经济管理专业英语翻译 英语

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经济管理专业的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 economy administration specialty,还网络中常译为" economic management",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到66个与经济管理专业相关的译文和例句。


1. economy administration specialty

经济管理专业翻译为 economy administration specialty 。

示例:我叫张静,毕业于宁夏大学经济管理学院,市场营销专业。 My name is Zhang graduated from Ningxia University, School of Economics and Management, marketing professional.


2. economic management

经济管理专业翻译为 economic management 。

示例:姚女士毕业于河南大学经济管理专业。 Ms. Yao graduated from Henan University and majored in economic management.


3. economics management speciality

经济管理专业翻译为 economics management speciality 。


1、In the teaching with specialized economic management, using SPSS system as the assisted teaching software can receive the good teaching result.


4. specialty of economic management

经济管理专业翻译为specialty of economic management。

示例:Constructing Management Specialty Practice Teaching System by Simulation Experiment Taching 以模拟实验教学为主构建管理类专业实践教学体系



1. economic management(经济管理)

2. management of economy(经济管理)

3. military economic management(军事经济管理)

4. modern economic management([经] 现代经济管理)


5. line managements(部门经济管理;

英语短语&俚语, Technological economic management ( 技术经济管理专业 )

MBA Global Business Management Option ( 全球化经济管理专业 )

economic and management education professional Educational economics and management specialty Econo( 教育经济与管理专业 )


1. Bush scored lowest in international relations, where he ranked 41st, and in economic management, where he placed 40th.

译文:布什在“国际关系”和“经济管理”两项的得分最低,分别排在第41位和第40位。 。

2. The first is managing our economies better.

译文:第一件事,是把我们的经济管理得更好。 。

3. Managing the economy while creating stability is vital, getting prices right, and policy consistency.

译文:把经济管理好,同时建立稳定性 ,这些都是非常重要的, 调控合适的价格和保证政策一致性。 。

4. You're a graduate in business administration and applied foreign languages.


5. Countries with high debts and a history of poor macroeconomic management would be most tempted to leave.


6. 75% of voters think the president has mismanaged the economy.

译文:75%的选民认为总统对经济管理不当。 。

7. Credit Managment, financial or accounting major is preferred.

译文:信用管理,财务金融类专业优先考虑。 。

8. AbstractThe % operation of the non-profit hospital makes the management of health economy to be an important part of hospital management inevitably.

译文:非营利医院的经营性,使卫生经济管理必然成为医院管理的一项重要内容。 。

9. Accounting as the basis of economic management is the footstone of socialism market economy.


10. Not only does it run the country as a vast gulag, not only has it so mismanaged its economy, it also spreads mischief internationally.

译文:它不单是像管理巨大的古格拉那样管理这个国家,不单将其经济管理得一塌糊涂,它还在国际上散播恶意。 。

11. He is a tinkerer, too, which is one reason why even businessmen who approve of his economic management have reservations about him.


12. So i choose Tourism Management (biasing towards hotel management) as my major in university.


13. David Eggebrecht vice president of academics, was working in the CUW at the economy management department also have class.


14. ESC Bordeaux: Bordeaux Ecole de Management


15. The early economic management idea is worthy of learning and sublimating.

译文:早期中国的经济管理思想还是有可以借鉴之处的。 。


标签: 翻译 专业 经济

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