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关于”中重读单词的技巧“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Tips for rereading words in。以下是关于中重读单词的技巧的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Tips for rereading words in


1、The difference, says Dehaene, is how the words sound in your head.


2、Learn the Chinese symbols for "coffee table" with tips on writing and pronouncing Chinese characters from a Chinese language specialist in this free video on Chinese words and phrases.


3、And the media or other technologies we use in learning and practicing the craft of reading play an important part in shaping the neural circuits inside our brains.

The students developed their reading skills further during this term.



5、So, instead of being hard on myself I decided to read what other writers had to say as well as learn some writing technique in the process.


6、Dyslexics may need

10 times as much exposure to the language patterns as do traditional learners, she says.


7、This is a speed reading technique known as chunking.


8、Chunking is the term for breaking up long string of words or numbers into small groups and using one of the other techniques.


9、And because of the many factors like, psychological obstacles, reading habits, reading skills as well as vocabulary and grammar difficulties etc.


10、Read the words, and find out the diffent one.


11、Likewise for word-level work, guided reading and other features of the literacy project;


12、Dictionary writer must is skilled in the art of definition.


13、With respect to English reading abilities, many struggling students had difficulty recognizing words in the context. Some could recognize words, but were not able to comprehend what they read.


14、The application of a High - Speed - Input(HSI) unit and the development skills of the 8098 microcontroller are also mainly discussed.


15、Another point is to practice reading speed, there is related to the jump to read, speed reading and other reading skills.


16、On the average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.


17、With the purpose of improving the reading speed and quality, the article also introduces some main word-guessing skills in English reading, and enumerates some examples to demonstrate it.


18、They also help readers to see the importance of basic problem solving and organizational skills.


19、Depending on your click-hold time repetition skill, you may choose to create a signature based on number of clicks.


20、Read the words and copy them on P18.

21、Design principle and application of double-edge-triggered shift register. ;并重点介绍了软件设计中移位寄存器的使用技巧 。

22、To Master English Reading Skills, Impove English Reafing Ability;你可以运用许多技巧来提高阅读能力。

23、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like funnies and vocabulary.平均上,教师用它来增加教阅读技巧的时间,如:声学和词汇。

24、Don't hyperfocus on your shaking technique…别过于看重摇酒技巧……

25、The author introduces non-linguistic context into English reading teaching with the purpose of changing the phenomenon of only emphasizing vocabulary and grammar in traditional reading teaching.之所以把非语言语境引入到英语阅读教学,作者是想改变传统阅读教学中只重单词和语法的现象。

英文句子26:,26、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.平均而言,教师利用它增加了他们教授像看字读音以及单词积累这样阅读技巧的时间。

27、As a kind of fast reading skills for information, read and requires both speed reading.作为一种快速寻找信息的阅读技巧,查读既需要速度,又要求查读的准确性。

28、So “his” is unstressed, the other words are stressed.所以“his”是不重读的,其他的词就重读。

29、In China; there is lots of emphasis on politeness.在中国,性的技巧。人们至极器重讲礼貌。

30、Worse, research finds that learning strategies we do commonly employ, like rereading and highlighting, are among the least effective.更糟糕的是,研究发现我们经常使用的学习策略,如重读和划重点,都是最没有效率的学习技巧之

31、Actually, how to comprehend the meaning of"flowery words"is an important issue in the study of Ci-poetry.实际上,如何解读文献中的“艳词”概念,是词学研究中应当引起重视的重要问题。

32、On average , teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like funks phonics and vocabulary .按平均来说,教师利用这个计划增加他们教阅读技巧例如发音和词汇的时间。

33、So remember to stress the important words to your massage.所以要记住只重读你信息中的重点词汇。

34、On the average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.平均起来,老师使用它增加了教授声学和词汇等阅读技巧的时间。

35、Speed-reading courses teach skimming, not reading, though most won't admit that.速读课程教授的浏览技巧与阅读并不相干,尽管大多数人并不承认。

36、He's got some reading skills, so he always gets high mark.他阅读方面有很好的技巧,所以他老是的高分。

37、Dictionary writers must be skilled in ther art of definition.辞书编纂者必须精于给词语下定义的技巧。

38、The artistic skill was also embodied in feelings and scene utilize.山谷词艺术技巧还体现在情与景的运用上。

39、While reading the Starbugs book of the month, use the yellow highlighter pen to mark new words.在星吧阁每月都会读一本书,在读的过程中,请用荧光笔画出新单词。

40、This is a very common feature of spoken English which is often found in grammar words such as prepositions and articles and also in many words with more than one syllable. It is never stressed.在口语中的介词,定冠词及单音节此种非常常见,从来不被重读,往往如下以倒‘e’ 音体现。

41、When I studied abroad in China, I had tutors who were startlingly good at what they did, offering tips on how to memorize vocabulary or study for tests.我在中国留学的时候,有几个语伴,他们有着令人吃惊的学习成绩,并且教给我很多背单词的技巧。

42、Also practice speed-reading techniques like skimming and scanning.在练习阅读速度技巧就是跳跃式及扫描式。

43、Once again, I’d recommand reading Tricks Tutorial Developing flexibility guide.我还是提倡你读一读《身体柔韧技巧指导》。

