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1、Incentive-compatible regulation is an inevitable trend in the progress of international banking regulation.


2、Teams of professionals teach and motivate villagers and chart their progress.


3、I mean, you could say, well that means the options are really working well because it really motivated the managers and they did something and made the company worth more.


4、It was a feast which empowered me to continue my journey with SIFE.


5、For this, a method of white noise simulation on road roughness based on power function is put forward with that method for two wheel vehicles derived.


6、Chapter Five designs a new incentive scheme for Luo Xin Pharmaceutical Company Limited.


7、It is emphasized that risk factors should be integrated into incentive mechanism, and construction-agent enterprise's costs are valuable to determine the maximum of prize;


8、But I also recommend adding additional motivators, to help jump start you.


9、Each tuning fork is electrostatically actuated and sensed at resonance using comb electrodes.


10、The sea in the sails, call your motivate you struggled to climb the mountain.


11、Based on the conclusion, we get several means to solve this problem.


12、His first task was to give the new group a strategic thrust.


13、Leadership of the Department will be visionary, decisive, motivating and participatory.


14、Inspirational leaders create 'can-do' attitude and make business fun.


15、Surround yourself with things that inspire you and reflect your goals.


16、Incentives were paid out in gift cards, cash bonuses and premium reductions and were used to help "shape healthy behavior".


17、For exciting with a shaker, the nonlinear and viscoelastic properties of foam material were considered.


18、Shiller: I thought the Dodd-Frank [financial reform bill] was an inspiration.


19、Active stock option is aimed at the disagreeable benefit to the owners and dealers in the current enterprises. It is also a restraint to them.


20、Usually only bonuses and long-term incentive plans are tied to results.

21、A slab waveguide CO_2 laser excited by microwave has been designed and constructed to obtain the output in phase locking coherence.本文提出用微波激励板条形波导CO_2激光器,以期在远场实现同相锁定相干输出。

22、Purpose: High voltage switching and amplifier, color TV horiz driver, chroma.用途: 用于高压开关和放大,彩电行激励及色度信号输出。

23、For starters, it provides new incentives to improve and expand existing applications.首先,它为改进与扩展已经存在的应用提供了激励。

24、Numerical results are presented for the bilinear hysteretic structures to nonstationary excitations.对受到非平稳激励的双线性滞后结构给出了数值解。

25、An ongoing dialog is established, enabling and inspiring a community of developers who are otherwise only very loosely joined together.建立一个会话,激活并激励一个开发者社区,不然他们只会非常松散地组织在一起。

英文句子26:,26、It's more stimulating for them to have an audience to play with.对表演者而言,因为对着听众演奏而更加有激励性。

27、What motivates you to connect with a brand on a location-based service?什么激励你去把地理位置服务和品牌联系起来?

28、We have Law-protecting Officiate and Inspired Minor to report our activities.我们有法律保护和激励本土主持报告我们的活动。

29、They set up a chart to reward him with points or ice cream.他们制定了一个奖惩表,用加分或冰激凌奖励他。

30、If the exciting source is a white noise signal, voiceless sound will be sent out;若激励源是一白噪声信号,则声道发清音;

31、Explain how goal-setting and reinforcement theories explain employee motivation.解释目标设置理论和强化理论怎么解释员工激励。

32、At present, the overseas listed company also plans to implement equity-based incentives.目前,海外上市公司还计划实施股权激励。

33、A high pressure transverse electric excitation sealed-off 报道一种工业用高气压封闭形横向电激励二千瓦级连续CO_2激光器。

2 kW CW CO2 laser with high efficiency for industrial use has been developed.

34、It was Ovett in particular who helped drive Coe on to new heights.科勋爵能不断受到激励创下新高,尤其要感谢奥维特。

35、The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.这个利润分享计划就是要激励员工勤奋地工作。

36、To motivate senior executives, perquisites or special benefits are also important.为了激励高层职员,特殊的待遇和福利也很重要。

37、How we can build effective encouraging-binding mechanism based on the facts?如何从我国实际出发,建立起有效的激励约束机制?。

38、The sea is calling you sail, motivate you struggled to climb the mountain.大海在召唤你扬帆远航,高山在激励你奋力攀登。

39、Further, imports expose local firms to competition, stimulating management to improve performance.此外,进口使当地企业面临竞争,能激励管理者改善效绩。

40、I could not use any of the traditional means of motivating my staff.我不能用任何传统的方式来激励我的职员。

41、Which prompted Frodo to ask: "What are we holding on to, Sam?"这激励了佛罗多追问道:「那我们持守著什麽,山姆?」

