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关于”冬至“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Winter Solstice。以下是关于冬至的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Winter Solstice

only clear during winter solstice in the heart of a polar night.这促发的瞬间……只显现于冬至的极夜时分。

1、An instant, suspended in the night…


2、For example, in the areas in the South of the Changjiang River, people eat the cooked glutinous rice mixed with red beans on the evening of the Winter Solstice.


3、So, yes, winter is still coming. Tolkien is dead. And long live George Martin.


4、Even stranger: In winter, some wear quilted vests.


5、Although the solstices represent the pinnacles of summer and winter with respect to the intensity of the sun’s rays, they do not represent the warmest or coldest days.


6、Every year ham is made between the winter solstice and the great cold of the Chinese lunar calendar.


7、Temperatures in the fall and winter can vary from -15 to 32 degrees Celsius.

从平安后期到江户时代,除了有关xx年才有一次 的“朔旦 冬至”,在日本朝廷 的年中岁时中,已经见不到 冬至节 的踪影。

8、From the later part of heian till edo, there was no record of the winter solstice in the annual history books of Japanese court except the record of sakudanntouji for every

19 years.


9、Days had come, winters had gone, and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.


10、The second chapter Chinese attention focused on the reasons for the Winter Solstice Festival.


11、The previous winter had been probably the most awful in his life; plagued by ill health and deep melancholy, he even forgot his own birthday!


12、Roaring from the north, the cold front dropped the temperature rapidly. "WinterSolstice" diplayed its coldness in time. Areas in Hunan had their first snow in this Winter.


13、Shaoxing winter practices - ancestor worship, eating rice and winter wine, light a fire Cong.


14、In winter say the snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."


15、Thee winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart.


16、For thousands of years, cultures the world over feted the winter solstice as the moment of the sun’s return, the turning of the wintry tide.


17、On the solstices, the sun sets farthest north or farthest south of due west.


18、This day was supposed to represent the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.


19、winter temperatures were 6C or more above normal in parts of the country's north.


20、Visible, Shu third day after the winter solstice was December day.

21、Stir fry the chicken in a wok until done. Add shiitake mushrooms and red bell pepper. Stir fry until soft.将鸡丝放入热镬内炒至熟。加入冬菇及红椒炒至软身。

22、It comes every time unexpectedly just as winter comes unexpectedly to Russia every year.它每次都是于冬日不期而至,并每年都来到俄罗斯。

23、In the north, people will eat dumpling and wonton while those in the south eat rice dumpling and long noodle.北方地区有冬至宰羊,吃饺子、 馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、至长线面的习惯。

24、John: I go swimming once a week. I do this even in the cold winter.约翰:我每星期去游泳一次。甚至在寒冷的冬天我也这么做。

25、Shaoxing winter practices - ancestor worship, eating rice and winter wine, light a fire Cong.绍兴冬至习俗-祭祀祖先,吃饭米, 冬酿酒,生火熜。

英文句子26:,26、I remember in 2009 when the winter solstice, honey, there is a box of bees behave very fierce.我记得xx年冬至采蜜时,有一箱蜜蜂表现得非常的凶。

27、In east China's Shandong Province, there is a traditional saying like this: "eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice and eat noodles on the Summer Solstice."在中国东部的山东省,有一个像这样的传统说法:“冬至饺子夏至面”。

28、Hogmanay is derived from the winter solstice festival celebrated by the Vikings.除夕夜是来自冬至节由维京庆祝。

29、But on the Winter Solstice, he had no appetite for the whole table of nice dishes of every kind.冬至节,看着满桌的山珍海味却一点儿胃口也没有了。

30、We have not had an eclipse on a solstice since 2001.我们还没有xx日食一冬至xx年以来。

31、Dress for 15-20 degrees Warmer: Over-dressing is easy to do in winter running.穿衣保温至高出15-20度:冬季跑步很容易穿得过多。

32、Loans can also pay for health care expenses, computers and evenwinter clothes, says Bugarin.Bugarin说还可用贷款支付医疗费,购置电脑甚至冬衣。

33、Each year at sunrise at the winter solstice, that mandate was renewed.皇权随着每年冬至日出时分而迈入新岁。

34、In winter say the 严冬,困在风雪中的人说:“她将与春同至,雀跃于山峦之间。”

20)snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."

