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关于”上册的单词和“的英语句子29个,句子主体:The words in the first volume and。以下是关于上册的单词和的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The words in the first volume and


1、She sent me some post-cards , a few books , a pocket English dictionary and an album of picture .


2、Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting …


3、Evidently many people over they years have made this association but it isn’t based on etymological fact.

您可以将实体解析器注册在分析器上,如“清单 4”中所示。

4、You can register your entity resolver on your parser as shown in Listing


DB2 可以使用定义在单个关系列上的索引来响应此列上的任何等式谓词或范围谓词。

5、DB2 can use an index defined on a single relational column to answer any equality or range predicate on this column.


6、Our article submitter can do all of the manual and monotonous jobs for you.


7、The first one to write the word on the board scores a point.


8、We've got a huge selection of single or multi-pocket display counters in stock for all sizes of pamphlet and leaflets.


9、With over 2000 alphabetical entries, this encyclopaedia of Shakespeare is the most comprehensive one-volume resource on the man and his works.


10、There are currently 23 albums 0.223 words in our database.



5. GBeanInfo for the portlet entity registry service GBean

5. portlet 实体注册服务 GBean 的 GBeanInfo


12、I can read the words in the phrasebook, but I can't say them .


13、My daughter learned the new words in lesson 89 this evening.

我将说明如何以 HTML 和 XML 的形式在 Web 上提供单词信息。

14、I show how to serve up word information on the Web in HTML and XML forms.

然而,在 UNIX 上使用 OS 注册表时,多节点单元就不受支持。

15、However, when an OS registry is used on UNIX, then multi-node cells are not supported.


16、She spelled all the words into Helen's hand.

如果在这个文件中还存在 “marketable” 或 “marketed” 之类的单词,那么上面的命令也会显示包含这些单词的行的内容。

17、If the words "marketable" or "marketed" had occurred in the file, the utility would have displayed the lines containing those words as well.


18、The Match case and Whole words only checkboxes become available if this checkbox is selected.


19、And she reviewed the new words and some of the content in lesson 105 this evening.


20、The longer you are swiping, the fewer words could possibly match.

21、If you are looking for a word plus one of its possible derivatives, include the distinguishing characters of the derivative in parentheses.如果您正在查找一个单词加上它的一个派生词,可以在圆括号中包含派生词的标志字符。

22、The students can learn over 500 new words, nearly 40 key words or grammar, 24 commonly-used morphemes and nearly 100 relevant words, 27 sets of synonym discriminations and over 30 idioms.学完本册,学生可以掌握500多个生词、近40个重点词语或语法、24个常用语素和近100个相关词语、27组近义词辨析以及30多个成语。

23、You type at the keyboard words that you want to encrypt.你从键盘上键入你想加密的单词。

24、Put the words on the blackboard, one student of every team come to the blackboard. When the teacher says the word they must touch the word as fast as they can. The one who touches fastest wins.老师把单词卡贴在黑板上,每组派一位同学到黑板前,当老师说出单词时,他们必须快速摸到单词,最快者获胜。

25、Continue with each of the words until all are on the tree.将所有单词的图片都挂到树上。

英文句子26:,26、According to the eontent, which word should be used?根据上下文哪个单词应填在这里?

27、'Bizarre and creepy are good adjectives to describe much of Gadhafi's behavior, ' State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said when told of the photo album.谈及相册一事时,努兰德说,奇怪和诡异是两个描述卡扎菲行为方式的不错的形容词,所以相册一事并没让我感到意外。

28、Firstly described the criteria of the verb judging and the verb statistics, and then marked a brief introduction to the classification and composition of"Yizhoushu"Verbs from the macro perspective.阐述了《逸周书》动词的判断标准、动词数量统计标准,并从宏观上简单介绍了《逸周书》动词的分类和构成。

29、The word which is not splitted can get better result of text classification than the splitted word.同时对哈萨克语单词切分和未切分进行分类对比.得出未切分单词可以得出更好的分类效果。

30、Merriam Webster is even more strange in tracing its etymology to a French word for a flat round cake.但韦氏大词典更为奇怪,它将galoshes的词源追溯到一个意为“平圆蛋糕”的法语单词上了。

31、He gave us the travel brochure which is full of the blandishment .他给了我们尽是吹捧之词的旅行宣传手册。

32、Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products.这儿有一份价目单和先容阐明我方产品的小册子。

