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关于”4个单词的短句“的英语句子22个,句子主体:a short sentence of four words。以下是关于4个单词的短句的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a short sentence of four words



4. Development configuration file (dev.cfg)



2、There is no disputing about tastes. lz5.cc



4. ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist




4 shows secret.i, a SWIG template for the new extension.

4 所示的 secret.i 就是这个新扩展的 SWIG 模板。


5、The response is processed by a second stylesheet, shown in Listing


4 所示。



4. Testing an edge case: What if someone presses the button without typing in a word?

4. 测试一个极端例子:如果有人没有输入单词就按下了按钮该怎么办?



4. The gnosis.xml.objectify.utils.XPath() function

4. gnosis.xml.objectify.utils.XPath() 函数


8、On many farms the traditional 4-year growth cycle has been reduced to as little as six months.



4. rake db:test:prepare

4. rake db:test:prepare

另一个有用的 Linux 命令是 dmesg,如清单

10、Another useful Linux command is dmesg, as shown in Listing


4 所示。


11、There are those who return to the great pyramid carrying specific Ark Names comprised of

4 specific vocables put together from the Alphabet of the Ark.

这个命令生成的输出如 清单

12、This command produces the output shown in Listing


4 所示。

这个例子使用的配置文件如 清单

13、This example assumes the configuration file shown in Listing


4 所示。


14、How to play: Ask

3 or

4 kids to form a circle. The teacher puts some vocabulary cards around the circle.


15、Distance show "----"

4 short horizontal line, that goal can not be measured too far back.

4 个短横线,表示目标太远无法测回。

这里有4个床位,一些摆放杂乱的工具,和--穿过一段短小的连接回廊--第二个舱室里有 三个链接单元 。

16、There are

4 bunks,a clutter of science gear,and – through a short connecting corridor -- THREE LINK UNITS in the second module.

xx月xx日,星期四(每日健康新闻)-- 一项新的研究表明,如果你在努力学习一个新的单词,你可能想要考虑一晚上。


4 (HealthDay News) -- If you're trying to learn a new word, you may want to sleep on it, a new study suggests.


18、Thus, in Listing

4, the HTML element has an onload attribute.

4 中,HTML 元素有一个 onload 属性。

在 清单

19、In Listing

4, you see two sections to the template.

4 中,您看到了模板的两个部分。

例如,如果 COL1 是一个长度为

20、For example, if COL1 is a character column of length one, a predicate like COL1 BETWEEN '2' AND '4' could be rewritten as COL1 IN ('2', '3', '4').

1 的字符列,像 COL1 BETWEEN '2' AND '4' 的一个谓词可能被重写为 COL1 IN ('2', '3', '4')。

21、Listing 清单

4. Library map for shm_client1

4. shm_client1 的库映射

22、Listing 清单

4. A portion of cd_catalog.xml

4. cd_catalog.xml 的一部分

23、Inside each lobe there are 每个圆裂片内都有3到4根触发陷阱的短毛。

3 or

4 short trigger6) hairs.

24、I count zero positive and four negative (fear, killed, pandemic, infectious).我数出了0个积极词,4个消极词(担心,死亡,瘟疫,传染性)。

25、To populate the file, loop through the values in your word map, writing each to a row in your file (see Listing 要填充文件,可循环通过单词映射中的值,将每个值写到文件中的一行(参见 清单



英文句子26:,26、Listing 清单 5(test3.xml)是针对清单 4(具有多个 label )的有效文档示例。

5 (test3.xml) is an example of a document that is valid against Listing

4, having more than one label.

27、The query in Listing 清单

4 states several relations you'd want to hold.

4 中的查询规定了您希望拥有的几个关系。

28、Three blocks of 4-storey staff quarters with 28 units of various sizes;三座4层员工宿舍楼,28个不同大小的单元;

29、In Listing 在清单

4, firstname is a string that is specified at runtime.

4 中,firstname 是一个在运行时指定的字符串。

30、Listing 清单

4. The populateDiv function

4. populateDiv 函数

31、Listing 清单

4. The XQuery file (searchResults.xq)


32、Listing 清单

4 shows an example of the custom animation method.

4 给出了此定制动画方法的一个例子。

33、Listing 清单

4 shows how this works for a single element definition, using the handy compact syntax of RELAX NG.

4 说明了处理单个元素定义的过程,使用的是 RELAX NG 紧凑语法。

34、And then we hand you 140,000 English words in the form of a big text file much like our aspiring pre-med students in recent months, and we challenge you to implement the fastest spellchecker possible.然后我给你一个包含1万4千单词的超大文本,就跟前段时间那位,有抱负的医学预科班的学生一样,我想让你在最短时间内实现拼音检查。

35、You have to choose among either 在这游戏中,您将需要在

4 Chinese words or

4 picture which has the same meaning to their picture or Chinese words equivalent.

