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关于”美食“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Good food。以下是关于美食的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good food

纽约市的美食导览(Food on Foot Tours)

1、Food on Foot Tours, New York City, New York


2、Canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained.


3、The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels.


4、Rich knowledge about food and drinks.


5、There is another region for gourmets.


6、Since it was founded, Best Food in China had a dream: we spread out the culture of food, we promote the peace of the world.


7、Codium is the favourite food of some sea slugs.


8、Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.


9、Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.


10、This fair consists of two parts, namely, food carnival and food exhibition.


11、And enjoy the music and food and the people.


12、But the most popular dish is scallops.


13、Learn how to tell when lamb is cooked thoroughly gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip.


14、In the Americas, the totality was visible from eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. But none of the eclipse was visible from North America.


15、Tricholoma beauty is a good diet food.


16、Beautifully composed, playful island cuisine with a modern twist is available from the restaurant's inventive menu, including plentiful options for gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan guests.


17、Pre-Columbian Foodways: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica.


18、Smile to beautifulness is like salt to food.


19、Some may be uploading those photos to Foodspotting, an app with photos and ratings of good food.


20、So a family of four that spends $175 a week on groceries squanders more than $40 worth of food each week and $2,275 a year.

21、Most traditions have a recognizable cuisine, a specific set of cooking traditions, preferences, and practices, the study of which is known as gastronomy.大多数的传统中都有一种公认的美食,一种研究传统烹调方法,人们偏好以及饮食习惯的学科,被称为美食学。

22、Likness is working on a cookbook and is in talks to create her own line of food products or join another chef's brand family.莉齐现在正在撰写一本自己的食谱,而且据说她还打算创立自己的美食品牌,或者加盟另一个美食品牌。

23、A restaurant in Paris is offering flavours that you can inhale, instead of tasting them physically.巴黎一家餐厅新近推出“吸入式食物”,食客不用动口就能品尝美食。

24、Menus feature refreshing local flavors and ingredients, creating authentic regional dishes and old classics for all to savor. Contemporary cocktails and beverages are created to match your mood.餐厅选用新鲜食材,精选富有本地特色的美食佳肴和时尚鸡尾酒饮料,让宾客在享受美食的同时将美丽的鼓浪屿海景一览无余。

25、As Gypsy's casual & romantic personality, here you can take your ease, say whatever you want and heartily enjoy delicate cuisines and wines.就像吉普赛人随兴、浪漫的性格,您也可以自由自在、随兴地在吉普赛美食餐厅享受美食与美酒,畅所欲言,话古道今。

英文句子26:,26、Tips for serving risotto; learn how to plate and garnish risotto in this free gourmet cooking and fine dining video.在职烩饭技巧,学习如何板和装饰烩饭在这个自由美食烹饪和美食视频。

27、great cooking is not for the faint of heart. 胆小的人做不出精湛的美食

28、To round off the celebrations, a mouthful of mooncake is essential.在这样一个完美的夜晚,月饼是不可或缺的美食。

29、Not far ahead is the Chinese Food Street.前面就是中华美食街。

30、There will be a food festival on Sunday.周日将会有一个美食节。

31、I went out for gourmet festival tonight.今天晚上,我出去逛美食节了。

32、Monster's Online: Fashion & Tech is My Food!怪兽在线:时尚与科技是我的美食!

33、The event will gather in the town of Binyang all (township) Featured cuisine is a cultural tourism gourmet Binyang the Feast.这次活动将云集宾阳各个镇(乡)特色美食,是一次宾阳文化旅游美食的盛宴。

34、Like fashionistas, gourmets have a sense of theatre.像时尚达人一样,美食家也爱秀。

35、French cuisine is famous around the world.法国美食举世闻名。

36、"There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them," Murphy said.莫非说:“总是会有一些铁杆美食爱好者千里迢迢地飞往哥本哈根去品尝美食。”

37、Offering Pomme's delicious snacks to your beloved Pets.为你的爱犬提供美味的零食。

38、Think back to the gastronomic example.回过头再来想想关于美食的例子。

39、Food:baden-baden diet distinguishing feature, due to the influence of French cooking deeply, authentic cuisine food with its high quality and creative and popular.美食:巴登巴登的饮食别具特色,由于深受法式烹饪的影响,地道的佳肴美食以其高品质和创造性而广受欢迎。

40、To gather the famous delicacy, to lead the food revolution, to offer customers safe and high-quality products that are continuously manageable.汇聚名品美食,引领美食变革,给客户提供可持续经营的安全、高品质产品。

41、FLATOW: ...like the gourmet food for a crow.傅拉托:...就像一种乌鸦美食。

42、As a foodie, I will tell that it's difficult to look at food as fuel, rather than entertainment.作为一名美食家,我会说,比起把食物当成一种乐趣,更难把食物当成能量。

