梅花鹿用英语怎么说 梅花鹿英语翻译

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梅花鹿用英语怎么说 梅花鹿英语翻译

梅花鹿用英语翻译为"sika deer cervus nippon -",其次还可以说成" [脊椎] Sika deer",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到63个与梅花鹿相关的释义和例句。


1. sika deer cervus nippon -

梅花鹿翻译为 sika deer cervus nippon - 。

示例:“我叫虫子,致力于吃。”梅花鹿回答道。 "I called bugs, turn to eat."Sika deer takes to answer.


2. [脊椎] Sika deer

梅花鹿翻译为 [脊椎] Sika deer 。

示例:结霜的舞台上汇集了丹顶鹤、大天鹅、梅花鹿和雪猴。 A frosted stage gathers red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, sika deer, and snow monkeys.


3. cervus nippon sika deer -

梅花鹿翻译为 cervus nippon sika deer - 。

示例:通过与我们本地的赤鹿杂交,梅花鹿影响了基因库。 By cross-breeding with our native red deer, the skia deer have affected the gene pool.


4. [脊椎] Cervus nippon

梅花鹿翻译为 [脊椎] Cervus nippon 。

示例:Cloning and Analysis of Fibroblast Growth Factor 吉林双阳梅花鹿成纤维细胞生长因子10的克隆和基因分析

10 of Cervus Nippon Temminck



1. sika(梅花鹿

2. sika deer(梅花鹿)

3. spotted deer(n. 梅花鹿)

4. three branches(梅花鹿三岔砍茸;梅花三岔锯茸)

5. two branches(梅花两岔锯茸;梅花鹿两岔砍茸)

英语短语&俚语, Formosan sika deer ( 台湾梅花鹿 )

Braised venison in brown sauce ( 红烧梅花鹿 )

cut-off spotted-deer antler deer antler ( 梅花鹿砍茸 )

piece of spotted-deer antler spotted deer antler slice ( 梅花鹿茸片 )

Cervus Nippon Temmick Cenus nippen T emminck ( 物梅花鹿 )

sika deer pilose antler essence sika deer pilose antler e ence ( 梅花鹿茸精 )

Cervus nippon kopschi ( 华南梅花鹿 )


1. Wapiti are found in northern Fiordland; fallow deer occur in low-altitude forests; and sika, sambar and rusa live in North island forests.


2. Objective to study the curative effect of sika deer immunocyte activity factor (SiAF) on viral myocarditis in mouse model.

译文:目的研究梅花鹿免疫细胞活性因子(S IAF)对病毒性心肌炎的治疗作用。 。

3. (Applause) The queen of clubs!

译文:(掌声) 梅花Q! 。

4. Reproductive Speed of Selected Sika deer and Wapiti and its Utilization


5. Objective: To develop the gene resources of Jinlin Shuangyang Sika deer and reveal the pharmacological functions of deer herbs on the molecular level.

译文:目的:开发吉林双阳梅花鹿的基因资源,在分子水平上揭示鹿药材的药理作用。 。

6. Not far away, a herd of sikas.


7. RBM and growth rate of velvet of

5 male Cervus nipon were measured by the X-ray so as to realize correlation between velvet calcification and growth.

译文:为阐明鹿茸骨化与生长的关系,以5头雄性梅花鹿为试验材料,利用X射线测定活体鹿茸相对骨质密度(RBM)和鹿茸生长速度。 。

8. A frosted stage gathers red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, sika deer, and snow monkeys.

译文:结霜的舞台上汇集了丹顶鹤、大天鹅、梅花鹿和雪猴。 。

9. Study of C-Banding and High Resolution G-Banding of Cervus nippon hortulorum Chromosomes


10. Diagnosis and treatment of Clostridium perfringens type A infection in Cervus nippon and Elaphodus cephalophus


11. Study of the Technique of Living Body Blood Drawing for Cervus Nippon Sika Deer


12. Urgent strategies are needed for the protection of South China Sika Deer subspecies.


13. "i had a turn, one more round."Sika deer said.

译文:“我吃一个大虫就多一个圈圈。”梅花鹿说。 。

14. Deer cum! Deer cum! Deer cum!


15. ♪ Why, let the stricken deer go weep

译文:嗨 中箭的梅花鹿 让它去掉泪。


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