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关于”最基础的句型“的英语句子59个,句子主体:the most basic sentence pattern。以下是关于最基础的句型的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the most basic sentence pattern


1、Based on the model experiments new friction pairs are selected and manufactured.


2、Mapping OVF to OCCI’s Infrastructure Model


3、If governance is to be catalyzed by and predicated on a change management infrastructure, you'll want standard usage models.


4、TOPMODEL is a topography-based half-distributed hydrological model for watershed, for which the topographic index is the core of it.


5、You extract content from the foundation models and use it to seed the basis for project-specific architecture development.


6、Finally, on this basis, the proper BCH-algebras of pure high-type quasi-commutativity are given.


7、Sketch is the basic of any plastic arts.


8、On this basis, this thesis gives out the model of proportion of optimal reinsurance between the insurer and the reinsurer.


9、Both jackup drilling rig and bucket foundation platform belong to shallow foundation structures.


10、Finally, the graph primitives ' representation model of character is formed and character is recognized.


11、The conclusion parameters are identified by the recursive least-square identification algorithm.


12、The upper-level model embodied the principle of minimum summation of terminal investment, transportation and management cost. The lower-level model embodied the effects on traffic flux assignment …


13、The genetic model of SLE could be the major gene trait, and major gene mode was the best fitted one.


14、Today, more then ever, businesses place the mainframe as the foundation of their computing infrastructure.


15、In soft soil area, we give priority to the piled box(raft) foundation in choosing the foundation type for super-tall building.


16、This article introduced the latest advances in the genetic ABCDE model of floral organ development and the quartet model, and summarized the transcriptional factors related to the flower development.


17、The mathematical model to determine optimum scheme of shaft construction mechanization matching is established.


18、Based on the model, we use the Branch-and-Bound algorithm to solve the max-cut problem.


19、Social hierarchy in calf-cow groups is based on size and age, with the largest and oldest at the top and the smallest and youngest last.


20、A rocking composite lumped parameter model (CLPM) is developed based on the results obtained with state-of-the-art formulations of foundations oscillating on a elastic half-space.

21、Objectives-oriented accounting standard is a new standard mode differs from rules-based standard and pure principles-based standard, which was brought forward by U.该模式以目标导向为基础,强调每一会计准则的具体目标,避免了规则基础与纯原则基础准则的缺点,是一种比较理想或最佳的原则基础准则体系。

22、Bucket foundation platform is an up to date platform used in the exploitation of mergence oil fields in the word.桶形基础平台是世界上用于开发边际油田的一种最新型平台。

23、Finally, it tries to build up a customer-based tourists experience design model.最后,在此基础上尝试构建了顾客化旅游体验设计模型。

24、Conclusion:building up new teacher-student relationship in China must depend on China's national conditions.最后得出结论:我国基础教育新型师生关系的构建,必须从我国的国情出发。

25、The sketch is all plastic arts foundation.素描是一切造型艺术的基础。

英文句子26:,26、Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay features.大纲的基础上早日买卖类型,谢伊的典型特征。

27、Based on this distribution pattern a suitable sampling number model and Kuno′s model of sequential sampling have been proposed.在此基础上提出了最佳理论抽样数和序贯抽样模型。

28、This sort of testing is the cornerstone of software quality.这种类型的测试是软件质量的基础。

29、This algorithm is obtained by introducing a dead zone into original least square estimation.这种算法是在最小二乘型参数估计的基础上通过引入死区而得到的 ;

30、Then, the general variational method and its numerical algorithm are suggested to solve these optimal control problems of unsteady flows.在此基础上,阐述了变分法求解这类偏微分方程最优化控制问题的基本原理及模型求解步骤。

31、"The latest computer application-based" is the latest computer applications written in the basis of training materials.《最新计算机应用基础》是最新编写的计算机应用基础培训教材。

32、Credit decisioning is based on complex mathematical models that were never covered.信用决策是基于复杂数学模型基础上的。

33、With generics, iterators and anonymous methods in C# C#

2.0, the groundwork was laid for what would eventually become LINQ.


34、Finally, on the basis of testing, the mathematical model is established.最后,在试验的基础上,建立了凝缩的数学模型。

35、One based on the maximization of individual utility is social security charge rate model, to research the optimal charge rate;一是利用微观经济学基础,从个人效用最大化角度出发的社会保险最优缴费率模型。

36、Chronostratigaphy of basement is the important basis for division to the type of terranes.基底地层年代学是确定地体类型的重要基础。

37、Some of those business models are advertising-based.其中有些商业模型是以广告为基础的。

38、Then, an optimization model for the object of maximum net income per year is presented.在此基础上,以年净收益最大为目标函数,建立了无功就地最优补偿的数学模型。

39、In building "a resource-saving and environment-friendly" society, is the most valuable land resources, the most fundamental basis of the material.在建设“资源节约型、环境友好型”社会中,土地资源是最宝贵、最根本的物质基础。

40、The algorithm is proved to be correct and efficient by experiments and practical application. The shortest path algorithm in time-dependent networks has a broad application fields.在对时间依赖网络模型和理论基础进行分析的基础上给出最小时间路径算法,并通过实验验证了算法的正确性和有效性。

41、Then the maximum corrosion depth of typicalstructures of a certain type aircraft was estimated.在此基础上估算了某型飞机典型结构在给定服役时间所对应的最大腐蚀深度。

42、Finally, a dual genetic algorithm-based approach to evaluate the maximum allowable DG capacity is proposed.最后,则提出以双基因演算法为基础之最大可并网分散型电源容量评估法。

43、Pile foundation constructed in reverse order is a new method used in foundation construction.桩基逆作法是一种新型的基础施工方法。

44、It perturbation the basic of NGN business model .动摇了NGN业务模型的基础。

45、The root foundation, a new type of foundation with variable cross-section, was introduced.介绍了一种新型变截面基础形式-根式基础。

46、As a new factory building is near a old factory building and a new foundation is below a old foundation in the course of extending factory building , using small-sized sinking well is very effective.在厂房扩建过程中,当新厂房基础与原厂房基础较近,且新基础深于原基础时,采用小型沉井是有效的。

47、This is the first basic principle of finance.这是金融学最基础的原理。

48、The individuals of all above genotypes marked by microsatellite were selected to make up foundational breeding stock based on the comprehensive selection index.在采用综合选择指数选择种兔的基础上,具有以上微卫星标记基因型个体最终组成育种基础群。

49、T-type special foundation bolt for reducer;减速器专用T型基础螺栓;

50、This model is based on the TMB 1300 of the latest development of the models of our factory.TMB1300A自动贴面机为我公司在1300型基础上最新开发的机型。

经典英文句子51:最基础的句型,51、The foundation slab of Taipuhe pumping station is a typical huge foundation slab on soft foundation.太浦河泵站泵房底板是典型的大型软土地基基础板。

52、The domain knowledge is divided into foundation scheme knowledge, buried depth calculation knowledge, pile style selection knowledge, slab selection knowledge and so on.将知识库分级为元知识与领域知识,后者进一步分级为基础初步选型、基础埋深确定、桩型选择、承台选型等知识库。



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