43、One of the most popular recipe apps is Epicurious with its 28,000 recipes from Gourmet and Bon Appetit.一个最流行的配方应用程序名为美食家,它有来源于美食家栏目和祝你胃口好栏目中的28,000个配方。

44、Reason #4 - Technology and Gastronomy理由

四 从科技和美食业看

45、However, a series of food safety incidents has damaged the country's reputation for fine cuisine.然而,一系列食品安全事件却令中华美食名声受损。

46、They filled their guest with good food.他们以美食招待他们的客人。

47、“It’s fit for a gourmet,” said Ruth.“它适合一个美食家,”露丝说。

48、Alas, I grew up and became a foodie.只是,我长大了,成了一个美食家。

49、In certain location things were dominated by certain cereals; rice in Asia, wheat in Europe, sorghum and millet in Africa, and maize in the New World.不同的地方有不同的主食,比如,亚洲主食米饭,欧洲主食小麦,非洲主食高粱和小米,美洲主食玉米

50、Omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to north and central america.原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。

经典英文句子51:美食,51、One man's meat is another man's posion .某人的美食却是另一个人的毒药。

52、Serve as aperitif wine, ideal to combine with salads, spicy food and Indian food.可作开胃酒,完美搭配色拉,辛辣食物和印度、泰国食物。

53、What is food to one, is to others bitter poison.一个别的食品,却是另一个别的毒药(吾之美食,汝之鸩毒)

54、Romans loved their gourmet luxuries so much, says Wood, that they brought most of their favourites from home.伍德说,古罗马人对美食的喜欢程度促使他们几乎把家中最爱的美食都带来了。

55、Xi'an cuisine, you have tasted it?西安的美食,你都尝过了吗?

56、Compared to other food streets in Beijing, Qianmen Food Street features restaurants with long history and very authentic local dishes …跟其它美食街相比,前门美食街的特点是餐厅都有悠久的历史,提供地道的北京风味…

57、Super Taste brings the best dishes to our viewers through our three discriminating hosts.食尚玩家由三组主持人,把美食介绍给所有挑嘴的老饕。

58、He researches diets carefully, and is a true epicure.名副其实的美食家了。

59、Beijing is a city of gastronomic contradictions.北京是一个美食矛盾体。

60、A foodie/foody is a person who has a refined interest in good food and drink.“吃货”是对美食和美酒有雅趣的人。

61、Well, A.A. Gill is only half gastronomic.是这样,吉尔只是半个美食专家。

62、There are no limits to fine dining in Orange County.橘子郡美食好吃无极限。

63、Famous Gourmet Vincs Huang leading a group to explore the fantastic foods of Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo island.超级口福星黄文升带领美食同好到婆罗洲第一大城古晋市寻访独特和罕见的美食。

64、Sesame chicken is the king of food.芝麻鸡乃美食之王。

65、Good food cant deviate from Food additive. The food nutrition strengthen agents of Food additive is basic mate-rial upholding human health.美食离不开食品添加剂,食品添加剂中食品营养强化剂是维护人体健康的基础物质。

66、There is a food street in the west of Chengdu.在成都西边有一个美食街。

67、Edible wild fungus beneficial to health and beauty.食用野生菌对健康、美容有益。

68、The food could be called up-scale Lebanese, delicious mezze dishes of the day that come delivered in beautful silver trays.人们将那里的食物称之为美丽银托盘上高档地黎巴嫩美食。

69、They are impossibly perfect, and edible.它们难以置信的完美,而且可以食用。

70、This created a craving for rich food.这让他进而贪求丰美的食物。

71、t be bothered unless you’ve got food.无美食朝贡者速速退下。

72、Italians, we eat good food, but we eat a lot of it.我们意大利人享受美食,但我们的食量实在太大了。

73、Boulder lived up to its reputation as a foodie town, ordering the most in Amazon's Cooking, Food & Wine category.博尔德市没有辜负她美食城的美誉,在亚马逊订购了最多的烹饪、饮食和酒水类的书籍;

74、You know all those people taking pictures of their food at restaurants? Some may be uploading those photos to Foodspotting, an app with photos and ratings of good food.你了解所有那些在餐厅里为食物拍摄图片的食客吗?其中一些人有可能把这些图片上传到美食集锦里,附有图片的应用软件会把这些美食进行评级。

75、Come and taste authentic and delicious Shanghai food in The Palace Restaurant, prepared for you by our Master Chef Alex.快来体验中餐总厨滕师傅主理的上海美食,给您海纳百川、融会贯通的正宗上海美食体验。

英文句子模板76:Good food,76、I am very much of a foodie person that is why whenever I plan a trip I always research about the local cuisine, national dishes, and the best local restaurants.我也是一个非常喜欢美食的人,这也是为什么无论哪次我计划去旅行的时候都会查找一些资料了解当地美食、民族美食和当地最棒的餐厅。


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