法治的英语说作"rule of law",其次还可以说成"government by law -",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到96个与法治相关的翻译和例句。
1. rule of law
法治翻译为rule of law。
示例:我坚信我们能够恢复和平、稳定和对法治的尊重。 I am confident that we can restore peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.
2. government by law -
法治翻译为 government by law - 。
示例:对法治的呼吁取代了20世纪xx年代的“姑息忍让”。 The call for law and order replaced the "permissive tolerance"of the 1960s.
3. rule of law -
法治翻译为 rule of law - 。
示例:书写不规范的法律条文有悖于法治和民主。 Badly written legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of democracy.
4. rule of law
法治翻译为 rule of law 。
示例:This is a man who believes in the rule of law-ish. 此人却藐视法律 This is a man who believes in the rule of law -ish.
1. governed by law(法治)
2. law government(法治)
3. government by law([法] 法治)
4. juring( 法治)
5. rule by law([法] 法治)
英语短语&俚语, the rule of law the governance of the country must always be done according to the law law-based go( 依法治国 )
the strategy of building a country under the rule of law a law-based country law-based country Rech( 法治国家 )
law-based government government administration based on the rule of law A law-based government ( 法治政府 )
the concepts of rule of law a rule-of- law culture in guiding our thinking think in terms of the ru( 法治思维 )
comprehensively promote law-based governance to fully advance the law-based governance a comprehens( 全面依法治国 )
to run the armed forces in accordance with the law law-based governance of the military ( 依法治军 )
socialist country based on the rule of law a socialist country ruled by law a law-based socialist c( 社会主义法治国家 )
methods of rule of law a rule-of- law culture in guiding our work ( 法治方式 )
law-based society A law-based society ( 法治社会 )
1. in which she helped people with learning disabilities.
2. There's only one cure for that.
3. Magic healing potion. Wizards...
4. Corruption, loose legislation.
译文:腐败 松散的法治。
5. "No cure for dumb."Funny.
译文:人傻没法治 真逗。
6. Number four: rule of law.
四:法治 。
7. Dropped out the legit world and became-
8. i got your medicine, though.
9. The wound that does not heal.
10. § Bruises that won't heal §
11. Send it for law and order.
12. Even if they found a cure for cancer tomorrow...
13. This is the rule of man, not the rule of law Sir
译文:这是人治 不是法治 Sir。
14. Federation of Holistic Therapists, FHT
15. We need to find a way to cure her...
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