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关于”句型结构完整版“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Full version of sentence structure。以下是关于句型结构完整版的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Full version of sentence structure

这整个的结构称作客户-服务模型(client-server model)。

1、This whole arrangement is called the client-server model.


2、As to one of the prime structure of high pipe dock, We need to adjust the structure of dock to the current.


3、Fully persistent data is a persistent data structure that both maintains and allows updates to all versions of its data.

“在一天结束的时候,我想总之一句话-完整, ”张说。

4、"At the end of the day, I would sum it up in one word — integrity, " Teo said.


5、Creative skills, combined Chinese and Western, the novel structure of both the delicate, complex, and careful and precise and complete.


6、Light wood truss is a common structural member in light wood frame constructions, whose bearing capacity has a close relation with the safety performance of the whole structure.


7、Zhuang Tzu is China's first prose work with a fairly complete artistic structure.


8、You can use closures to make statements about the architectural integrity of your models.


9、Sodium magnesium fructose diphosphate conduced to maintenance the integrality of myocardial cell ultrastructures.


10、The fault depression structure developed well, and had deeper depression, wide slope, many faults, lots of unconformity and many kinds of sandstone body in Ban-qiao sag.


11、Its large scale and complete structure preserved are rarely seen in China.


12、Methods: Anatomic observation and measurement of 50 larynxes samples in men with structural integrity.


13、The process changing from high control organization to high involvement organization is the process changing information structure and decision structure.


14、Then, energy of Chinese personality structure that had once can be kept as well as new personality structure can be constructed.


15、The whole building was square, architectural form as the form of Tang, the structure type is steel, the brackets for the wood component.


16、When you believe the structure and content are coming together, go through your full conversion workflow with a good-sized sample, then review the results.

阿诺尔迪的贡献, 从佛斯特建筑的海报到内部空间内的指定彩色介入到巨大的 新型结构完整而复杂的彩色构想。

17、Arnoldi's contributions range from posters of Foster's buildings to targeted chromatic interventions in interior spaces to the complex total "chromatic concept" for a massive new structure.


18、Only a lift with the structural integrity of the Pinnacle can do this!


19、Coordinate the job between the Sample Master and the sample makers to better control the quality and craftsmanship of the samples.


20、With detailed calculation, provides complete data of cooling load coefficients for sensible heat gain from human bodies in rooms with different building envelopes.

21、Building information model was used to describe the whole structure and precisely fulfill the construction so that all irregular shapes would connect into single complex three-dimensional form.建筑信息模型用于描述整个结构,精确地满足了施工,以便所有不规则形状连接成完整的复杂的三维形式。

22、But when the sheathing goes, structural integrity goes with it.但是,一旦盖板被腐蚀,那么结构上的完整性也就随之而去了。

23、X-rays diffraction revealed that at 750℃ the BST films had crystallized into ABO3 perovskite phase.射线衍射分析表明:退火温度在750℃以上时,BST薄膜转变成较为完整的ABO3型钙钛矿结构;

24、The lymph nodes were swelling and yellowing, the structure of lymph nodule was not complete, the paracortex of it became broadened.淋巴结肿大发黄,淋巴小结的结构不完整,淋巴结的副皮质区增宽;

25、The results were as follows: fetal thymus structure of induced abortion by water pocket is clear, cellular membrane is intact, intracellular organelles are healthy.结果发现:水囊引产儿胸腺结构清楚,细胞膜完整,细胞内细胞器完好。

英文句子26:,26、Over time, our picture of the al Qaeda network grew more complete.随着时间的推移,我们对'基地'组织网络结构了解的更加完整。

27、Zuolong Village is a typical Dong Minority village that maintains many original eco-cultures and possesses relatively unabridged spatial structure.座龙寨是一个保持较多原生态文化、空间结构较完整的典型侗族村寨。

28、Conclusion A 3-D finite element model of the wrist that includes the carpal tunnel, distal radius and ulna and proximal metacarpals is developed.结论立体构架了包括整个腕管结构、远端尺骨和桡骨以及近端掌骨的腕部整体三维有限元模型。

29、Considering crash safety of the car side structure, a sub-structure model of the car side assembly was derived based on the side impact finite element model.考虑汽车侧围结构的碰撞安全性,由整车侧撞有限元模型导出了侧围子结构模型。

30、Some institute will soon be releasing an Internet book of the complete version of Dahua English Chatroom.此外,有关机构还将推出《大话英语聊天室》(完整版)之网络图书。

31、An RMC Delivery Process provides a complete lifecycle model that has been detailed by sequencing Method Content in work breakdown structures (WBS).一个RMC发布过程提供了一个完整的生存周期模型,该模型包括了被细化的在方法内容中的工作分解结构(WBS)。

32、At the last , it completes the restruction plan of Liangjia village.完成典型村庄梁家庄村的空间结构生态化重构方案。

33、Plus, the exoskeleton provides thermal mass for insulation and other eco-friendly assistance .Cor的外部构局确保结构完整,配备绝缘热式质量器和环保的辅助设备。

34、The computing model is optimized according to the model board trolley installation form and the concrete pouring process.根据现场测量时模板台车的结构安装形式和混凝土浇注的施工步骤,反复修整完善计算模型。

35、The LTPA token is easy to configure compared to a full Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).与完整的公钥基础结构 (PKI) 相比,LTPA 令牌比较容易配置。

36、The structure-boundary unity may be impaired by change in the process of organization, which may c.语言表达式的良构性和可接受性在于结构-边界统一体的完整性。

37、RESULTS: An intact diagnostic model from all 253 discrepant protein peaks, and a terse model from the top-scored 结果:以全部253个差异表达蛋白质峰的数据构建完整诊断模型,以差异最大的4个峰的数据构建简化诊断模型。

4 peaks were built.

