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关于”国庆“的英语句子59个,句子主体:National Day。以下是关于国庆的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:National Day


1、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind.


2、Outbound tourism is popular during the 7-day Golden Week Holiday this year.


3、The No.

1 Gas Production Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;


4、Rising from Nanping, piloting Chongqing, and keeping open eyes to the world, try to create a new worldwide consumption experience in Chongqing.


5、Wish you have Shared National Day holiday, and never have trouble!


6、China, Chongqing travel, Yongchuan Bamboo-Sea, roadside puppy. Photo by KaKa.


7、Also, Yingli IFC was recently nominated as Chongqing 2010 Top

10 landmark building by Chongqing Morning Post.


8、CRI has also published reports relevant to the National Day events in 59 languages.


9、Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind.

今年xx月AAPP 要在重庆召开,外国友人受到重庆人民的热烈欢迎。

10、In April this year the AAPP was held in Chongqing . The foreign friends were warmly welcomed by Chongqing people .


11、We're doing this to celebrate the diversity and talent of the nascent and colourful gay scene of China's most cosmopolitan city.


12、Traditional Chinese weddings place an emphasis on celebration and joviality.


13、No. I would like to some greeting films for the national day.


14、Thee company is located in China's suit door of -- in chongqing.


15、Chongqing Drilling Company of Sinopec Southwest Petroleum Bureau;



16、Korean Rotarians celebrate as Lee is named the first RI president - elect from Korea.

重庆江北国际机场简称江北机场。IATA代码为CKG,ICAO代码为ZU 重庆江北国际机场。

17、Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, referred to as the Jiangbei Airport. IATA code for CKG, ICAO code ZU Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport.


18、It is once again the 7-day National Day holiday.


19、Zhang Qingwei, chairman of China to fly expressed.


20、Canadian Air Force demonstration team, Snowbirds, fly past the Peace Tower during the celebration in Ottawa July

1, 2010.

21、Sure. It's a China Bond, a symbol of happiness.当然。这是中国结,它是喜庆的象征。

22、Colleague: Can we have 7-day holiday on National Day?同事:那国庆还放7天假吗?

23、万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。Full Ying Guo, Woods Hongye dance autumn wind.

24、Chongqing green all Shi Caihang is located township of-Chongqing longevity area the Chinese blue stone but to cross the town.重庆绿都石材厂位于中国青石之乡-重庆市长寿区但渡镇。

25、China travel, Chongqing Dazu Cliff Rock Carvings, Baoding Mountain.中国旅游,重庆大足石刻崖,保定山。

英文句子26:,26、Celebration to China Danxia Qualified as World Heritage!庆祝中国丹霞申报世界自然遗产成功!

27、From north to south, celebrations erupted across the land.全国上下从南到北都在欢庆这一胜利。

28、Tonight at 今天晚上6点,国庆新闻中心将举行国庆·中秋记者招待会,欢迎各位出席。

6 o’clock, the Press Center for the National Day Celebrations will hold a National Day and Moon Festival reception for the media. You are all welcome.

29、The 为庆祝新中国成立60周年,北京动物园将迎接6只大熊猫进京举办"国宝迎国庆"展。

6 pandas, which have been selected as part of an exhibition to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC, will arrive in the capital later Wednesday, according to the Beijing Zoo.

30、Red is the traditional color of Chinese wedding celebrations.红色是中国婚礼庆典的传统色彩。

31、Where shall we go during this National Day?这个国庆期间我们去哪?

32、Festival Paper-cut is a traditional Chinese wedding, when attached to the doors and windows are decorated to the table of celebration for the preferred.喜字剪纸是中国传统婚庆时贴在门窗上装饰以表喜庆之意的。

33、China, Chongqing travel, Yongchuan Bamboo-Sea, roadside puppies. Photo by KaKa.中国,重庆旅游,永川竹海路,卡卡照片。

34、In short, from the Singapore NDP we can see that Durkheimian functions are achieved through Weberian methods.简言之,新加坡的国庆庆典说明了,涂尔干的功能要通过韦伯的方法实现。

35、Paris remembered Bastille Day Tuesday with a traditional military parade on the Champs Elysees.星期二,法国巴黎在香榭丽舍大街上演传统阅兵式纪念法国国庆日。

36、It comes to the capital of China. We enjoy the technological Olympics all over the country.终于,它来到中国的首都,举国欢庆,科技奥运。

37、That makes today's Torch Relay doubly significant – it is both a celebratory event for the National Anniversary and a prelude to the Games.适逢今年是中华人民共和国建国六十周年,一息间展开的火炬接力,将具有双重意义,为庆祝国庆和迎接东亚运揭开序幕。

38、Companies located in China Yuzhong District Bund mall.公司位于中国重庆市渝中区外滩商城。

39、Chai Xi was appointed the new ambassador to the People's Republic of Bangladesh, replacing Hu Qianwen.免去张国庆的中华人民共和国驻马里共和国特命全权大使职务;

40、Fire satiation of major districts in Chongqing is discussed, based on data form 1997 to 2004. Exploration of West effecting on fire situation of Chongqing is discussed.分析对比了xx年至xx年全国和重庆以及重庆主城区的火灾情况,讨论了西部开发对重庆消防形势的影响。

41、Chongqing Design & Research Institute, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp;中国煤炭科工集团重庆设计研究院;

42、Xiaozhang is planning to spend the long national holiday travelling abroad.小张准备利用今年国庆长假出国远游。

43、Prof. Chang Guangshu, Missouri University of Science and Technology, China.高庆敏教授, 华北水利水电学院, 中国。

44、Its center is 7km away from the port of Chongqing, 3km away from Chongqing Railway Station, and 区域内水、陆、空交通便捷,区中心距重庆水港7公里,距重庆火车站3公里,乘车20分钟即可达重庆江北国际机场;

20 minutes drive from Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport.

45、This year's National Day, Vientiane updates, unusual.今年国庆, 万象更新,非同寻常。

46、The yo-yo six hundred years witnessed many great historic chang, also will be more magnificent posture to meet the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China's National Day celebration.悠悠六百年的长安街见证了众多历史大事件,也将以更加雄伟的姿态迎接中华人民共和国建国60周年的国庆庆典。

47、Egongyan Bridge over Jailing River, Chongqing, China, 2008中国,重庆,嘉陵江上的鹅公岩大桥。

48、Wang Jing China Telecom Co. ; Ltd. Chongqing Branch; 400041;中国电信股份有限公司重庆分公司;

49、National flag-raising ceremony held in Yushu .玉树举行迎国庆升旗仪式。

50、Israel is less than 70 years old, and Singapore has just turned 50.以色列建国未满xx年,新加坡则刚庆祝建国xx年。

经典英文句子51:国庆,51、We went to Guggenheim Museum during the National Day.在国庆期间,我们去了古根海博物馆。


标签: 国庆

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