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关于”珍惜生命“的英语句子60个,句子主体:cherish life。以下是关于珍惜生命的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:cherish life


1、No matter how many scars are there, just cherish it , like cherish the beauty of Venus.


2、We treasure the friendship, make life in the like-minded basis, with comrade-in-arms and gay brothers love life together to create a brilliant future.


3、I have the Pin Leming you care about. You cherish.


4、We seem to understand cherish after losing, the people who don’t understand cherish isn’t eligible for owning it, losing make people gain more then know how to cherish.


5、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green.


6、People who love life and treated like a treasure their own lives in spring-like sincerity and dedication.

7、cherish life will cherish today. 珍惜生命就要珍惜今天。

8、time waits for no one.. 珍惜时间,珍惜流逝在身边看似平淡的每一天


9、We still need to cherish, cherish each wipe a shoulder, cherish to move every time.


10、Do not complain about fate, but treasure your living.


11、But some people devote their lives to working out that kind of criticism, and you should cherish them.


12、They say after losing only treasure, in fact, after losing most painful treasure.

aware 天猫可在家自测不用抽血珍惜生命远离高危行为。

13、Aware Tmallwithout blood cherish life away from high-risk behavior at home self testing.


14、The unexamined life is not worth living. We should cherish time. We know, time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


15、This feeling coincides with the facts that I am still treasuring my earthly life.


16、Initiate"Cherish Life-Guard Life"education in our community.


17、Love animals, cherish life.


18、Aiki is the treasure life.


19、Once I fight the life to cherish you, now I tore heart to forget you.


20、After you have wept and grieved for your physical losses, cherish the functions and the life you have left.

21、Cherish life, stay away from it!珍惜生命,远离雷剧!

22、I use the life waiting, waiting for realizing the fairy tale of two people, understand me, please cherish this period of beautiful.我用生命等候,等候实现两个人的童话,懂我的,请珍惜这段美丽的缘。

23、say goodbye to sadness and tears, forever friend and to be happy forever.一天只有一个`那么请珍惜今天这一天 珍惜和享受身边的一切

24、Life consists of countless trifling snatches. To cherish life, it is necessary to learn to cherish what one should do at present.人的生命是由无数的生活点滴组成,珍惜生命,就要学会珍惜当下所应该做的事情。

25、The author urged Chinese authorities to 'really start to cherish human lives.'发帖人敦促中国有关当局“切实行动起来,珍惜矿工生命”。

英文句子26:,26、Cherish life will cherish today. 珍惜生命就要珍惜今天。

27、But the truth is we have cherished our home-life, watching our kids grow up, being a part of their lives.但事实是,我们珍惜我们的家庭生活——看着我们的孩子们长大,成为他们生命中的一部分。

28、Caring health and treasuring life is the everlasting subject of improving human life quality.关爱健康,珍惜生命,是人类生活质量提高的永恒主题。

29、The most cherished thing in life is friendship. The most precious thing between us is understanding.生命中最值得珍惜的事是友谊。

30、Just because life is as short as the fireflies, human must cherish lives themselves.惟其人生如流萤般的短促,人类才更加珍惜生命自身。

31、I wish I have a smale and beautiful life.是一份警惕,人生苦短,请珍惜。

32、They won't cherish it. The most beautiful thing is cherishing what you get by your efforts.而生命中最美好的就是珍惜得到的东西,珍惜的前提必定是因为你得来不易。

33、The that time follows the disabled person nothing important two kinds, liking on the whole now many, know to cherish, cherish time and the life of now!那时跟废人没什么两样,现在总算好了许多,知道了珍惜,珍惜现在的时间跟生命!

34、Because of fear, we cherish, such as life;因为害怕,所以才珍惜,如生命;

35、I will treasure you all my life我会用一生来珍惜你

36、Life is precious, it is only once for each person, every minute and every second should be cherished.生命是宝贵的,一生仅一次,每分每秒都要珍惜。

37、Once more, for those who willing to do Anything to earn MONEY; even IF to hurt the others too; that the act of appreciating the other's life is also the act of appreciating yourself .再次,想和那些为了金钱而不择手段,甚至谋财害命的人说,珍惜他人也是珍惜你自己,生命只有一次,来之不易。

38、I cherish and respect every living day.我珍惜并敬重生命中的每一天。

39、Life is as short as a dream;人生如梦,珍惜才能永恒。

40、Chuang , you said you would cherish me , I'll treasure you , too.创,你说你会珍惜我的,我也会一样的珍惜你。

