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关于”赞美祖国“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Praise the motherland。以下是关于赞美祖国的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise the motherland


1、Lang Lang said he chose 'My Motherland' for a White House dinner because of its beauty.


2、Enter to grow in knowledge, depart to better serve the country and the kind.


3、The reserve forces for national defense have played a significant role in the defense and construction of the country.


4、This helps explain the repeated paeans to the “smartness” of the Chinese leadership.


5、We should be loyal to our country.

签名:荣国 作者简介:张荣国,祖籍南京。xx年毕业于中央美术学院油画系罗工柳工作室,油画家、美术教育家。

6、About the authors: Zhang Rongguo, native of Nanjing. 1965 graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts Oil Painting Luo Gongliu studio, oil painting, art educator.


7、Welcome to go home, the motherland needs you, come back to serve country after finishing study!


8、Fantastic mood, and today is the country's 60 anniversary, as a Chinese I feel proud, wealthy and strong, I think the loud cry: Long live the motherland!


9、The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom.


10、This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.


11、Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon is certain that Inter will lift the scudetto this season and he was full of praise for the Nerazzurri.


12、Our country or death!


13、In 1999, Congress assented.


14、With the same fate;


15、See today, why the motherland picture? Is a heroic performance flowers.


16、Qu is regarded as the Father of Environmental Protection in China while is widely praised by international society.


17、Salability of our products at home and abroad are deeply admired and sustained by old and new buyers!


18、The Chinese often praise Liu and the basketball star Yao Ming for their modesty.

你们能够茁壮地成长,祖国就充满美好与希望。 希望同学们:文明、好学、自主、合作。

19、I hope the students: a civilized, studious, independent, co-operation.


20、Even the Queen Mother. Prince Charles's grandmother, noticed Diana's beauty, grace, and charm. She complimented the Earl on the fine job he had done in bringing Diana up.

21、No homeland, we did not have the habitat of no motherland, we will be no human dignity;没有祖国,就没有我们的安栖之所; 没有祖国,就没有我们做人的尊严; 没有祖国,就没有我们所拥有的一切!

22、Yes, the tiger has been revered and admired in China for thousands of years.是的,虎在中国已经被尊崇和赞美了几千年了。

23、We are loyal to our motherland.我们忠于祖国。

24、In the past we had no fatherland , nor could we have had one.过去我们没有祖国,也不可能有个祖国。

25、So far, it has put about $120 million into infrastructure construction and has given as much as $10 million in donations and sponsorships, in Zambia.到目前为止,中国有色集团在赞比亚已投入基础设施建设约


英文句子26:,26、China a is the homeland that he misses forever and deep love to his motherland is his lifetime belief.祖国永远是他魂牵梦绕的故土,热爱祖国是他毕生的信念。 。

27、Die for his country, that is the fate of the most beautiful!为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊!——大仲马。

28、The Kaddish is a prayer that praises God and expresses a yearning for the establishment of God's kingdom on earth.卡迪什是赞美上帝,表达在地上建立神的国度的渴望。

29、This is my heroical Motherland.这是英雄的祖国。

30、"I am very lucky to represent China and show my country's history, love, charm and beauty, " said Liu Chen, Miss World China 2011.“我很荣幸能代表中国,来展示我的祖国的历史,热情,魅力和美丽。”刘晨说。

31、Love the motherland, the future of the motherland and struggle, is the time to give us the sacred duties.爱祖国,为祖国的前途而奋斗,是时代赋予我们的神圣职责。

32、We have all given our blood for the Motherland. We have answered her calls without question.我们为祖国抛头颅洒热血,毫不犹豫地听从祖国的召唤!

33、I always thought highly of the marines who guarded my sub. How did these guys service so long as marines?我一直都高度赞扬那些保卫祖国的海军战士。这两个家伙是怎么能在海军陆战队呆那么长时间的?

34、‘They fought for their Homeland’.“他们为祖国而战”。

35、No country, no happiness. Everyone must be rooted in the soil of the motherland.没有祖国,就没有幸福。每个人必须植根于祖国的土壤里。——屠格涅夫。

36、Those songs are very canonical and often deal with Zionist hopes and dream and glorify the life of idealistic Jewish youth who intend on building a home and defending their homeland.这些歌通常涉及支持犹太人复国 运动者的希望和梦,而且赞美理想主义犹太人的年轻人打算过建筑家园和保卫祖国的生活。

37、About 目前投票数已达2千万,其中很多来自泰姬陵的祖国印度;长城的祖国中国和印加要塞马丘比丘的祖国秘鲁。

20 million votes have already been lodged, including many from India, for the Taj Mahal; China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas.

38、Our motherlands call China!我们的祖国叫中国!

