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关于”中秋节的短语“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Phrases of Mid-Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的短语的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Phrases of Mid-Autumn Festival

1、round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。


2、In the "plotless structure", her style of manipulating time and space plays a pioneering role in the experiment of the English short stories.

因此如果 slop 的值为 0,短语为 "hey you",那么必须按照查询中定义的位置寻找这个短语。

3、Thus if the slop is 0, and the phrase is "hey you" then the phrase must be found in the position defined in the query.


4、The English vowel sounds in "pat", "pet", "pit", "pot", "putt" are short.

5、enjoy mooncakes watch the moon get together with the family 希望我的回答能给您带来一些帮助


6、Now, I am proudly announcing "Star Source" Teachers and Students English Culture Festival opens.


7、All the candidate translations of the source language phrase are extracted based on the translation head-phrase and the maximum translation boundary.

在西班牙语中,有个同样意思的短语,“Dar un toque”, 或英语中的“To give a touch.”

8、In Spanish, the phrase for this is “Dar un toque, ” or, “To give a touch.”


9、Yin Mingyong hosted the First English Speaking Competition for High School Students of Xinyang City and Jin Qiu, a second grader of Scholars' Land High School gained the top prize.

is midautumn festival, at this time the people always eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the family member reunite, because that day moon is roundest.there are also many wonderful stories about midautumn festival, i am looking forward to enjoy the festival. 翻译:每年阴历的xx月xx日是中秋佳节,这时人们都会吃月饼,赏月亮,家人们团聚在一起,因为这天月亮是最圆的。

10、every year lunar calendar in august

11、To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。


12、Then, we are busy with their respective, only during the holidays each hair short channel greeting words;


13、The ANW2 30-node networking mode is ideal for voice, situational awareness, and short messaging services.


14、Originally airing on Tuesdays for the short six-episode first season in midseason 1986, it moved to Wednesdays in prime time in the fall of 1986.


15、would you like to go and admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?

16、where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。


17、The positional phrases directly used as complements in 《The Selection of Yuanqu》were not common in modern Chinese but there are some remnants in present Chinese.


18、Listenned to rich brocade words in strong of self-confidence, the vegetable autumn wallet one's lip smiled.

19、胚胎发育 短语 multiple fetation 翻译 ; 多胎妊娠英语 fetation interception 中止妊娠 Recurrent ectopic fetation 再发异位妊娠


20、Bamboo bird's nest's growth environment needs high ecological environment, not artificial planting. And it can only appear in half past autumn season, with low yield and short circle.

21、All candidate translations of source language phrase are extracted by combining translation head-phrase with statistical translation boundary.从译文中心语块出发,结合译文统计边界生成源语言短语的所有候选译文。

22、The pace of classes immerses students in the language.课堂的节奏让学生沉浸在语言中。

23、After knowing the programs, let's welcome teachers' representative, Vice Director of the Foreign Language, Prof. Wu Jun Qiu, give an opening speech.在了解本次文化节内容之后,让我们有请教师代表,外语系副主任吴劲秋老师致开幕词。

24、Homonym correction plays an important role in post-processing for large vocabulary continuous Chinese speech recognition.语音消歧是大词汇连续汉语语音识别后处理过程中的一个重要环节。

25、Liang's translations mainly assume the form of prose, with rhymed lines inserted on occasions. They are concise and faithful to the original.梁实秋译作体裁主要以散文为主,偶有韵语穿插其中,语言简洁、忠实于原作。

英文句子26:,26、Without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty.没有你在我身边,天上月圆圆,我心却空落落。

27、This Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on idioms that come from football, or soccer.这是2节英语商务播客中的第1节,将学到源自足球的习惯用语。

28、Japan girds for a sashimi shortage. (AFP)日本为生鱼片(日语中叫"刺身")短缺而准备。

29、Chapter three is the exploration of theories of modifier-noun - phrase in Jinwen Shangshu.第三章为“今文《尚书》定中短语的理论探析”。

30、"Chinese is really taking root, " she said. Starting this fall, Jackson High will begin phasing out its German program, she said.她说,汉语是真的在这里生根了。从今年秋天起,杰克逊高中将逐渐停止德语项目。

31、Non-idiomatic elliptic utterances refer to the non-schema-based ones which occur in a certain context spontaneously and exist for only a short period of time.非惯用省略语是指在一定语境中出现的,一次性的、短暂的、非模式化的省略语;

32、The vulgarism study of modern Chinese language is an unsubstantial tache in the history of researching common sayings of Chinese language.近代汉语俗语研究是汉语俗语史研究中一个较为薄弱的环节。

33、Synthesized the shortest-path and entire-segmentation method, we present a model of rough segmentation, which is based on the N-shortest-paths-unitary-statistic method.在词语粗切分中,我们综合最短路径方法与全切分方法,提出了一种基于N-最短路径一元统计的粗分模型对中文词语进行粗分;

34、This is an intermediate level Chinese teaching material edited for the short term international students in China. It is divided into two volumes, each containing 魔力汉语枣中级汉语口语是为来中国短期留学的外国人编写的中级汉语教材,分上下两册,各10课。

10 lessons.

35、Various phrases also get blocked in Web searches.各种短语(“敏感词”)也在网络检索中被屏蔽了。

36、They had received personal best scores in their short and long programs, beating their former personal best in the long program by about 他们在短节目和长节目中均取得个人最好成绩。 长节目中,以16分突破个人最好记录。

16 points.

