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关于”表达观点的句式“的英语句子40个,句子主体:a sentence pattern for expressing an opinion。以下是关于表达观点的句式的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a sentence pattern for expressing an opinion


1、In his opinion, benevolence and expressions of gratitude appear to be subtle but powerful ways to bring happiness into one's life and to extend it.


2、Lennon often used his fame to make a point in theatrical ways.

这个表达式选择 元素的子元素之间的所有文本节点。

3、This expression selects all text nodes between the children of the element.

} 表达式的其他功能,比如延迟求值和设置 EL 表达式的值。

4、} expressions, such as deferred evaluation and the option to set the value of an EL expression.


5、Click the canvas, and connect the string expression to the log expression.


6、Anonymous functions, regular expression support and pattern matching are only the beginning.


7、The expression of Bio-Bode diagram was established according to biological features.


8、End of expression check.


9、The unified mathematical description of these two ways usually uses the Cartesian coordinates or polar coordinates formulas.

如果不能使用 BC 模式,对于返回多个节点的节点集表达式可增加谓词 [1]。

10、If BC mode is unavailable, append predicate [1] to the node-set expression that returned more than one node.


11、This will produce the following output, showing ORing and ANDing of pointcut expressions


12、Bu + V + Liao" ( not + V + any more) is a sentence pattern with many different meanings: the meaning of "decline", "plan" and "change", but each has its own syntactic and semantic characteristic.


13、'There's a certain Darwinian angle to recession,' says economist Sean Snaith of the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Fla.


14、The advantages of having an expression in this form, rather than just an ordinary expression, are slightly more subtle.

表达式,它可以不基于 JSF。 这一节展示如何对非 JSF 标记使用 deferred-value 表达式,它比 JSF 表达式更容易构建。

15、This section shows how to use deferred-value expressions for non-JSF tags, which are much easier to build than their JSF counterparts.


16、The comparison expression, which has phonetic pausing in spoken form and is separated with punctuation marks in written form, is a special form of expression.


17、This representation reveals the structure of IE-estimators and shows how they operate on the ambiguity float solution.


18、Communicate : match the presentation to the capabilities of the user.


19、Take a look at the slideshow below and let us know in the comments. You can also vote in the poll following the images.


20、Regular-Expressions.info: This site provides regular expressions tutorials, examples, and references.

21、To observe the character of singularity loci clearly, a polynomial form of the singularity loci are also derived.为了清楚地观察奇异形位的特征,本文还得到了奇异表达式的多项式形式。

22、Participants were asked how much they agree with the following statements: “I believe that…people get what they deserve,” and “I am confident that justice always prevails...…是实至名归的”和“我深信公正会永远站在……这边”。


23、The result of a comma expression is the value of the rightmost expression.逗号表达式的结果是其最右边表达式的值。

24、Or alternatively we could use databinding expressions to bind against its values.或者我们可以利用和数据绑定表达式约束对自己的价值观。

25、The third part of the traversal expression is a boolean expression.遍历表达式的第三部分是布尔表达式。

英文句子26:,26、If you start an XPath expression with /, the expression won't be evaluated against the current node; instead, the evaluation will start at the document root node.如果使用 / 作为一个 XPath 表达式的开头,那么就不会对当前节点计算这个表达式;相反,计算将从文档的根节点开始。

27、An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple. The length of the tuple is the number of expressions in the list. The expressions are evaluated from left to right.一个表达式表是一个包括至少一个逗号的元组, 它的长是表中表达式的个数。其中表达式从左到右按顺序计算。

28、The first table expression produces 57 rows, and the second table expression produces 5+7+9=21 rows.第一个表表达式产生 57 行,而第二个表表达式则产生 5+7+9=21 行。

29、The mode of expression_r, the tone and modulation of the voice, the choice of words, and certain other indefinable things distinguish him.表达的方式、音调的转换、遣词造句以及某种难以言表的东西会让他们与众不同。

30、The two XPath expressions are represented by com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression objects referenced from the nodes of the tree.这两个 XPath 表达式由树节点引用的 com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression 对象表示。

31、这个表达式选择 元素的子元素之间的所有文本节点。This expression selects all text nodes between the children of the element.

32、Meanwhile, the nodes attribute specifies a query expression that can result in any number (including zero) of nodes.同时,节点属性指定可以产生任何数量(包括零)节点的查询表达式。

33、Remember: Tu is informal, vous is formal.记住:tu(你)是非正式表达, vous(您)是正式表达。

34、The suggested formula features simplicity in calculation, perceptibility in appearance, and close approximation of calculated resistances to that of the model tests.此公式具有计算简便,表达直观,计算与船模试验阻力值较逼近的特点。

35、Expression trees are related to lambda expressions, which are the logical next step in the line of delegates and anonymous delegates.表达式树与Lambda表达式相关联,Lambda表达式是可在行内实现预期代理和匿名代理的内容的一种方式。

36、However, the value of an entire comma-separated expression is only the result of the rightmost expression.整个逗号表达式的值是由最右边的表达式决定的。

