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1、Friends Happy is the winter in a , not only the warmth of our hands, and the warmth of our hearts, the warmth of our life;


2、It was sweet, warm weather--too warm for travelling;


3、The calculation of heating duration and energy consumption can provide basis for on standardized heating-design as well as reference for the energy-saving for the multi-span greenhouse.


4、The HotHouse FIR Topical Warming Unit provides its warmth without ever having to touch the skin.


5、Cold hands, warm heart.


6、We can see its' warmness.


7、Inside our house, the air-condition blow off warm wind keeping us warm and pleasant.


8、The warm bath relaxed me.

9、We give yours warmth is smile. 微笑是我们送給你的温暖。

体验身体温暖促进人际温暖科学, 322 (5901), 606-607 DOI:

10、Experiencing Physical Warmth Promotes Interpersonal Warmth Science, 322 (5901), 606-607 DOI:




11、All these are significant to climate forecast such climate warming, cold and warm winter, high temperature, low temperature cool damage, drought and flooding.


12、You are my temperate marine climate, has always been warm.


13、With warmer temperatures creeping poleward, many cold-living species could be subjected to warmer environments than those they're adapted to.


14、It is wholesome and warm.


15、That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.


16、Moved by the love, each other warm.

17、We give yours warmth is smile. 微笑是我们送给你的温暖。


18、Drink some warm liquids.


19、Sea winds that blow inland from the west are warmed by a current of warm water that flows through the Pacific Ocean.


20、Cute Christmas graphics, a warm red hue, all of these make people feel warm.

21、Monday dawned warm and rainless.星期一清晨,温暖无雨。

22、So the climate is warm and moist.为温暖湿润气候。

23、The warm sun evaporated the dew.(温暖的)阳光化去了露水。

24、Warm light accompanied by warm wind;温暖的光伴着和煦的风;

25、This is a green winter.这是一个温和无雪的暖冬。

英文句子26:,26、Her words warmed his heart.她的话温暖了他的心。

27、The warm hand is cupped under you.那只温暖的手托着你。

28、We give yours warmth is smile.微笑是我们送给你的温暖。

29、Rice grows in warm climates.稻子生长在温暖的地区。

30、Return to the warm sun with happiness.回到温暖的阳光下嘻戏。

31、Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner , but of all that come in contact with it.内心旳阳光県仅温暖勒臫己旳吢,同时乜温暖勒所冇跟祂接触旳人。

32、Temperatures average 17-21 degrees centigrade.境内温暖湿润,年平均温度17到21摄氏度。

33、Characteristics:Lightweight insulation for cold weather warmth, superior movement of moisture to keep you warmer.特点:隔绝寒冷,质轻保暖,出色导湿,持久温暖。

34、I basked in you;我沐浴过您的温暖;

35、我的温暖唯你独有 Only you have access to my warm care.

36、There's no place like home. 没有比家更温暖的地方

37、Warm temperate mixed deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest is the main forest vegetation type in China's warm temperate zone.暖温带落叶阔叶次生林是中国暖温带森林植被的主要类型。

38、The indoor temperature gradients of low-temperature hot water floor radiant heating and the radiator heating are measured.实地测试低温热水地板辐射供暖及传统散热器供暖的室内温度竖向分布。

39、Keep your extremities as warm as possible.尽量保持四肢温暖。

40、Bask in the warm hot coals.沐浴在温暖的热煤。

41、It was a warmish night.那是一个还算温暖的晚上。

42、Then what do you think is "warmness"?那你觉得温暖是什么?

43、wherever you go whatever you do i will be right here waiting for you 不管你在哪,不管你在做什么,我都在这里等着你。

44、Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the oner, but of all that come in contact with it.内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,同事也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。

45、You're my temperate maritime climate being warm all the time.你是我的温带海洋性气候一直都是暖暖的。

46、Eight is for a nice warm bed.八赞休憩兮床温衾暖。

47、You have the same warm, sincere heart.温暖你虔诚不变的心。

48、Relaxation of warmness flow into my left shoulder, and I feel warm and heavy;轻松暖流,流进左肩,感到温暖沉重。

49、I enjoy the warmth of Spain.我享受西班牙示的温暖。

50、The coal fire in the hot-air heater quickly warmed the house.暖气炉里的煤火很快地使室内温暖起来。

经典英文句子51:温暖,51、The sun of autumn warms the alae of the cicada, but not its anima.秋日的阳光温暖了蝉的薄翼,却温暖不了它的心。

52、Give north-western Europe bring of warm Atlantic ocean water combines.给西北欧带来温暖的大西洋暖流。

53、The climate was warm - warm and cool-warm toward dry.气候由温暖—温凉—温暧转干。

54、You are warm and backlighting.个性签名:你是温暖逆光而来。

55、The stove heats the room.暖炉使房间温暖起来。

56、Sometimes, warmth is not enough.有时候,温暖是不够的。

57、So, this turns out to be warm.因此它最终是温暖的。

58、Your concern is the warm spring breeze温暖了我们的心灵。

59、Mengtoutaishui feel extremely warm.蒙头大睡觉得温暖无比。

60、(温暖的)阳光化去了露水。The warm sun evaporated the dew.

61、It is just the feeling of sitting room inside, so big, warm lamplight, according to the us, is very warm.那是只是感觉的,偌大的客厅里面,温暖的灯光,照着我们,很温暖。

62、It is pleasantly warm in May.xx月的天气温暖宜人.

63、Chitose warm. Thousandth of warmth.千岁暖。千分之一的温暖。

64、Why is our flesh warm?为什么肉是温暖的?

65、The river qingling and warm.河水清冷而温暖。

66、Lifetime, v. warmth not only ruin, fall in love meet, warm with Ann.有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。

67、Color Temperature:Cool white. Pure white.色温:冷白,正白,暖白,深黄白。

68、Only 暖温带和温带地区仅发现9种;

9 species were found in temperate and warm temperate zones.


标签: 英文

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