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关于”26个字母“的英语句子58个,句子主体:26 letters.。以下是关于26个字母的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:26 letters.


1、A design combining or interweaving letters or initials ; a monogram.


2、Instead of cutting the 26-inch in half to make each of the cross-members, we are going to intersect it using a two-inch hole saw.


3、A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a non-alphanumeric character.


4、Each calligraphy alphabet has a set size.


5、Lettered words is an appropriate name.


6、Now, clap it!


7、Dignitas figures also show that

15 Britons took their lives there in 2003, 26 in 2006, eight in the first five months of 2008 and 23 in the past

12 months.

没有经过教师同意而迟交者,成绩扣一个字母等级, 迟交逾一周者,扣两个字母等级。

8、Essays submitted more than one week will be penalized by two full letter grades.

如果你的电池是一个基本法- 5c合作模式,请取出电池并核对26万字的识别号码,从背面电池。

9、If your battery is a BL-5C model, remove the battery and check the 26-character identification number from the back of the battery.


10、I think she watched this video 4-5 times and can now identify every letter in the alphabet.


11、A letter of ICAO airline designator code.


12、And those drinking coffee made someplace else (think Starbucks) fell from 31 percent in 2009 to 26 percent in 2010.


13、Grouped into the pure-letter type and the type with letter combinations, they have peculiar features of formation and rules.


14、If you are only allowed to use 25 English alphabets to write, which alphabet will you give up?


15、Bök will create a code that links letters of the alphabet with genetic nucleotides (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, aka ACGT).


16、Beginning in 1903, the company began using the first

19 letters of the alphabet to name new cars.


17、If you're not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like.


18、What do the letters N.B. stand for?

最后这两个字段可以是字母数字,所以将使用 varchar() 函数。

19、The last two fields can be alphanumeric, so you'll use the varchar() function.


20、Extract uppercase words from a file, extract unique words

21、For example, while "IRS" and "BBC" are typically pronounced letter by letter, "NATO" and "UNESCO" are pronounced phonetically.例如,“IRS”和“BBC”典型地发音是一个字母一个字母,“NATO”和“UNESCO”就会以单词的形式发音。

22、In Phoenix , Arizona , a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯城,一个xx岁的母亲俯身凝视着她xx岁的儿子,他快要死于晚期白血病。

6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia.

23、Bernhard Karlgren, the great pioneer, used the comparative method to reconstruct Middle Chinese in his Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise (1915-26).高本汉,作为一个先行者,在他的著作《中国音韵研究》 (1915-26)中最先应用比较方法拟构了中古汉语声母、韵母的音值。

24、When I see these four letters,当我看到这四个字母时,

25、She worked her initials on a handkerchief.她把自己名字的缩写字母绣在一个手帕上。

英文句子26:,26、I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.我是字母表里第九个。

27、What five-letter word has only one left once you take two away?什麽单字拼出来有五个字母,但拿走两个后却只剩下一个?。

28、Every cell will be, essentially, a letter in the crossword puzzle.本质上,每个细胞都是纵横拼字谜(crossword puzzle)中的一个字母。

29、Each letter will represent an -ology.每个字母将代表安易学。

30、My first letter is in chocolate but not in ham, My second is in cake and also in jam, My third at tea-time is easily found, My whole is a pet who's often around.What am I?我的第一个字母在chocolate中但没有在ham中,第二个字母在cake中同时也在jam中,第三个字母很容易在tea-time中找到,我是条经常被围绕的宠物,我是谁?

31、Split tup words that have two middle consonants.当两个辅音字母不同。

32、In 1976, women busied themselves with 26 weekly hours of sweeping-and-dusting work, compared with (据统计)xx年,妇女每周要花费26小时来做家里的清扫工作,而到了xx年这个数字下降到17小时。

17 hours in 2005.

33、The black paint had run down in little sharp points beneath each letter.写字用的黑色颜料在每个字母下面都流成了一个个小尖头。

34、In August 2008, 36% of men and 26% of women aged 65 to 69 were still working, compared with just 26% of men and 17% of women xx年xx月,65至xx岁的人群中,有36%的男性和26%的女性仍在工作,而xx年前这两个数字分别为26%和17%。

10 years earlier.