42、It applies bias to the run-off verification stimulus make a fast cover the results of similar projects have been covered by running the biased verification stimulus.该验证结果扩展器对已运行过的测试激励施加偏置,通过运行带偏置的测试激励,快速覆盖已被覆盖验证目标的相似项目。

43、And non-uniform seismic excitation of traveling wave effects is focused on.对非一致地震激励下的行波效应影响作了分析研究。

44、We also observed acoustic waves are converted from alternating electric signal in the formation.在井中激励交变电场时,井内可以接收到声波。

45、Yongzhou Hongii real estate company is a Chinese—foreign joint venture property real estate enterprise, its original middle manager Compensation incentive has not played the big role.永州鸿基房地产公司是一家中外合资的房地产开发企业,其原有的中层管理者薪酬激励机制并没起到多大的激励作用。

46、Q. Your comeback has been cited as an inspiration by Hingis, Seles and Dokic.你的复出曾给与辛吉斯、塞莱斯和多克奇以激励。

47、"He is an inspiration to all of us, " said school principal Richard Ball.“对于我们大家来说,他是种激励,”校长里查德·巴利说。

48、In short, it is imperative to improve the incentive mechanism of LINBAO Company of Limited.总之,林宝公司激励方案的改进已势在必行。

49、After visiting the gallery , I was inspired to take some art classes.参观完画廊之后,我受到激励而去上了几堂艺术课。

50、Finally, tax incentives are easier to administer and less discretionary than grants.最后,税收激励比研究资助更好管理、更缺少任意性。

经典英文句子51:激励,51、Incentives for grass-roots workers mainly stay in the material level, but ineffective, resulting in a high-level employee's mobility and an increase of instability in the development of enterprises.对基层员工的激励,主要停留在物质激励层面,并且效果不佳,造成基层员工的高流动性,增加了企业发展的不稳定因素。

52、Although a few words, but The role of such incentives are inestimable.虽然寥寥数语,但这样激励所起的作用是不可估量的。

53、And the organization with individualism culture and low correlative degree of the job should consider the individual motivation.任务之间关联度低,企业文化为个体主义的组织运用个体激励更能激发团队中成员。

54、The vehicle engineering side only consider excitation caused roughness of road so that all of the excitation should be accounted into roughness, then road class divides according to roughness.车辆工程仅考虑路面不平度对车辆的激励,所以把与路面对车辆激励的各种情况均计入不平度,并按不平度对路面分级。

55、Maradona atoned by inspiring Argentina to win the next World Cup.马拉多纳通过激励阿根廷获得世界杯冠军获得了救赎。

56、Books and articles may inspire you to take that step forward.在这里输入译文书籍和文章能激励你向前走。

57、Q: Is that what spurred you to do research to find antimalarial drugs?问:这一亲身经历是否激励了您从事抗疟药物研究?

58、The same way you train any animal to do almost anything: by associating a particular stimulus with a reward.这和你训练任何动物去做几乎任何事的方法是一样的:把一个特定的激励物和奖励联系起来。

59、Output characteristics were tested under two diluent injecting methods on a single tube discharge excited infrared multi-band chemical laser by taking DF as a typical case.以DF为例,在一台单放电管电激励红外多波段激光器上测试了两种稀释剂注入方式下激光器的输出特性。

60、The incentive mechanism of share ownership includes stock option, share ownership, stock appreciation right.股权激励机制包括股票期权、股权和分红权。

61、Instead, OPPO became still more expert at incentivising its physical retailers.与线上相比,OPPO在激励实体零售商方面更加专业。

62、It will be valuable to improve the motivation mechanism of Chongqing Dencare.对重庆登康公司改善激励机制有重要的参考价值。

63、Post it up at your home and work place. This positive public pressure will help motivate you.放在你的博客上,这些正面的压力会激励你。

64、The calculated results indicate that the across-wind loads of high-rise buildings with square sections are induced mainly by vortex shedding and are narrow-band random processes.得到如下结论:高层建筑横截面为方形时,其横风向风荷载主要由规则性旋涡脱落导致的尾流激励构成,为窄带随机激励;

65、Multi-loading device for MEMS testing based on PZT(piezoelectric ceramic) which can provide vibrating and temperature and pressure load for MEMS testing has been designed.为解决MEMS测试中非接触式的振动激励问题,对基础激励的原理进行了研究,并设计开发出基于压电陶瓷的MEMS测试用的多载荷加载台。

66、As a "double-edged sword" stock option incentive has the inner dialectic relationship in itself.股权激励是一把“双刃剑”,具有内在的辩证关系。

67、First and foremost, your policy should clearly outline management's support of the policy.他的首要任务是有策略地激励这支新队的士气。

68、Because of a friend's help and encouragement, you will be invincible and indomitable.因为朋友的相助和激励,你才会战无不胜,一往无前。



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