33、In fact what we have--we have another Greek word.事实上我们…我们又学了一个希腊单词。

34、Twitter’s registration form uses both dynamic validation (for the name, email address, password and user name) and smart defaults (“Keep me logged in”).Twitter的注册表单使用了动态验证(在姓名、邮箱、密码和用户名上)和智能缺省(“保持登录状态”)。

35、He said 'millions' of people are on voter rolls 'who shouldn't be registered.他表示选民名单上有缍“几百万人不应该被登记在册”。

36、The low-tech task seemed endless: Previously unknown words or new usages of known words were always coming to light in archaeological ruins.这种看起来低技术含量无休止的工作,这些看不懂的单词或者单词的新鲜用法经常给考古废墟上带来一丝光明和希望。

37、Should we remember all the new words and expressions?我们应该熟记所有的新 单词和表达吗?

38、Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural include the singular.除非上下文另有要求,单词的单数应包括复数,且复数也包括单数。

39、Then, a click-listener is installed on the button, so that when the button is clicked, the first form is submitted via Ajax.然后,它在按钮上注册一个单击事件,所以当按钮被单击时,第一个表单会通过 Ajax 方式提交。

40、The same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy , and such a word is called a polysemic word.同一个单词可能有一个以上的意义,这就是我们所说的一词多义,这样的词叫多义词。

41、Some word historians say that nitty-gritty refers to the debris – or remains -- left on the floor of slave ships.一些单词历史学家说这个词指的是贩奴船上的碎片。

42、Directly Connected ESB with single registry具有单一注册中心的直连 ESB

43、Amazon, on the other hand, simplifies the process for registered and new customers.另一方面,亚马逊的表单把注册用户和新用户合二为一了。

44、In Canada, it is easy to register a company especially partnership or sole-ownership company.公司注册在加拿大是一个相对简单易办的事,尤其是无限公司注册。

45、He had learned 3000 words by the end of last week.到上周末为止,他已经学了3000哥单词。

46、Fill in the blanks with proper words.根据题意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词。

47、A lone asterisk matches all registrations).单一星号匹配所有注册)。

48、Dictionaries are an essential tool for keeping a language in cohesive form. They are manuals of usage and receptacles of wisdom.词典是使语言保持完整的一种重要工具,是指导词汇用法的手册和容纳人类智慧的宝库,也是历代语言使用者如何使用词汇的历史记载。

49、Chinese vocabulary mainly from a monosyllabic word, the transition to sound words mainly in Chinese history is a great development and changes.汉语词汇从以单音词为主,过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语史上的一大发展变化。

50、Make things easy for these folks by placing a registration link on your log-in pages.在你的登录页面上放一个注册链接 可以使这一切变得简单。

经典英文句子51:上册的单词和,51、and you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up- and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted.然后,您可以分别使用 CTRL-N 和 CTRL-P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。

52、Click Start , click Run , type regedit , and then click OK .单击开始 ,单击运行 ,键入注册表 ,然后点击OK 。

53、Lists of those eligible for boats, nets, and housing were prepared and posted on village walls.官员们将那些符合条件可以享受渔船、渔网和住房补偿的户主名单登记在册,并在村里的墙上张榜公布。

54、SOME - can be singular with uncountable nouns or plural with countable nouns.和不可数名词一起用时可以是单数,和可数名词一起用时可以是复数。

55、By the end of last month, we had learned 200 words.上个月末,我们已经学了200个单词。

56、The idea is that for a misspelling, you should look for words that are suitably "close" -- using the definition of distance -- to the misspelled word.它的意义在于,对于拼写错误的单词,您应当查找和它“接近”(这就使用了距离的定义)的单词。

57、She learned the five new words in lesson 105 tonight.今天晚上,她学习了第一百零五课的五个新单词。

58、Inside CHUser.body.php, the init method registers two tags: and (see Listing 在 CHUser.body.php 内,init 方法注册了两个标记: 和 (参见清单



59、The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.联贯单词或思想在逻辑或智力上的次序;

60、Tests conducted the next morning showed that the participants could remember and recognize more words than they did immediately after learning them.第二天早上实施的测试表明,比起学了单词以后立即进行的测验,参与者们可以记住并识别出更多的单词。

61、What's the longest word in the world besides pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?除了“矽肺病”之外,世界上最长的单词是什么?

62、This is a pen. That is a pencil.你们会听到单词:书、包、钢笔和铅笔。

63、Create your own word list and practice them to perfection.创建您自己的单词表和实践完美。

64、Quotation and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.一受到贵方具体询价单,我方马上航空邮寄样品册并报价。


标签: 上册 单词

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