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关于”描写人物外貌“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Describe the appearance of characters。以下是关于描写人物外貌的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the appearance of characters


1、of the seeds face, round eyes and cheeks has two deep dimple, it is lively and cute.


2、I write to be one person who helps to put the world, the lives of humans and non-humans back together, to make them whole again.

一般人的容貌都是发之于学养,习惯等。而他的容貌是修养发之于心, 形之于外的结果。

3、Common people's complexion and bearing are from their culture of world and habits, while his are from the fruit of practice.


4、Exterior of the North Kowloon Magistracy.


5、When it comes to their appearance female derro are only slightly less abhorrent than their male counterparts.

6、I hope that you will have one like mine, too我的家人 每个人都有一个家庭。


7、SEM is an important means for the observation and study of the artificial opal photonic crystal.


8、Although in her middle ages, Linda has a youthful appearance.


9、The morphology of sulphide inclusions in sulphur-comprising microalloyed steel manufactured by converter after rolling was observed.


10、Undoubtly, appearance of human is essential to first expression.


11、"Company manners" and "every-day manners" must be identical in service as well as family behavior.


12、The two animals are similar in appearance, but they belong to different species.


13、From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh.


14、This does mot rule out people who are not good-looking or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm.


15、The microscopic appearances of heating wire were observed by scanning electron microscope.


16、Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hun dred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history.


17、green military uniform worn down to the anterior.


18、Was also never finish, and also look to see enough, the beautiful mother of the motherland, touching, intimate look - think about and see !


19、In his study, when asked to describe the woman getting shocked, many of the observers devalued her. They berated her character and her appearance. They said she deserved it.


20、Optical and SEM microscopy on cross-sections are conducted to inspect the morphology of IMCs.

21、Describe what you can see ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) history, the ( )and your fellings.描述你的旅途见闻,比如历史、地貌特征和你的感受。

22、Father Ralf in the novel "The Thorn Bird " is an outstanding figure of the common fellows , whose appearance, mind, personality and behaviors are all graceful.《荆棘鸟》中拉尔夫神父是同类人中出类拔萃的人物,其不仅外貌、心智、而且性格及品行都是“优美动人”的。

23、Time has taken away its outer material, but it still keeps its shape and sense of majesty.时间磨掉了它的外层物质,但金字塔仍然保持其形状和宏伟的外貌。

24、Lookism, or judging people on their physical looks, is a rampant problem in the workplace and indeed everywhere we go.外貌主义,或以貌取人,是在职场和我们能到的任何地方都很猖獗的一个问题。

25、For the most part, the Germans looked, acted, and fought like us.最主要的,德国人的外貌、行动,战斗性都跟我们很像。

英文句子26:,26、By means of depicting the ways of the world of that period, "Ukiyososhi" reflects rather truly the social historic feature and its essential characteristics, so it has certain value in understanding.“浮世草子”通过对当时社会的人情世态的描写,比较真实地反映了江户时代的社会历史面貌及其本质特征,具有一定的认识价值。

27、On the one hand, he extracts the valuable from the seemingly valueless in our daily life to depict the unimportant persons' tragedy, thus advocates man's value.他的小说既从普通生活中貌似无价值的事物中提取有价值的东西来叙写小人物的悲剧,宣扬“人”的价值;

28、Fatuous, clichéd or selective depictions of Bangkok by visiting filmmakers are so commonplace that foreign residents quickly stop registering them.曼谷的昏庸,陈词滥调或选择性的描写访问电影人司空见惯,以至于外国人登记他们迅速停止。

29、His brother is a man with a serious aspect . 他的兄弟是一个外貌严肃的人。

30、tooth to exclude buses, like the very cute.释义:妹妹今年xx岁,读小学xx年级。

31、Yes, people can be vicious in their categorization of women’s looks.没错,人们在对女人的外貌进行分门别类时极有可能居心叵测。

32、This is a series of Chinese outside reading materials that target foreign Chinese learners.针对学习中文的外国人所撰写的中文课外读物。

33、The process of electrochemical deposition and the morphology of obtained deposits of polyaniline film is studied in combination with SEM and FTIR characterization.采用傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR),扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征了本征态和掺杂态聚苯胺的结构和微观形貌。

34、Children are taught to treat everyone with respect regardless of skin-color or appearance.孩子被教导要尊重每个人,不能以肤色和外貌取人。

35、Besides displaying the live plants, the Society will also show the medicinal parts of the plants.中药学会除展出这些中草药的原植物外, 还会展示一些草药鲜用时的外貌。

36、Manners as well as appearance are, generally speaking, so totally different.人的外貌及言谈举止,一般说来是截然不同的。

37、They berated her character and her appearance. They said she deserved it.她们攻击她的人品甚至外貌,她们说这是她应得的。

38、Furthermore, bridging logic has to be written for servlets to use beans defined in the Spring descriptor.此外,需要为 servlets 编写桥接逻辑,以使用在 Spring 描述符中定义的 beans。

39、There are striking resemblances between the two sisters.这姐妹俩外貌惊人地相似。

40、This is an organism’s outward expression: its anatomy, physiology and behaviour, whether healthy or pathological.“显形”是一种生物的外貌表征:如解剖结构,生理机能,行为,健康或病态。

