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关于”家的诗“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Poetry of Home。以下是关于家的诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Home


1、By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.


2、Well, do you think the poem is really like that?


3、These four schools of poetry had been changing in Han Dynasty, and each of them had divided into new poetry schools, forming a phenomenon of different factions and the same ancestor.


4、The Lauder Family and The Estée Lauder Companies


5、Tibetan musician Tudeng is singing the great epic Gesar.

Xie Zhaozhe was a noted writer and poet in the late Ming Dynasty.



7、Emerson’s work has influenced nearly every generation of thinker, writer and poet since his time.


8、Cervantes was a spanish novelist , a dramatist and a poet.


9、We need to deprive, again, the poets, the song makers, the lyricists, the musicians, the mythmakers, the storytellers, all of them, the power to enchant us.


10、He was a famous scientist, historian, poet, dramatist, Chinese opera theorist, and textual critic in Late Qing Dynasty, so he could be called a versatile person.

德国剧作家、诗人 席勒.

11、Schiller , German Dramatist and poet).


3: Woolly mammoth resconstruction at the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, British Columbia (Wikimedia Commons).



13、You can spot the bad critic when he starts by discussing the poet and not the poem.


14、New poetry by its own unique language ( " poet's language" ), it is highly concise, jump, full of suggestive.

(德国剧作家、诗人 席勒.

15、(Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet).


16、He is rather a poet than a calligrapher.


17、Mr. Zhang is an artist, and a poet( )( ).


18、Poets, painters, musicians, sculptures, photographers and writers need not worry that science is muscling in on their territory.


19、(Friedrich Schiller, German Dramatist and poet).

英国诗人、批评家 洛威尔 .J. R .

20、James Russell Lowell, British Poet and critic

21、Zhang: Many thanks to each poet both at home and abroad for his excellent poems; many thanks to all the performing artists for their wonderful performances.张:感谢各国诗人们奉献的精彩诗篇,感谢艺术家们的成功表演。

22、Philip Arthur Larkin (菲力普-拉金(1922 – 1985)英国诗人,小说家、爵士乐评论家。

9 August 1922 –

2 December 1985) is an English poet, novelist, and jazz critic.

23、He Juxue (1963·2—), writer and poet.何炬学(1963·2—) 作家、诗人。

24、Haizi is considered as a thinker, then a poet.海子首先是个思想家,其次才是一个诗人。

25、Northern Song Dynasty writer, historian Ouyang Xiu, a poet, calligrapher Huang Tingjian , philosopher Shao Yong has this tour.北宋文学家、史学家欧阳修,诗人、书法家黄庭坚,哲学家邵雍曾多次到此游览。

英文句子26:,26、Sima Guang, a historian whose epics are greatly different from the works of other poets known for their literary works .作为史学家的司马光,咏史之作与那些以文学才能著称的诗人所作咏史诗判然有别。

27、Author's intro:Su Shi was a writer, poet, artist, calligrapher, pharmacologist, and one of the major poets of the Song Dynasty (960-1279).作者简介:苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,文学家、诗人、书画家、药理学家,宋代大诗人之

28、Yes. In the past, many great painters were also great poets and calligraphers.对。以前很多大画家都即是诗人又是书法家。

29、The company which has produced the lingerie, Jealousy International is based in China's southern Guandong province.这家内衣生产厂家,“嘉莉诗国际公司”位于华南的广东省。

30、To the specific levels, the Confucianist ideas on poetry and music are both identical and different.但是儒家对诗、乐的各自地位以及由此而来的对诗、乐的具体要求,却不完全相同。

31、A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is ultimately to be at peace with himself, What a man can be, he must be.音乐家当作曲,美术家当绘画,诗人当写诗。如果要最终获得自身安宁,应身在其职,当谋其事。

32、It is a long epic on everyone's lips among the ethnic Kirghiz people.它是柯尔克孜族家喻户晓的长篇史诗。

33、Visionaries, poets, and artists have always been better at communicating with the people than politicians have.幻想家、诗人、艺术家永远比政客们更擅长与民众沟通。

34、J. M. Donellan is an author, poet, musician, installation artist, teacher and event manager.Donellan 是一位作家,诗人,音乐家,装置艺术家,以及活动策划经理。

35、John Updike was a Pulitzer-prize winning author of novels, verse, essays and criticism.约翰·厄普代克,普利策奖得主,小说家、诗人、散文家和评论家。

36、Yan Jun, Sound artist and poet.颜峻,声音艺术家,诗人。

37、Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions.卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。

38、Yang Shen (1488-1568) was a learned and versatile writer, historian and poet.杨慎(1488—1568)是一位博学多才的文学家、史学家和诗人。

39、These contribute to composing an epic of returning spiritual homeland.这一切构成了一首归返精神家园的史诗。

40、There were thirty torchbearers, among them Franz Schubert, with other well-known musicians, artists, authors and poets.位著名的音乐家、艺术家、作家和诗人手持火炬,其中有弗朗兹·舒伯特。

41、Guo Qinghua, styled Tianfang, is a scholar, poet and calligrapher.郭庆华,字天放,学者、诗人、书法家。