39、Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste.我们圣洁华美的殿,就是我们列祖赞美你的所在,被火焚烧。 我们所羡慕的美地,尽都荒废。

40、Yang Peiyi, real voice behind Olympics Opening Ceremony The song "Ode to the Motherland" she sang…奥运会开幕式《歌唱祖国》。这个女孩的歌声让我感动。 天籁童声, 诚实美丽。

41、Estimates from sponsorship experts IEG are that the Rockets earned somewhere between $800, 000 to $1.25 million in deals from all their China-related sponsorships.据赞助商的专家组IEG估算,火箭队通过和中国的赞助商合作所取得的收益在80万美元到1亿2千五百万美元之间。

42、Loving our country and working hard for its future is the sacred duty that today assigns us.爱祖国,为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们时代赋予我们的神圣职责。

43、But they have competition: there are many other places of beauty on a new list, detailing the "most beautiful places in China".中国最美的地方“评选结果揭晓,快来一览祖国的大好河山!

44、Our heroic motherland stands in the east of the world, shining like the rising sun. All brothers of all nationalities gathers together happily, praising China's rise and prosperity.英雄的祖国屹立在东方, 像初升的太阳光芒万丈, 各族兄弟欢聚在一堂, 赞美中华的崛起和兴旺。

45、Reunification of the motherland, peaceful country and safe people.祖国统一,国泰民安。

46、the _Occasional Oratorio_, that grand epic hymn to the menaced mother-country, and the God who defended her, reproduced, in the third part of this composition, the finest pages of _Israel_.(亨德尔当时正在创作)《应时清唱剧》,这部伟大的史诗赞美诗在第三部分重现了《以色列人在埃及》的精彩段落,祈祷上帝保佑英国。

1、 亨德尔当时正在创作一曲恢宏壮阔的赞美诗《应时清唱剧》,敬献给处于危机中的祖国和护佑她的上帝;


47、ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country不要问你的祖国能为你做什么,要问你能为你的祖国做什么

48、China, for the Great Wall and from Peru for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Incas.长城的祖国中国和印加要塞马丘比丘的祖国秘鲁。

49、To die for our country, it is the fate of the most beautiful! -- Alexandre Dumas.为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊! ! —— 大仲马。

50、There is the creation of praising the beautiful natural scenery and the humanities historical site : "Fantasy of Zaxi Island ", "The ruins of Ancient Standard Kingdom ".有赞美美丽自然风光和人文古迹的创作:如《扎西岛狂想》、《古格王国废墟》。

经典英文句子51:赞美祖国,51、We hope to collaborat with friends from various fields to fight for construction of four modernizations.力求与各行各业的朋友为祖国的四化建设携手共进,共创美好明天。

52、Alexander Baumgarten, a German philosopher, was the first one found aesthetics, he was the father of Aesthetics .美学最初是由德国的哲学家鲍姆加登介绍而来的,他是美学的开山鼻祖。

53、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。

54、We enjoy the pleasure of traveling and great landscape of our motherland with relaxed and happy spirit.人们用美的心境,享受着旅游的乐趣,享受着祖国的大好河山。

55、The Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts coincides with the China's 60th anniversary and means a generous gift from China's design artists for such event.第十一届全国美展欣逢新中国xx年华诞,中国设计艺术家们在此向祖国献上一份厚礼。

56、Typically Graun: praising PR China's space program while not even mentioning India's.典型的劳格恩:赞美中国的太空项目却只字不提印度的太空项目。

57、Her ancestral home is China.她的祖居是中国。

58、A beautiful female spy returned to her motherland to report to her commander.美丽的女间谍从国外回到自己的祖国,到司令部向司令员汇报。

59、As a vuvuzela chorale swelled from the barstools around him, one township doctor admitted to a Canadian writer he was experiencing a surge of “hope.当酒吧里到处是对呜呜祖啦的赞美之声时,一位小镇医生坦白的告诉一位加拿大记者,他感到了无穷的希望。

60、According to Zambian Vice President George Kunda, Chinese investments in Zambian topped $1 billion and created 据赞比亚副总统孔达(George Kunda)说,去年中国在赞比亚的投资达到10亿美元,创造了

15, 000 jobs last year.


61、They speak of homeland.他们奢谈祖国。

62、The English instinctively admire any man who has no talent and is modest about it.英国人本能地赞美没有才能并且十分谦虚的人 。注:在中国没本事但谦虚的人也很吃香 。

63、"By our nation itself" is the fundamental idea to be embodied in the national reunification movement.“一切都靠祖国自己”是祖国统一运动体现的根本理念。

64、So, you learn spirit, so that put a beautiful tapestry of the motherland.于是,你把春蚕的精神汲取,让祖国披上美丽的织锦。

65、Train hard and build the motherland.锻炼身体,建设祖国。

66、Lei Zu was the first person to snag the Chinese sericulture, the respect for ancestral posterity Clothing Lei Zu God.嫘祖是中国养蚕抽丝第一人,被制衣后人尊为祖神嫘祖。

67、It Nazhi seemed to open a big hand welcoming us to welcome the next generation of the motherland, welcome flowers of the motherland, welcome the future of the motherland!它那只张开的大手好像在欢迎我们,欢迎祖国的下一代,欢迎祖国的花朵,欢迎祖国的未来!


标签: 祖国

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