和失望,犹豫和肯定,微笑和心碎。

67、However i was a bit disappointed by how the terrans worked.不过对于人类的表现我有些失望。

68、I just hope they do three things for losers like me.我只希望他们能对像我一样的失败者做三件事情。

69、For their loved one is willing to pay, we do not have the time right away in the thought of return, thinking love is disappointing people.为自己爱的人付出谁都愿意,但切忌在付出的时候马上就想到回报,患得患失的爱情是很让人失望的。

70、"We are extremely disappointed, " said Omar Daair, spokesman for the British Embassy in Khartoum, the capital.“这真令我们非常失望,”一位名叫奥马•达爱尔的发言人对驻苏丹首都喀土木英国大使馆说。

71、I am so dissapointed of love and I don't want to love anyone in the future.我对爱是如此的失望,我不想要将来再爱任何人。

72、I remember how his shoulders slumped and his head hung down as he told me about his failure.我至今还记得他耷拉着肩膀,垂着头的失望表情。

73、Landau said he was not disappointed that "Avatar," which won three Oscars in technical categories, failed to net the major prizes.在谈到错失奥斯卡奖时,兰道表示自己对《阿凡达》并不失望。

74、Fisher has devoted much of her career to studying the biochemical pathways of love in all its manifestations: lust, romance, attachment, the way they wax and wane.费希尔把她的很大一部分精力投入到研究生物化学对爱情盛衰的各种表现(欲望、浪漫、依恋、达到极致、渐渐衰弱)的影响。


标签: 英文 爱情

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