37、They've expunged words, names, and phrases from search engine results.他们从搜索引擎提供的结果中删除字词、名称和短语。

38、Subjective-Object Structure is one of the most common structures in Chinese used in high frequency, which is also named "Subjective-Object Style" or" Subjective-Object Phrase".兼语结构,或称兼语式、兼语短语,是现代汉语中出现频率很高的结构之

39、Most polysyllabic words in the vocabulary have been borrowed, mainly from Khmer, Pali and Sanskrit.词汇中的大多数双音节词都是外来语,主要来源是库美尔语、巴厘语和梵语。

40、Creating interactive circumstances, training this ability in every link of Chinese teaching.在语文教学的各个环节中训练口语交际能力;

41、After knowing the programs, let's welcome teachers' representative, Vice Director of the Foreign Language, Prof. Wu Jun Qiu, give an opening eech.在了解本次文化节内容之后,让我们有请教师代表,外语系副主任吴劲秋老师致开幕词。

42、Instruction of Chinese Character is an important part but a weakness part in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.汉字教学是对外汉语教学中的重要环节,同时也是对外汉语教学中的薄弱环节。

43、Refine your draft headline to make it brief, to the point, and more informative.优化你的标题,使他简短明了、一语中的、信息丰富。

44、Don't sell that man short. He's one of the smartest lawyers in town.这个短语的意思很像中国俗语“把人瞧扁了”,也就是没看到某人的长处。

45、I can read the words in the phrasebook, but I can't say them .我能看懂短语手册中的这些词,但不会说。

46、One can hear English 24 hours a day by listening to short-wave radio or FM stations that broadcast music and information shows in English.首先,中国国内几乎到处都有英语:短波和调频台一天24小时都在播放用英语主持的音乐节目及其他知识性节目;

47、另外,a teacher of English,an English teacher这两个短语在表示“教英语的老师”时,二者均可用,只是要注意后者中的English要重读。

48、home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。

49、Diarmuid Mitchell is the ELT Materials Writer of the BBC Learning English China team. He develops radio and online materials for broadcast in China.穆达是BBC学英语部中国组英语教育节目的教材撰写人,为在中国播出的广播节目撰写广播和网上教材。

50、admire the beauty of the moon with me tonight?今晚能邀你一同赏月吗?

经典英文句子51:中秋节的短语,51、Search any phrase with any slop in one field以任何 slop 值在一个字段中搜索任何短语

52、to have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。

53、The grasp of language materials by text messages has distinct time characteristics. They can make use of the musicality of Chinese syllables to produce harmony and variation.短信对语言材料的把握具有鲜明的时代气息:它利用汉语音节的音乐性,制造和谐和变异;

54、Finally comes the conclusion:generally the time-adverbs which can modify nouns as adjectives are double-syllabled and with the meaning of time length.最后得出结论,作定语修饰名词的时间副词一般为常用的双音节时间副词,同时兼有表时间长短的语义。

55、my dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? i miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?

56、The Mid-Autumn night language sends to long for, spending a good month a circle a circle with difficult feeling.中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆情难圆。

57、Schegloff, E. A. , Jefferson, G. & Sacks, H. 1977. The preference for self-correction in the organization of repair in conversation. Language. 53(对在对话中的自我修复功能进行矫正.xx年出版,摘自《语言》36-382页,第53短第二小节。

2), 361-382.

58、with you tonight is my best dream.今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。

59、They’ve expunged words, names, and phrases from search engine results.他们从搜索引擎提供的结果中删除字词、名称和短语。

60、The article mainly discusses Qiuyu s Proses by Yu Qiuyu and Susu s Soliloquys in the Northeast.文章主要讨论了余秋雨的《秋雨散文》和素素的“独语东北”系列散文。

61、Without post-secondary school: the school on the phrase used in front of the;没有后中学:学校使用的短语前面的;

62、The RLE Business Audio series presents vocabulary and phrases for negotiating. Contracts, offers, introductions and phrases.瑞来系列商务英语听力资料中介绍了各种磋商词汇和短语。

63、Undoubtedly, demonstratives can be regarded as a significant aspect in ESL writing.所以,指示词的语篇功能应当成为二语写作教学中的重要环节。

64、most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到。

65、The TV blared Thai.电视中播放着叽里咕噜的泰语节目。

66、Ovi —the Finnish word for "door" —could even offer TV programs at some point.这个词语在芬兰语中是“门”的意思,能够见诸于某些电视节目当中。

67、The answer is that he was drawing, perhaps unconsciously, on the phrase “three score and ten, ” which appears 111 times in the King James Bible.答案就是他在写稿子时可能是无意识的想到了这个短语。 “Three score and ten”这个短语在钦定英译本圣经中出现过111次。

68、The most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing.试着寻找最华丽的祝词,我没能做到。

69、Now, I am proudly a ouncing "Star Source" Teachers and Students English Culture Festival ope .下面,我宣布秋韵伊人外语系“星源”师生英语文化节开幕式正式开始。

70、I will tell you the phone Numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would in a full-moon night to help me tell you;(英文部分仅供参考,部分为意译) 中秋甜蜜 爱情 短信 我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;

71、They have expunged words, names and phrases from search engine results.他们从搜索引擎的结果中删除文字、名字和短语。

72、I am a new teacher in ELC this fall. I am also helping organize a new English-learning facility, the Center for Independent Language Learning (CILL), on the ground floor of the new library.于今年秋季学期我加入英语语言中心(ELC)的大家庭,正在协助筹备位于学校新图书馆一层的全新英语学习馆—语言自学中心(CILL)。

73、My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.在月色廖人的夜里,我是如此的想念你,亲爱的你听到我的心跳了吗?

74、For this purpose, we have collected a corpus of 31,493 words from three different discourse genres, among which there are 5148 noun phrases in total.本文收集了来自三种语篇类型的共三万多字的语料,其中名词短语5148个。


标签: 短语

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