38、Competition from the big local banks, only recently recapitalised, will prove formidable as they develop greater product sophistication.事实将证实,最近刚刚完成资本结构调整的本地大型银行一旦开发出更加成熟的产品,将带来强大的竞争。

39、Around 大约

1, 500 years ago St Benedict set out the framework for a complete life – a structured mix of physical labour, exercise and devotions.

1.xx年前,St Benedict 建立了一个完整人生的模型——锻炼,劳动和奉献的结构组合。

40、The optimal design of structure and layout for9926dual N-channel enhancement mode VDMOSFET is presented.文章对9926型双N沟增强型VDMOSFET进行了结构和版图的优化设计。

41、In the first biopsy, the tumor consisted of three kinds of distinct cell type: mucin-producing cell, intermediate cells and epidermoid cells and lots of cystic structures containing mucin.第一次活检标本镜下见淋巴结包膜完整,结内肿瘤组织主要由3种细胞构成:黏液细胞、中间型细胞及表皮样细胞,并可见较多含黏液的囊腔结构。

42、Tests were made on the strength of ACY-2 LHD machine's bodywork structure, which validated the correctness of the FE model.进行了ACY-2型地下铲运机整机结构强度实验,验证了整机有限元模型的正确性。

43、Conclusion Heat treatment could increase the amount of crystalline HA of the coatings and resumed the structural integrality.结论通过适当的热处理可以恢复HA的结构完整性,同时提高涂层的结晶度。

44、This model is made of soft PVC, with tube.本模型整体结构采用PVC 软搪塑制成。

45、Consolidation works for all databases that are on-disk structure ODS 50 and later.附件整合适用于所有磁盘结构为 ODS 50 或更高版本的数据库。

46、The establishing of paradox logical position, provide necessary explanation for the logic structure from the complete nature structure to the incomplete nature structure.悖论的逻辑地位的确立,为逻辑结构从完全性结构向不完全性结构转型提供了必要的说明。

47、WC powders prepared at higher temperatures are characterized by complete sintering, coarse substructure and slight micro-strain.在高温下制取的WC 粉,结晶完整,晶内亚结构粗大,微观应变小。

48、Finally, the entire modeling process was illustrated by instance from the product requirement structural sub-tree to overall product lifecycle structural model.最后,通过实例阐明了从产品需求结构子树到整个产品全生命周期结构模型的构建过程。

49、Tensegrity structure is a new type of structure consisting of a continuous set of cables and a discrete set of struts.张拉整体结构是一种由连续拉索和断续压杆构成的新型结构。

50、The mid course is combined with variable structure proportional navigation in the homing phase.该中段制导律与末段变结构比例导引律相结合完成整个制导过程。

经典英文句子51:句型结构完整版,51、Results There were 结果 病理分型为透明血管型4例,浆细胞型1例,肿块包膜完整。

4 hyaline-vascular type LCD patients and

1 plasma-cell type LCD, all had complete capsule.

52、Conclusion EGF can preserve the mucosal structure of the graft, maintain the integrity of the ultrastructure of graft enterocyte after small bowel transplantation in rat.结论EGF能较好保护大鼠移植小肠黏膜结构,维持移植肠上皮细胞超微结构的完整。

53、Gewurztraminer , full - bodied and well - structured, is probably the best - known Alsace wine.完整酒体,结构紧凑, 可能是阿尔萨斯最出名的葡萄酒。

54、Introduced a example that the whole structure into mosaic structure for the computer monitor shell.介绍了一个大型盲孔电极的整体式结构改成镶拼式结构实例。

55、Your goal is to discover the book. You?want a quick-and-dirty, unsophisticated, general picture of the writer's?purpose, methods, and conclusions.你的目标是探索整本书,并列出一个有关作者写作目的、方法、结论的完整框架结构。

56、Adopt the struction of aluminum rail with high strength, equipped with latest improved aluminum clips, which makes the whole machine more precise.采用高强度铝导轨型材结构,配合最新改进型铝夹头,使整个机体结构更为精密。

57、Weight is in proportion to the overall size and structure.体重与整体身型及身体结构成比例。

58、Semi-structured data refers to data with some form of structure but not enough structure to fit gracefully into a relational model.半结构化数据是指带有某些形式的结构但是结构还不足以完美地适合关系模型的数据。

59、Effects of estuary regulation are related to the structural type of dykes, but it is difficult to study the effect of some local complex structures with physical models directly.河口整治工程的实施效果与堤坝的结构型式密切相关,在河工模型上直接研究局部复杂结构对整治效果的影响有较大难度。

60、And the overall mechanism of the robot with six legs is designed in simulation to the structure of water strider.并模拟仿生原型水黾结构,采用六条腿结构方式设计了水上行走机器人整体机构。

61、Dot plot image of DNA fluorescence could form region of diploid and tetraploid in integrated cell.结果显示:结构完整的细胞DNA的荧光点图形成二倍体、四倍体的区域。

62、To acquire intact mass structure with better symmetry, various methods of convex corner compensation were studied based on a sort of accelerometer of beam-mass structure.以一种梁-质量块结构的加速度计为模型,为了在加工过程中,得到完整的质量块结构,使结构具有更好的对称性,对各种凸角补偿方式进行了研究。

63、The C-body design, compact structure, overall casting make the machine high rigid.型机身设计,结构紧凑,整体铸造刚性好。

64、Let’s consider a simplified version of the small tree structure from Figure 考虑一个简化版的小型树结构,如 图


8 所示。

65、The curved concrete walls and floors arch up and outward, deriving their structural integrity from their shell-like double curvature.弯曲的水泥墙和地板向外拱起,使双曲型的外壳结构得以完整。



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