35、The final \p{Alpha}{2, 3} means two or three alphabetic characters.最后的 \p{Alpha}{2, 3} 表示两个或三个字母字符。

36、The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters.用户名必须以一个小写字母开头,接着是任意数字和其它小写字母的组合。

37、One of the mysteries of this process is that h- managed to stay before w long after it was shed before l, n, and r.在此过程中的一个奥秘是字母h-在字母l, n和r前脱落很长时间后,仍尽可能地留在字母w前。

38、The symbol is a cross between the Roman letter R and its Hindi equivalent, and was designed by a teacher at the Indian Institute of Technology.这个符号是在一个罗马字母和一个印地文字母加一个十字符号,由印度技术学院的一名教师设计。

39、The standard 3-letter abbreviation for the constellation.每个星座三个字母的标准缩写。

40、In Galatians 在加拉太书

4:26 Paul again speaks of "Jerusalem which is above" as "the mother of us all".


41、The letter A is commonly used for austenite, F for ferrite, G for graphite.通常用字母A表示奥氏体,字母F表示铁素体,字母G表示石墨。

42、One tradition says that if you twist the stem of an apple, assigning a letter of the alphabet to each turn, the stem will break off when you've reached the initial of someone who loves you.有一个传说是,如果你扭动苹果的梗,每扭动一次代表字母表顺序上的一个字母,在扭动到爱着你的人名字的首字母时,苹果梗就会断掉。

43、They are, in fact, a 26-year-old mother and her daughter.事实上,她们是一位xx岁的母亲和她的女儿。

44、Having seven colors gave them 49 combinations, which they used to encode the 26 different letters and 23 alphanumeric symbols such as "@" and "$."七种不同颜色提供了四十九中不同的组合用来编码二十六个不同的拉丁字母和二十三个诸如"@"和"$"之类的符号。

45、Alphabets without serifs are called sans serif .不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。

46、Operator recognizes that the single digraph character and the two individual characters are equivalent.运算符认为该单个二合字母字符与这两个单独的字符是等效的。

47、What letter stands for the ocean? 哪个字母代表海洋?

48、This is a letter with a trill.这是个发颤音的字母。

49、My name is Alessandro, I'm 26, I live in Italy and I studied in London, UK.我的名字是亚力山卓,xx岁,我住在义大利,在英国伦敦求学。

50、If youre not entirely sure what the first letter is, start with the letter it sounds like.如果你不确定这个单词的首字母是什么,那就从它听起来像的这个字母开始找起。

经典英文句子51:26个字母,51、Provides an example that strips invalid non-alphanumeric characters from a string.提供一个示例,该示例从字符串中去除无效的非字母数字字符。

52、Brick quiz whangs a jumpy veldt fox. 关于砖头的测验难住了一只跳跃的南非草原狐狸)

53、If you hover over the field, you can see a partial list, as shown in Figure 26.如果您浏览这个字段,您就能看到一个不完全的列表,如图 26 所示。

54、We have here in 26-100 the mother of all pendulums.在这里0,有所有钟摆之母。

55、Provides an example that strips invalid non - alphanumeric characters from a string.提供一个示例,该示例从字符串中去除无效的非字母数字字符。

56、On average, today’s mothers had only 26 minutes per day of "me time".平均而言,今天的母亲每天只有26分钟的“自我时间”。

57、There is no excuse for misidentifying a letter.没有借口弄错一个字母。

58、Materials and methods: Analysis of CT manifestations in 26 cases proved by operation and pathology, including neuroblastoma 21 cases, ganglioneuroblastoma 材料与方法:分析经手术、病理证实的26例神经母细胞瘤的CT表现,其中:神经母细胞瘤21例,神经节神经母细胞瘤5例。

5 cases.

59、A semivowel, one having an audible sound by the addition of another Letter; e. g. S and R.半元音是由另一个字母辅助才能够发出声音的字母,比如S或R;

60、Now in fact W was not part of the Roman alphabet. We English invented W after adopting the 23 letters that came as a standard set from the Romans.不过呢W其实并不在罗马字母表内。在采用了罗马人的标准字母表中的23个字母后,我们英国人自己发明了这个W。

61、TUBE TYPE: This may be one, two, or three alphanumerics or symbols.管型:这可能是一个,两个或三个字母,数字或符号。



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