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关于”主系表状语结构“的英语句子54个,句子主体:subject tabular adverbial structure。以下是关于主系表状语结构的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:subject tabular adverbial structure


1、To some extent, talking about context involves history and ideology. Structuralists view context as the relation between synchronic texts.


2、The results show that both the lexical aspect and narrative structure affect the distribution of verbal morphology in interlanguage produced by Chinese instructed learners of English.


3、These disks, called active galactic nuclei, can outshine the rest of the host galaxy.


4、Under three-dimensional spherical confinement, the diblock copolymer formed various structures which could not form in the bulk and one-dimensional or two-dimensional confinements .

它们都为层状结构, 属单斜晶系。

5、All of them are monoclinic with layered structure.


6、Ores are of pegmatite granites texture, graphic and massive, banded structure.


7、For another, the clouds don't look like the disheveled spheroidal dwarf galaxies that closely orbit the Milky Way and other major spirals.


8、According to Systemic Phonology, one of the functions of English intonation is textual since it expresses the information structure.


9、The prepositional phrase those express manner, instruments, locative and object can form manner adverbial.

SCA 是与语言和技术无关的体系结构,使用这种体系结构,可以对服务进行组合,而不管用来实现组件的语言和技术。

10、SCA is a language- and technology-neutral architecture to enable service composition without regard for what language and technology is used to implement components.


11、Developed by Halliday, Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG) has two components: Systemic grammar and Functional grammar, which are two inseparable parts for an integral framework of linguistic theory.


12、When manifested in the diet, it shows rice-based staple food, even if other grains have to be processed into cooked rice-like food.


13、If existing model structures exist that are not already in strict accordance with the glossary, these structures can be classified using the appropriate glossary terms.


14、The root structure of the semitic languages.


15、This dissertation investigates the thematic structure in English with a grammaticalization approach.


16、Iconicity manifests itself at several dimensions of advertising language:phonology, graphology, syntactic structure and text.


17、Deixis is reflection of relation of language and context in the language structure.


18、PKC is usually induced by sudden movement and present paroxysmal extrapyramidal symptoms.


19、The data model can represents structured hypermedia information blocks and various semantical relationships between them.


20、Saussure' s structural linguistics exerted a great influence on Chinese linguistics in the 20th century.

21、The result showed that the synthesized PAM had the frame with fibre like, layer like and porous structure, which was the main reason that polymer was rapidly dissolved in water.研究结果表明:合成的聚丙烯酰胺具有纤维状、层状、孔状结构,这种结构是产品速溶的主要原因。

22、I’ll admit that you get a better acronym out of "service oriented" architecture than "distributed object" architecture.我承认您从“面向服务”的体系结构中获得了比“分布式对象”体系结构更好的术语。

23、Serial verb construction can be regarded as a verb-complement construction, V2 is only the complement of V1 or VP1 to represent result, state or goal.连动结构可以被视为一个以V1为核心的动补结构,V2充其量只是V1或VP1的补足语,表示结果、状态或目的。

24、Conclusion:HLD is mainly a disease of adolescence, and nervous and digestive symptoms were the main manifestations.结论: 肝豆状核变性主要发生于青少年,以神经和消化系统为主要表现;

25、In the studies, the "lamellar" and "hex" structures were found. And the simulation results were consistent with the available experiments results, and some new phase separations could be predicted.由于受限的原因体系出现了层状相弯曲、柱状相和层状相兼并存在等结构,计算结果与现有实验结果吻合,并预测了部分自组装结构。

英文句子26:,26、A stadium in Algeria is comprised of bowl-shaped concrete stand and steel roof structure.阿尔及利亚某体育场结构体系由碗状混凝土看台与钢结构屋盖组成。

27、Mesentery is one of the important structure of peritoneal cavity, which includes mesentery of small intestine, transverse mesocolon and sigmoid mesocolon.肠系膜为腹腔内的重要结构,包括小肠系膜、横结肠系膜、乙状结肠系膜等;

28、In translation, information organization in texts is determined by theme and rheme which are concerned with the placing of information structural units.语篇功能中,信息结构是由主位和述位决定的,决定语言信息位置的系统。

29、The results show that the structure is elastic under frequent earthquake and inter-mediate earthquake and the main structure has good performance under rare earthquake.分析结果表明,结构在小震及设防烈度地震作用下基本处于弹性状态,在罕遇地震作用下主结构能够保持较好的工作状态。

30、Besides, sometimes, connective neither indicate or construct logico-semantic relations. They facilitate discourse comprehension and contribute to textual …另外,有时连接性词语既不体现也不构建逻辑-语义关系,而是起着帮助读者理解语篇、构建语篇结构的功能。

31、Subei basin is a terrestrial facies faulted basin which main body is the Tertiary. It has the typical dustpan like fault structure.苏北盆地是以第三系为主体的陆相断坳型盆地,具有典型的箕状断陷结构。

32、Understanding the structural properties of Chinese nominal categories and their relation to collectivist culture offers important implications for teaching Chinese to foreigners.了解汉语名词范畴的结构特征及其与集体主义文化的关系对于对外汉语教学有着重要启示。

33、An approach of multi-document summarization based on How-net is presented.本文介绍了一个针对知网关系的网状表示结构及其实现方法。

34、We adopt linear structure organization for data converting in the netted super media The supper media net data is explained in gradational construction logically and in linear construction physically.在网状的超媒体数据系统设计中,逻辑上用层次数据结构表达,而系统的物理实现采用了更为简单的线性结构组织超媒体数据。

35、Discourse Representation Structure (DRS) in the Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) provides a new way to anaphora resolution.语篇表述理论(DRT) 独特的语篇表述结构(DRS) 构造方法为指代消解提供了新的思路。