35、During the severe winter of 1947 even the sea froze over.在xx年的严冬甚至连海都上了冻。

36、This eclipse is about to fall on the solstice, which gives it much more influence.这次月偏食即将落在冬至,这使得它的影响更大。

37、Remarkably, the total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.值得注意的是,这次月全食恰好发生在冬至日。

38、In winter say the snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills. ""严冬,困在风雪中的人说:“她将与春同至,雀跃于山峦之间。”

39、In the past, many people predicted before, in 2012 all the winter coming to an end.在过去,也有很多人预言过,xx年冬至即将结束一切。

40、And they are also finally more real to us than our own daily existence, no matter how much Tao's watery effects distort them.但不论是陶冬冬怎样运用水影的效果模糊这些形象,最后他们又会变得无比的真实,甚至比我们日常经历还要真实。

41、Half the colony died during the winter of 1620–1621.1620至xx年冬,这个殖民地的一半人口不幸丧生。

42、By 至此,xx年新青地区的野生白头鹤全部离开,迁往越冬地。

12 Oct 2011 all wild hooded cranes had left Xinqing for their wintering habitats.

43、Local sages are invited to the grand ceremony in midwinter every year.每年的冬至都要邀请一些乡里的贤人参加这项盛大的典礼。

44、The mid summer solstice ( mid winter below the equator) is the amplification energetic flow of all of these. And in 2011 it adds a unique energy that calls forth the夏至(冬至太阳直射赤道以下)是所有这些食点能量流的放大器。

45、Winter intensive courses: offered on the main campus in January-February.冬季密集班:每年一至xx月在校本部开设。

46、Beginning of winter approaching, residents of most areas of the country felt the slightest chill.立冬将至,全国大部地区居民都感受到丝丝寒意。

47、Moreover, the winter-solstice sun won’t even pass closest to it on the sky for another 200 years.此外,冬至日的太阳在未来xx年里甚至不会接近这个中心。

48、Reaching Dongqing road on the east, Hengguang Power Company on the south, river on the west, Tongde road on the north.东至冬青路、南至恒光电力公司、西至河流、北至同德路。

49、During winter months, it offers rooms for $42 to $90 per night.在冬季,度假村的房价为42至90美元。

50、Tuesday is Winter Solstice and the KCRC estimates many people will leave work early.星期二是冬至,九铁预期很多人会提早放工。

经典英文句子51:冬至,51、"Said the text" contains: "Shu at December after the winter solstice festival three hundred gods.《说文》载:“冬至后三戍日腊祭百神。”

52、Thee 8th AWG will be held in Sapporo and Obihiro during Feb. 19-26.


53、The 21st Winter Olympiad starts on Feb

12, and runs until the end of the month.


54、Holly figured prominently in Celtic summer and winter solstice observances , and Romans used it extensively for Saturnalia celebrations.霍莉突出凯尔特人夏季和冬季冬至纪念活动,和罗马人用它广泛用于撒特那利亚庆祝活动。

55、From 1751 onwards, the Hall was used exclusively to pray for good harvests at the winter solstice.在xx年前,这个大殿是在冬至时用来祈求来年有个好年景。

56、I still cannot forget the cold winter, when you took me to the keyboard class.至今我也不法忘记你带我学电子琴的那个寒冷的冬天。

57、The 8th AWG will be held in Sapporo and Obihiro during Feb. 19-26.


58、Anyone considering trying winter swimming should consult their doctor beforehand, especially since the activity can be harmful -- or even fatal -- for individuals with underlying health conditions.每个人在冬泳之前咨询医生,因为冬泳对那些有着潜在健康问题的人有着不利,甚至是致命的危险。

59、Is it winter again, is it cold again冬又来? 寒凉将至?

60、Freeze tofu for 豆腐原件放冰箱内,雪两日至冰硬。把冬菇及蠔菇切半。

2 days. Cut mushrooms into half.

61、Torrey says he was lucky to visit it not once, but twice, at the June and December solstices.托利说,他有幸两次游览马丘比丘,分别是在夏至和冬至。

62、Like a blaze of summer straw, in winter's nick.象夏日麦杆的燃烧,在冬至时节。

63、It is concluded that the higher latitude and the nearer approaching midwinter, the bigger raising-temperature coefficient.结果表明:纬度愈高,距冬至愈近,增温系数愈大。

64、She stayed in the drawer even after summer and long winter passed by.她留在抽屉里,甚至在夏季和漫长的冬季过去了。

65、The winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart.冬至吃饺子,一个饺子一颗心。

66、Twenty century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with summer and winter solstices.古代密教的世纪追随者则确信不疑:巨石阵与夏至、冬至日有关。



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