41、A striking deep sea-fish called an amphipod crustacean reveals the diversity of sea creatures under the belly of Australia's deep sea world.,这种片脚甲壳类海洋生物有着惊人的外貌,它的发现体现了澳大利亚深海动物的多样性。

42、Lookism is discrimination against or prejudice towards others based on their appearance. The term is not in widespread use, though it appears in major English language dictionaries.外貌主义指根据外貌对别人产生歧视或偏见。虽然这个说法在主要的英语字典中都有收录,但并未得到广泛应用。

43、When foods presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.当普通人不再担心食物时,人们开始把更多的兴趣集中到漂亮的外貌和快乐的休闲时间。

44、How to express politely in writing and observe the politeness principle is one of the most important and diffident tasks in English for International Business Letter Writing.如何在外贸英语函电写作中实现礼貌化表达是外贸英语函电教学的重难点之

45、Yesterday a person exactly corresponding with this description was followed, but he was lost sight of at the corner of the Rue de la Jussienne and the Rue Coq-Héron.昨天跟踪到一个人,他的外貌和以上所描过的完全相符,但那人到裘森尼街和高海隆路的拐角上便 突然不见 了。

46、Never mock someone's appearance for it's kinda a cheap shot.永远不要嘲笑他人的外貌,因为这样很没品。

47、In Chinese, when describing a man as "looks like Pan An", it could be the highest praise to his looks.在汉语当中,当形容一个人“貌似潘安”时,这可能是对他外貌的最高评价。

48、You’re a fine one to criticize someone else’s appearance and personal hygiene.对他人外貌和个人卫生,你倒挺善于评头论足的。

49、And one more thing, don't talk with your mous rude.此外,当你嘴里塞满了食物的时候,不要说话,否则是不礼貌的。

50、Lookism, or judging people on their physical looks, is a rampant problem in the workplace and indeed everywhere we go.外貌主义,或以貌取人,是在职场和我们能到的任何地方都很猖獗的一个问题。 收藏。

经典英文句子51:描写人物外貌,51、What does your mother look like?(主要指外貌) 或 What is your mother like?

52、If they are both bad, she comforts herself that she has graces; a certain manner; a 'je ne sais quoi, ' still more engaging than beauty.假如她的容貌和身材都不好,她就会相信自己具有魅力,具有某种“难以描述的”、比美貌还要迷人的风度。

53、The microphotographs of SEM indicated the change of microcosmic morphology.扫描电子显微镜分析了表微观形貌的变化。

54、The wolf fish, which, despite its fearsome appearance, does not eat other fish, only molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. This photo was a runner-up by Jim Greenfield.狼鱼,尽管它外貌可怕,但不吃其他鱼类,只吃软体动物,甲壳动物和棘皮动物。

55、There would be a museum to display the history of Kowloon Walled City .另外增设博物馆,展出九龙寨城的历史及旧貌。

56、His brother is a man with a serious aspect . 他的兄弟是一个外貌严肃的人。

57、In such cases, it is expected that appearance information estimated from evidence material will help in finding unknown persons.在这种情况下,人们就希望通过证物推测出的嫌疑人的外貌特征,借此找出这些身份不明的人。

58、The morphology of the porous silicon wasobserved with SEM.用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对其表面形貌进行了观查。

59、Politeness delights polite people as well as those who are treated with courtesy——Montesquieu中文翻译:礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。

60、Determination and profile of crop nouns.农作物名物词的确定及概貌。

61、He wrote back to her out of courtesy.他礼貌性地给她写了一封回信。

62、I was struck with the man's singular appearance.那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。

63、In fact, Wevill's weight and her striking looks seem to be a point of discussion in nearly every biography I have read which includes a description of her.事实上,在我读过的包含了对她的描述的几乎每一本传记中,似乎韦维尔的体重和引人注目的外貌都是一个讨论点。

64、Simulating the fire residues of the home electrical appliance, the microscopic appearances of heated wire were observed by SEM.模拟家用电热器具火灾残留物,用SEM(扫描电子显微镜)对火灾残留物中的电热丝显微形貌进行观察。

65、People care about looks, and one's race and genetic lineage affect one's looks.人们在意外貌,而一个人的种族、遗传因子影响着他的外表。

66、Despite the breathtakingly sad opening chapters, Tyler's delicate perceptiveness gives the novel an understated warmth.除令人悲哀至极的开篇外,泰勒的微妙的洞察力给了这部小说一种轻描淡写的温暖。

67、He evolved from a thin, stern-looking old bishop into the fat, cheerful fellow we all know today.他从瘦廋的,外貌严肃的老主教演变成为今天大家所熟知的胖嘟嘟喜洋洋的人物。

68、Laps :Laps are suce defects caused by folding over fins or sharp corners into the suce of the material .皱纹是:外貌缺陷,毛剌折转或锐边折转正在金属外貌。

69、The boride layers on different carbon steels have been extracted by etching in 18% HCl water solution and observed under SEM.采用盐酸溶液腐蚀方法直接举取不同碳钢表面的硼化物层,在扫描电镜下观察其立体形貌。


标签: 人物 外貌

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