4 个中文字词或

4 张图片中选择一个意思与所提供图片或字词相应的答案。

36、They are dancing to the music .他们正在伴着音乐跳舞。

37、The next screen, in Figure 下一个屏幕,如图 4,只包含一个鼠标单击。

4, involved nothing more than a single mouse click.

38、Listing 清单

4 contains the source code for this first recipe.

4 包含第一个食谱的源代码。

39、Listing 清单

4. The cfs_rq structure

4. cfs_rq 结构

40、Listing 清单

4. ProdConSample, v2 (Scala)


41、This application includes the error-handling functions discussed in Listing 这个应用程序包含 清单


4 中的错误处理函数。

42、And then we hand you 140,000 English words in the form of a big text file much like our aspiring pre-med students in recent months, and we challenge you to implement the fastest spellchecker possible.然后我给你一个包含1万4千单词的超大文本,就跟前段时间那位,有抱负的医学预科班的学生一样,我想让你在最短时间内实现拼音检查。

43、Listing 清单

4 shows an LZX application with nested views.

4 显示一个包含嵌套视图的 LZX 应用程序。

44、Distance show "----" 脱靶时显现“――――”

4 short horizontal line, that goal can not be measured too far back.

4 个短横线,表示目的太远无法测回。

45、That's because it is the rudest, crudest, most taboo term in the English language, the superstar of four-letter words.那是因为它在英语语言中是最无礼的,最粗俗的,最忌讳的词语,是4个字母的单词中的超级巨星。

46、The result of applying Listing 将清单

4 to Listing

3 is an HTML document with all the photos.

4 应用到 清单 3的结果是生成一个带有所有照片的 HTML 文档。

47、Order will arrive within 3-4 business days from placement.订单将在3-4个工作日到达的位置。

48、Listing 清单

4 shows an excerpt from the event channel.

4 显示了事件通道的一个摘录。

49、Engineering evaluation units can be delivered within 4-8 weeks ARO and production units within 工程评价单位会在4-8周内收到订单,生产单位会在其后的4周内收到。

4 weeks thereafter.

50、It is interesting that only 4% of these passwords were dictionary words and the great majority is actually alphanumeric.有趣的是,这些密码里仅有4%是字典里的单词,并且绝大多数实际上是字母。

经典英文句子51:4个单词的短句,51、Switch to the 4-pane layout, click Apply 4-pane layout on the tool bar.切换到

4 个窗格的布局视图,单击工具栏上的 Apply 4-pane layout。

52、This week, administered and then briefly reviewed the Final Exam and some key components of Units 1-4 "mainly the grammar points and practical English Vocabulary for each Unit".这个星期,我们复习了期末考试和1-4单元的主要内容,并且对每个单元的基本词汇和语法进行了练。

53、Listing 清单

4 shows the output of the run on the node ha1.

4 展示了在节点 ha1 上运行这个程序的输出。

54、Although Sphinx-4 does not currently support word spotting, we can still achieve useful results by forcing all utterances to match at least one of the words in the grammar.虽然 Sphinx-4 目前不支持单词定位,但是仍然可以通过强制所有发音至少在语法上匹配一个单词来获得有用的结果。

55、If you are shooting film remember this piece of advice… F I L M is a four-letter word!如果你是用胶片拍摄,请记住F I L M是一个4个字母的单词!

56、Listing 清单

4. Persistence unit XML entry within web.xml

4. web.xml 中的持久性单元 XML 项

57、Also in 在提后

2 Timothy

4:2, Paul uses the word "reprove."


58、Line 行

15 constructs the Soundex by truncating the word to four characters (possibly padded with 0 characters).

15 通过把单词裁剪成

4 个字母,形成 Soundex (可能要用字符 0 来填充)。

59、Listing 清单

4. Memory code (test2.c)


60、Listing 清单

4. A Sample SOAP message

4.一个样本 SOAP 消息

61、Compile the module using the makefile in Listing 4使用清单

4 中的 makefile 编译这个模块

62、The output from Listing 清单

4 is

1 8


4 的输出为

1 8


63、Listing 清单

4: Generating a trackback with PHP

4:使用 PHP 生成一个 trackback

64、Glycoprotein composed of 含4个相同亚单位的糖蛋白。

4 identical subunits.

65、Listing 清单

4. todo_freeform queries

4. todo_freeform 查询

66、And the most effective time of on-the-spot first aid is only 现场最有效的抢救时间只有短短的4分钟,这就是“黄金4分钟”。

4 minutes, which is called "4-minute prime time".


标签: 英文 单词 短句

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