网上冲浪用英语怎么说 英语

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网上冲浪用英语翻译为" Unit NineSurfing the Internet",还经常被译作surfing,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到55个与网上冲浪相关的短语释义和例句。


1. Unit NineSurfing the Internet

网上冲浪翻译为 Unit NineSurfing the Internet 。

示例:这个简单的事实是:对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高,无法经常进行。 The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive to do on a regular basis.


2. surfing


示例:很多“夜猫子”每晚都在网上冲浪。 Many owls surf on the Internet every night.


3. Surfing the Internet

网上冲浪翻译为 Surfing the Internet 。

示例:没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。 No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.


4. surf the Internet

网上冲浪翻译为surf the Internet。

示例:- Do you surf the internet a lot? - 你常常上网吗?



1. surf the internet(网上冲浪)

2. cybersurf(网上冲浪)

3. Net surfing([计] 网上冲浪)

4. surf the Web(在网上冲浪)


5. surfed the net(上网;

英语短语&俚语, surf the internet surf the Web surf im Internet surfen ( 在网上冲浪 )

Internet ( 网上冲浪班 )

I am surfing the web I surf ( 我网上冲浪 )

He often in surf He often surf the web He often surfing the web ( 他经常在网上冲浪 )

For Web surfing For surfing ( 对于网上冲浪 )

Netsurfer surfers ( 网上冲浪者 )

Web surfing is fun Surfing is very interesting ( 网上冲浪很有趣 )

Tom long time surfing Tom how long surfing ( 汤姆多久网上冲浪一次 )


1. Surfing? in the middle of the ocean?

译文:冲浪吗 到大海里冲浪。

2. Do not act impulsively while you are shopping online as this can result in unnecessary mistakes including typing wrong shipping address.


3. Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health。

译文:有些人沉迷于网上冲浪,这对他们的身心健康有害。 。

4. So here are the tools we use for surfing the interwebs, and our recommendation from experience


5. You're checking your e-mails, you're surfing the web, a call comes in.

译文:你正在检查你的邮件 你在网上冲浪 突然来了一个电话。

6. Lorelei said that if she was born on Earth, she would've lived on the beach and surfed all day.

译文:罗蕾莱说,如果她出生在地球上, 她会一直住在海滩上冲浪,并整天。。

7. (aside: Aimless web surfing is a waste of time, and that's not the sort of surfing i'm referring to).


8. it ' s got a real cushiony , soft feeling , almost like you ' re surfing on a cloud


9. it's sort of surfing on a magnetic field at the crest of a wave.

译文:这就好像在 磁场上冲浪。。

10. Kickboxing, surfing, boogie-boarding.

译文:搏击 冲浪和冲浪板。

11. No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.

译文:没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。 。

12. And they say that they're still... surfing the net looking for this guy.

译文:然后继续说,他们 寻找这名男子在网上冲浪。

13. Travel can be liberating, but when it is incessant, we become permanent exiles without repose.

译文:旅行(网上冲浪)是自由的, 但当它变得不停不歇, 我们就变成了永久的流亡者,没有些许喘息。 。

14. But also it is very nessary for us to search the internet.


15. Taj Burrow of Australia competes in the Rip Curl Pro surfing tournament at Johanna Beach in Australia, on Friday.




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