37、He delivered most of hislines in an almost weary tone, as Southerners sometimes do to emphasize thatthey're speaking common sense.他以近乎平淡的方式表达了他的大部分观点,就像南方人有时候会强调的他们说的是常识那样。

38、So let's just be a bit more formal.我们用正式点的语言来表达吧

39、The basics of pattern matching is therefore: Pattern = Expression.模式匹配的基本形式是:模式 = 表达式。

40、Reverse Polish-style features of the order of operands is the same, the location of computing symbols reflect the order in computing.用这种表示法表示的表达式也称做后缀式。逆波兰式的特点在于运算对象顺序不变, 运算符号位置反映运算顺序。

41、Let's begin with Fish's first sentence, which is on page 1023, the upper left-hand column.我们希望提出对这个观点一种或另一种形式的批评,从Fish的第一句话开始,第1023页。

42、The pointcut is an expression that describes a set of join points.切入点是一个用来描述一套连接点的表达式。

43、To start at any other node in the DOM, start the query expression with a variable name that will be associated with that node when the query expression is interpreted.在 DOM 中的任何其他节点开始,使用一个变量名开始查询表达式,在解释查询表达式时,变量名将与该节点关联。

44、This is the reverse course of evaluation imprecisely.表达式的合成,是表达式求值的逆过程。

45、In the next expression, it is useful to start in the innermost expression.在接下来的表达式中,从最里面的表达式开始会很有用。

46、Using dots to terminate an expression also makes a really large difference.使用圆点来终止表达式同样会造成很大的差别。

47、Lua allows multiple assignments, and expressions are evaluated first and are then assigned. For example, the statementsLua 允许使用多种赋值语句,可以先对表达式进行求值,然后再进行赋值。

48、Converting infix expression to a postfix expression中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换

49、The resulting syntax expression simply rearranges each of these parts into a new expression.产生的 syntax 表达式只是将每个部分重新安排成一个新的表达式。

50、Java_Regular_Express (Java Develop - Java) - Regular expression is one important concepst for all program …精通正则表达式是最权威的讲解正则表达式的…

经典英文句子51:表达观点的句式,51、The approach yields stencils of minimal size using five neighboring points. And coefficients of discretization have explicit expressions.利用五个邻点信息构造具有最小模板的离散格式,并且离散系数具有显式表达式。

52、A watchpoint will break program execution when the specified expression changes value, but it must be set when the variables used in the expression are in scope.当指定表达式的值改变时,监视点将中断程序执行,但必须在表达式中所使用的变量在作用域中时设置监视点。

53、Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth?这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?

54、Converting infix notation to postfix notation中缀表达式到后缀表达式的转换

55、As with regular expressions, you can create either positive or negative lookahead assertions.正如正则表达式一样,你可以创建或者正的,或者负的前观断言。

56、Markowitz formalised these ideas and drew up the mathematical formulae to optimise diversification.柯 维茨整理了这些观点,推导出数学公式,使多样化达到最优。

57、The expression now returns two text nodes: 这个表达式现在返回两个文本节点:

12 and


12 和


58、Concatenating two regular expressions creates a longer expression.连接两个正则表达式创建一个更长的正则表达式。

59、Breakpoint conditions can be any valid C expression when debugging C programs, indeed any valid expression in the language your program is using.调试 C 程序时,断点条件可以是任何有效的 C 表达式,一定要是程序所使用语言的任意有效表达式。

60、When we embed a conditional expression in a larger expression, we usually must parenthesize the conditional subexpression.当我们要在一个更大的表达式中嵌入条件表达式时,通常必须用圆括号把条件表达式括起来。

61、Expression -- Only examines tree content (element values) returning the result of the expression.表达式 —— 仅检查返回表达式结果的树内容(元素值)。

62、On the other hand, from the perspective of expression, reports and comments of student-teacher violence in media have showed its diversified characteristics on expression.另一方面,从表达方式来看,媒体师生暴力报道与评论文章呈现多样化表达的特点。

63、We can start having complex expressions, you can imagine we can have things are lots of parens, and all sorts of things in it. Yes, question.我们可以开始写复杂点的表达式了,你可以想象,我们有一个很多括号的表达式,里面有各种各样的东西,什么问题。

64、BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY — Controls the maximum number of child nodes an expression may have.控制一个表达式可以具有的子节点的最大数量。

65、Moreover, you should not present a close paraphrase from a source: either use the exact words with quotation marks, or put the point in your own words.此外,不要引用经过改写的文句,即使距原意不远。 此种引用不论是以加引号之方式,或用自己的话表达重点都不可以。

66、The Social Animal's thesis is expressed through the form of a novel.《社会性动物》一书的论点是通过小说的形式来表达的。

67、Thus try explores landscape planning and design of the expression .从而试探索高校景观规划设计的表达方式。

68、The expression 1=1 is always true for every row in the table, and a true expression or'd with another expression will always return true.对于表中的所有行,表达式 1=1 始终为真,而为真的表达式与另一个表达式执行“或”运算后将始终返回真。

69、Substitute this for du.代入du的表达式。


标签: 英文

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