44、Vocabulary acquisition is the main task of second language acquisition. Four language skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing are all related to it.词汇习得是第二语言习得的中心任务,听、说、读、写等每一项语言技巧都离不开对词汇的依赖。

45、Keep reading for some important picture-taking tips.经常阅读一些拍摄照片的重要技巧。

46、Acronyms are an effective mnemonic technique when working with a list which does not have to be in any particular order.当和一个不需要特定顺序的单词联系在一起的时候,缩写词是一种有效的记忆技巧。

47、Good memories, bad memories, memories about equation solving, English words......they are undoubtedly storing in our brain.记忆是如何存取的? 美好的记忆、悲伤的记忆,关于解方程技巧的记忆,英语单词的记忆,毫无疑问它们都储存在我们的大脑中。

48、Many people forget how important it is to read and study to cultivate their creativeness and skills.许多人们已经忘了,通过读书和学习来培养他们的创造力和技巧的重要性。

49、Phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in this stage, to realize breakthrough, to lay the foundation, a habit.语音语法词汇, 听说读写的技巧,都要在这个阶段实现零的突破,打下基础,养成习惯。

50、Learn Chinese horizontal rightward character strokes with tips on writing and pronouncing Chinese characters from a Chinese language teacher in this free video on Chinese words and phrases.学习中文字符向右水平与写作技巧和发音在此免费视频汉字从汉语师资中的单词和短语招。

经典英文句子51:中重读单词的技巧,51、In 1598 the document to first offer up this Latin Greek word for English use was something called The Arte of English Poesie.xx年时,第一次有记载将拉丁希腊语中的单词用于英语中,是在《英诗的技巧》(The Arte of English Poesie)上。

52、Read the letter fast and find the answer as quickly as thy can.训练快速阅读技巧,用跳读的方式直接找到答案。

53、It does not tell you which alternative the author intended.阅读文本时,人类读者可以在词典中查询单词,但词典只是提供一个替代项列表,而不会告诉您作者的意图是哪个替代项。

54、The copy in Logue's archive contains handwritten pencil notes, indicating what words to stress and where to pause.Logue保存的材料中包括手写的演讲稿,其中标注了哪些单词该读重音,哪里该停顿等。

55、The article expounds to the application of traditional Chinese medicine partial words in the translation.本文从偏义词入手,通过示例就中医偏义词的英译提出偏义复词在翻译中的运用技巧。

56、These techniques for reading apply mostly for non-fiction.这些阅读技巧主要是针对非小说类图书的。

57、This thesis focuses on the research about nominalization that is an important feature of English for Science and Technology.名词化是科技英语的重要特征,本文研究科技英语中动词名词化这一现象。

58、Purpose: Using nouns to identify parts of the body.制定依据:重点:身体各部分单词的认读运用。

59、There are some techniques that can help you keep your sanity, which go beyond the notes, checklists, milestones dates, and appointment books.有许多技巧可以帮助你保持机智的头脑,这些技巧是你的笔记、清单、重要事件和备忘录里没有的。

60、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like funnies (phonics) and vocabulary.平均上,教师用它来增加教阅读技巧的时间,如:声学和词汇。

61、Learning not to sound out words will help you “chunk”—a technique that requires you to group together four or five words by skipping articles like “the” and “and.”阅读不出声有助于“组块”—这个技巧需要你四五个字一起阅读,跳过诸如“这个”“和”这些不重要的词。

62、The antepenult is stressed in the word "superfluous".这个词当中倒数第三个音节重读。

63、The tips and strategies for asset reuse will be generic enough that most readers will find them applicable to his/her development cycle.有关资产重用的技巧和策略将具有很好的通用性,以便大部分读者都能够将这些技巧和策略应用到其开发周期中。

64、Their reading skills were developing at a rapid pace.他们的阅读技巧迅速提高。

65、Girls, can you spell the word?女孩们,你们会拼读这个单词吗?

66、It is very important to use the reading techniques of skimming, scanning, guessing, predicting, inferring, etc.注意运用略读、查读、猜测与预测、推论等阅读技巧;

67、The students developed their reading skills further during this term.本学期学生们进一步提高了阅读技巧。

68、Learning words incidentally through extensive reading is an important way for language learners to expand their vocabulary.通过广泛阅读偶然习得单词是语言学习者扩大词汇量的重要途径之

69、Students look and talk about the pictures in pairs.学生看图并复述,拼读单词。

70、Weekly online quizzes will focus on Braille music proof reading skills and instructional materials in each session.测验将著重在点字音乐的阅读校正技巧以及每周教学内容。

71、However, in translation teaching, add words since is a translation skills with English grammar, should contrast separation.然而, 在翻译教学中, 增添词语既然是翻译技能技巧, 就应同英汉语法对比相区分。

72、Relevant to the subject, the more similar words, repeated high probability, read a few times, not only informative, but also familiar word, but by faith.主题相关,则单词多相近,重复几率高,多读几遍,既长见识,又熟单词,更增信心。

73、On average, teachers using it increased the time they taught reading skills like phonics and vocabulary.平均起来,老师使用它增加了教授声学和词汇等阅读技巧的时间。


标签: 技巧 单词

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