41、但我们可以感觉到它的. But we can feel it go by,我们珍惜我们的生命. I never waste time,请珍惜时间, “ Time is money。

42、Sould cherish self , cherish life , cherish time.应该珍惜自己,珍惜生活,珍惜时间。

43、There is no one but loves his life, but few people cherish his time.没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。——梁实秋。

44、Cherish your life and keep away from this film, read one comment on Mtime.时光网上的一则评论说,珍惜生命,远离这部电影。

45、Don ' t take for granted the things closet to your heart . Cling to them as you would your life , for without them life is meaningless .卟要怼蕞熟悉的东西熟视无睹。珍惜它们,就像珍惜祢的笙命一样,因为缺少了它们人笙将没囿意义。

46、War destructs everything, but its only useful legacy is that it urges people to think over the meaning of life and value peace.战争摧毁了一切,唯一的好处是促使人们思考生命的意义,珍惜和平。

47、Our friendship is one of the prized possessions in my life and I will treasure it accordingly.我们的友谊,是我生命中极有价值的财富,于是我很珍惜它。

48、Often it is in overcoming hardships that wecome to appreciate the value of life.往往在克服苦难之时,我们方懂得珍惜生命的价值。

49、I love those depressing times in my life. Although dark, they made me cherish the sunshine more.我爱我生命中的晦暝时刻,虽然灰暗但是可以让我更珍惜阳光。

50、Then treasure your time, because time is the material of constituting life.你热爱生命吗?那么就请珍惜时间,因为时间是组成生命的材料。

经典英文句子51:珍惜生命,51、我从来不浪费时间.” But I think time is more important than money. So friends,“时间就是金钱,我们珍惜我们的生命,喜欢看书。

52、We treasure resources. We cherish talents.我们珍惜资源,我们爱惜人才。

53、Cherish your life. We're here to listen!珍惜宝贵生命,让我倾听分忧!

54、Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish, and honor him, through all your time in Death?司仪:你愿意去发誓去爱他珍惜他并且尊重他一生一世吗?直到生命的终止。

55、Cherish today, and treasure the present moment. Who knows what will come first - tomorrow or the unexpected.珍惜今天,珍惜现在,谁知道明天和意外,哪一个先来。

56、Do not forget to always fire alarm bells ringing, cherish life when the mind is awake.勿忘防火须时时警钟长鸣,珍惜生命当头脑清醒。

57、Treasure the Now, the Past, and once in a while, take a moment to think about time. Treasure those who love you and treasure the Love of your life.珍惜现在,过去和曾经在一段时间,花点时间思考的时间。珍惜那些爱你,珍惜爱你的生活。 翻译正确吗唐文龙。

58、We definitely should not treat others' lives lightly. Rather, we should treasure life and cherish the affinity between the unborn child and us.千万不要轻忽生命,要尊重灵性,也珍惜自己和那个未出世孩子的缘。

59、You make my life feels complete and want to cherish you and pamper you for lifelong time.你使我感到生命的完整,使我想一辈子珍惜你、纵容你。

60、Therefore we must certainly treasure the life, treasures in life the minutes and seconds.所以本人们一定要珍惜生命,珍惜生命中的分分秒秒。

61、Since everyone learn now, then we will obey the traffic rules and regulations, and together to cherish their own lives.既然大家现在都学习了,那我们就一起遵守交通法规,珍惜自己生命。

62、You are a half circle, and the other is your soul-mate.如果你找到你灵魂的伴侣,请珍惜他,因为你的生命里只有他(她)一个(灵魂伴侣)!

63、By language: a small testament, terrible to say, but death is something we have to face, cherish life, cherish their family members and friends, like a good testament to write their own copies of it?作者语:小遗言,说来很恐怖,不过死亡都是我们要面对的事情,珍惜生命,珍惜身边的家人朋友,想好给自己写份遗书了吗?

64、NASB "He who loves his life loses it;"恢复本爱惜自己魂生命的,就丧失魂生命;

65、The most afraid of the life of the treasure, to the end, but still nothing to stay.最怕拼了命的珍惜,到最后,却还是什么都留不住。

66、Fairly often, even the sacred God is powerless to cherish treasurable lives of human.很正常,即使是神圣的上帝也没有那么多的能力来珍惜全部值得珍惜的人类的生命。

67、Teachers and fellow students, let us cherish life's most precious thing - time for it!老师们,同学们,让我们一起珍惜生命中最宝贵的东西——时间吧!

68、Value youth, and the whole life will eich you.珍惜青春,整个人生就会充实你!


标签: 生命

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