差距用英语怎么说 差距英语翻译

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差距用英语怎么说 差距英语翻译

差距用英语翻译为"644 In general there is always a gap between the legal rights and actual rights.",在日常中也可以翻译为" [科技] gap",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到36个与差距相关的译文和例句。


1. 644 In general there is always a gap between the legal rights and actual rights.

差距翻译为 644 In general there is always a gap between the legal rights and actual rights. 。

示例:儿童保育供给的最佳和最低水准之间加大了差距。 The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision has widened.


2. [科技] gap

差距翻译为 [科技] gap 。

示例:这些措施旨在缩小贫富差距。 These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor.


3. 5349 This paper studies the income gap between Japanese society.

差距翻译为 5349 This paper studies the income gap between Japanese society. 。

示例:两个地区之间的工资差距正在拉大。 Wage differences in the two areas are widening.


4. disparity

差距翻译为 disparity 。

示例:There are conversations like economic disparity. 有对经济差距的讨论。



1. differtial timing(差距测时)


2. parsec(秒差距

3. distance difference measurement(差距测量)

4. duty differential(税率差距)

5. engineering gap(技术差距)

英语短语&俚语, the North-South gap North-South gap ( 南北差距 )

gaps between urban and rural areas rural-urban divide urban-rural gap Urban-rural Disparity ( 城乡差距 )

the gap between the poor and the rich wealth disparity ( 贫富差距 )

big gaps among different regions regional disparity the regional gaps ( 地区差距 )

the urban-rural income gap ( 城乡收入差距 )

income gap ( 收入分配差距 )

the gap between the South and the North is widening ( 南北差距问题突出 )

the trend of widening income gap ( 收入差距扩大趋势 )

the relative income gap between urban and rural residents ( 城乡居民相对收入差距 )


1. There are gaps between those rocks.

译文:有差距 这些岩石之间。。

2. Right, your age difference.

译文:对 你们年纪有差距。

3. And there's a lot of infrastructure things, and general human resources are there.

译文:还有基础设施的差距 以及人力资源的差距等等 。

4. Still on the age difference?


5. i've been having trouble with my medication.


6. Again, quite big differences.

译文:同样,差距很大。 。

7. There was a huge difference in the world.


8. Big difference between thinking about it and actually doing it.


9. The third thing is that inequality increased.

译文:三,贫富悬殊差距扩大。 。

10. You can see the difference.


11. There was a huge difference in the world.

译文:那时候各国差距很大 。

12. We sit and we keep banging our heads against this term: "Achievement gap, achievement gap!"

译文:我们不断为这个概念而苦恼: “成绩差距,成绩差距!” 。

13. i'd hate to have to live on the difference.


14. And the gap by education for both whites and blacks is even larger than the racial gap.

译文:黑人和白人之间的教育差距 比种族差距还要大。 。

15. And we see a wide range of scores.

译文:我们看到的分数差距很大。 。


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