42、To my mind, Rewi Alley was a poet and a translator of Chinese poetry as much as a writer.在我的心目中,艾黎既是作家,又是诗人,又是翻译家。

43、Theproject is designed for established and emerging creative writers —poets, fiction writers, dramatists, and non-fiction writers.该项目旨在为建立和正在出现的创造性作家-诗人,小说家,戏剧家,和非小说作家。

44、Helene Cixous , the contemporary French novelist , poet and literary theorist.埃莱娜·西苏,法国当代小说家、诗人和文学理论家。

45、Many great poets, great litterateurs and great artists have bequeathed immortal articles in Hangzhou.历来许多大诗人、大文学家、大艺术家,多在杭州留下了不朽的篇章。

46、Critics say there is something elegant, and melancholy in his new poems.评论家说:他的新诗,文辞雅致哀婉。

47、The poetry of Wenjiong and Zhuxi reflect the combination of idea of Song Dynasty.释家的文扃、儒家的朱熹创作游仙诗,反映了宋代思想的融合。

48、These writers were poets first and dramatists second.这些作家首先是诗人,然后才是剧作家。

49、Wole Soyinka, a playwright of Nigeria, is one of the most poetic writers in the writers who use English.尼日利亚剧作家渥莱·索因卡被誉为英语剧作家中最富有诗意的作家之

50、Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.作者弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。

经典英文句子51:家的诗,51、Everyone agrees that the epic similes in Paradise Lost are different from the epic similes in any other epic poem, and everyone agrees - I'm just going to be presenting to you a sense of critical consensus here - everyone agrees that the similes are in some way absolutely essential to an understanding of this remarkable poem.大家都同意中的诗意明喻,是和其他诗中的有所不同的,这是共识,-我将要向大家说明这一点,关于这点大家有决定性的共识,-大家都同意这些明喻某种程度上对于,理解这种异常卓越的诗是必然很重要的。

52、A distinguished poet, translator, critic and teacher, Edwin Honig wrote dozens of books and poems that attracted critical praise around the world.杰出的诗人、翻译家、评论家和教授,埃德温•侯内希曾著有几十本书和诗作,受到世界各地评论家褒奖。

53、This professor gets round with many poets and artists.这位教授跟很多诗人和艺术家铰往。

54、Yang Jiaji (1947—) is a Miao writer and poet from Luxi county of Hunan province.杨家吉(1947—)作家、诗人。苗族,湖南泸溪县人。

55、Some critics said, "Count Buffon is more of a poet than a scientist."有些评论家说道:“与其说蒲丰是科学家,不如说他是位诗人。”

56、Su Shi was a writer, poet, artist, calligrapher, pharmacologist, and one of the major poets of the Song era.苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士,文学家、诗人、书画家、药理学家。

57、Zhuo poem Chengzhe complain much, she and her brother in the family.卓诗埋怨成哲多事,插手自己与弟弟的家事。

58、Ran Zhuang (1938- ), one of the Tuchias, is a poet and writer.冉庄(1938 — ),土家族,诗人、作家、中国重庆市人。

59、Commentary by Ron Charach, M.D., Toronto psychiatrist, poet, and essayist.本评论由多伦多精神病专家,诗人,散文作家罗恩·卡拉克博士撰写。

60、Poet is the defender of being's home, only in the homeland of language, man can realize poetic dwelling.诗人是存在之家的守护人,只有在语言家园中,才能实现诗意的居住。

61、Tang Xianzu was a poet first of all, and then an ideologist and dramatist.汤显祖首先是一个诗人,然后才是一个思想家、戏剧家。

62、Guo Moruo, outstanding contemporary Chinese writer, poet, historian, playwright, archaeologist and social activist, died of illness in Beijing at the age of 86.郭沫若,中国现代杰出的作家、诗人、历史学家、剧作家、考古学家和社会活动家,病逝于北京,享年86 岁。

63、They say he wrote poems the world will always know.专家们还说他写过的诗,这个世界将永久留传。

64、In Chinese cultural history, the poet literature is indispensable.在我国的文化史上那些诗人、文学家是不可缺少的。

65、One of the Characteristics of the landscape poetry of the Xie's clan in the Six Dynasties is that they are graphic.六朝陈郡谢氏家族的山水诗,具有“诗中有画”的艺术特点。

66、Wislawa Szymborska, Polish poet, essayist and translator, b. 1923辛波斯卡,波兰诗人、散文家、翻译家,生于xx年。

67、Long poem Obscuration, my whole life's theme was selected in the the opening issue of Culture and Moral.长诗《昏暗我一生的主题》全诗被编入由艺术家苟红冰编辑的《文化与道德》创刊号。

68、Daisaku Ikeda is the world famous Buddhist thinkers, philosophers, social activist, and writer, laureate.池田大作是当今世界上著名的佛学思想家、哲学家、社会活动家以及文学家、桂冠诗人。

69、In people's imagination, poetry is the Miluo River in the Holy Land home.在人们的想象中,汨罗江是诗家的圣地。

70、Hi, my Chinese name is Wang's poems.大家好,我的中文名字叫做王诗亦。


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