36、Results:Cavernous hemangioma in soft tissue had obvious image features of two-dimensional ultrasonography.结果:浅表海绵状血管瘤具有明显二维超声特点,表现为窦状扩张、管样、网样结构。

37、From the theory of semantic, we know it includes syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations.从语义学原理看,语义结构存在着两种关系:横组合关系和纵组合关系。

38、The results showed that these two factors are main factors effecting on oxidation of PUFA in emulsion.结果表明,乳化剂膜传质系数和油水相比表面积是影响乳状液中PUFA的氧化的主要因素。

39、Objective To investigate the MR imagine features of TMJ coronal structures.目的探讨颞下颌关节冠状面形态结构的关系。

40、The errors in these three aspects are the main factors that degrade the coherence in non-English major graduate students'English writings.结果表明,非英语专业研究生的英语写作在语篇衔接手段,主位结构与信息结构和情景语境方面都存在连贯问题。

41、The simulating results show that, compared with other low-pass comb filter, the structure of nested low-pass comb filter is more effective.仿真结果表明,与其他结构的梳状滤波器相比,嵌套的低通梳状滤波器结构更有效。

42、Zhang Delu(2003), a Chinese linguist, argues that EFL students should pay attention to textual coherence when writing their compositions.根据张德禄的观点,英语学习者在写作中应该注意衔接手段、主位结构和情景语境与语篇连贯的关系。

43、For the primary members, we can represent them with elements of membrane, rod, plate, shell and beam.对于各主要结构构件,按其受力状况分别以膜、杆、板、壳和梁等单元来表达。

44、When manifested in the diet, it shows rice-based staple food, even if other grains have to be processed into cooked rice-like food.表现在饮食结构方面,主食以大米饭为主,即使其他谷物也要加工成干饭状食用。

45、Resells : Cavernous hemangioma in soft tissue had obvious image features of two-dimensional ultrasonography.结果:浅表海绵状血管瘤具有明显二维超声特点,表现为窦状扩张、管样、网样结构。

46、Two kinds of PVA fibers with different the morphological structure of molecular chains, PVA-H fiber and PVA-B fiber were studied.结果表明,在具有带状结构的PVA纤维中,带状结构对纤维的轴向压缩变形行为有很大影响。

47、In aspect of numerical simulations studies, four force-displacement curves of SDOF structure are designed to simulate undamaged and three different degrees damage models.在数值模拟研究方面,本文就单自由度结构设计了四种恢复力与位移关系曲线,分别代表结构损伤前的状态和三种不同等级的损伤状态。

48、The sources of speech meaning can be divided into six parts: the need of subject, the state of subject, communicative background, communicative context, language structure and paralanguage.言语交际中,话语意义的来源主要有六个方面:主体需要、主体状态、交际背景、交际情境、语言结构、副语言。

49、Diagrammatic iconicity means the structure of linguistic representation sometimes resembles the structure of the content it conveys.拟象象似指的是语言的结构表征与它所表达的内容结构相似。

50、Its structure unfolds moderate tension state for many relationship pairs.其结构呈现为诸多关系对子的适度张力状态。

经典英文句子51:主系表状语结构,51、To quote its intent "Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.该模式的目的是,“把对象组合到树状结构中,以表示部分-整体关系。

52、Post-colonial Language Potential Disparity Structure is composed mainly of "language potential", "potential disparity of language", "potential energy of language" and "potential flow of language".后殖民语言势差结构的主要构成部分是:“语言势位”、“语言势差”、“语言势能”和“语言势流”。

53、The results indicate that protozoan community parameters(species, numbers and diversity index) are strongly related to the water quality.结果表明:原生动物的各项结构参数(种类、丰度和多样性指数)与水质状况关系密切;

54、Japanese is a compact-structured language, in which dependency lies between two adjacent segments.日语是一种结构比较紧凑的语言,依存关系主要发生在相邻的两个文节之间。

55、E, and — represent folding, H vrille and ringlike or other structure, respectively.代表折叠, H代表螺旋, —代表环状或其他结构。

56、The automorphic , hypidiomorphic and xenomorphic granular textures are the main ore textures and vein and disseminated structures are the main ore structure.矿石多具白形、半自形、他形粒状结构,以脉状、浸染状构造为主。

57、The semantic relationships in modification-center structures are various.偏正结构内部的语义关系多种多样。

58、There are sharp differences in the suprasegmental structures between Mandarin and English.汉语与英语在超音段结构系统中有很大差异。

59、Does Chinese language also belong to Theme- Rheme structure?但是,主位结构是否也适用于汉语呢?

60、Evidence from studies in language acquisition shows that the acquisition and use of a double object construction is associated with a specific situation.语言习得方面的证据显示双宾结构的习得和使用与一定的概念情状紧密联系;

61、This thesis mainly studies on the idioms grammar structure in Strange Things in the Past Twenty Years.本文是一篇研究《怪现状》中出现成语的语法结构的论文。

62、The blue and pink pinwheel in the center is the galaxy's main stellar disk, while the flapping, ribbon-like structures are its extended arms.中间蓝色和粉红色的针轮是星系主要的恒星状星盘,另外花瓣,带状的结构是其延伸的旋臂。

63、The structure, characteristic, functions and polymorphism of cervidae MHC genes were summarized and discussed the relationship of them with economic t.综述了主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)的基本结构与特点,总结了鹿科动物MHC基因的结构、多态性以及与经济性状、抗病性之间的关系。

64、Nodular anhydrite and enterolithic and chicken-wire structures themselves do not signify the Sabkha environment.结构状硬石膏、香肠状和网眼状构造本身并不表示萨勃哈环境。



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