多少的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 how ad,还经常被译作how much,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到70个与多少相关的释义和例句。
1. how ad
多少 翻译为 how ad 。
示例:让这个孩子爱试穿多少就试多少吧。 Let the child try on as many as she likes.
2. how much
多少 翻译为how much。
示例:你想花多少时间就花多少时间。 Take as much time as you like.
3. how many
多少 翻译为 how many 。
示例:“她挣多少(钱)?” 'How much (money) does she earn?
4. quanto
多少 翻译为 quanto 。
示例:Quanto serra il pro- pro-pros-prossimo. Quanto serra il pro pro -pros
1. howmany(多少)
2. down to go(完成(多少)未完(多少))
3. doozen( 多少)
4. doilful( 多少)
5. muchity( 多少)
英语短语&俚语, how much How Much Is It How much does it cost How money ( 多少钱 )
How many QUANTI How much is it ( 有多少 )
how many a few several The number of ( 多少个 )
More or Less ( 多多少少 )
How many times I've seen How many times ve seen How many times I&aposve seen ( 多少次我看见 )
who - Shows online players ( 多少人在钱 )
How Many Times TRY AGAIN How often ( 多少次 )
how far wieweit ( 多少距离 )
Summer kisses winter tears PASSION AND TEARS As long as I remember Tenderness and Tears ( 多少柔情多少泪 )
多少 翻译例句,
1. So how many more, Tom? How many more?
译文:还有多少 汤姆 还有多少。
2. Comes up short, we make good.
3. - Kill as many as you can!
译文:- 能杀多少杀多少!。
4. How much? What's the damage?
译文:多少 要花费多少。
5. How much fuel, how much food, how much ammo.
译文:还有多少燃料 多少食物 多少弹药。
6. We can give as much as you want
7. Whatever he can do, that's enough.
8. You're sweating a lot because of rehearsal, right?
9. Holy infant, so tender and mild.
10. How many, how many, how many?
译文:多少? 多少个?。
11. i must... get more business
译文:做... 做多少算多少。
12. Have all the beer you want, Dom.
译文:要多少有多少 唐。
13. So many attempts on my life
14. You can shoot as much as you want, all right, i don't care.
15. Do your best and that's enough.
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