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关于”利用的词组“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Utilized phrases。以下是关于利用的词组的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Utilized phrases


1、Enumeration values should use names consisting of English words.


2、Have the students look at the sentences on the blackboard , pay attention to the possessive pronouns of adjectives and nouns . Let the students find the difference .


3、Each such logical form encodes, in a word-relation-word manner, semantic relationships, particularly argument and adjunct structure, between words in a phrase.


4、Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together.

be taller 尽管是形容词,但看作是个动宾词组,所以用 我的宾格me。

5、My brother is taller than me.


6、This article summarizes the common ways of guessing the word meanings according to transliteration, general knowledge, word-building and context clues, etc.


7、A document should be indexed more generally first by descriptors, such as coordinate indexing, hypernym indexing and proximate indexing; then by free term specially, namely double indexings.


8、Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.


9、An approach to fuzzy query expansion based on synonymy thesaurus;

10、You should make an apology to your teacher for being late 这个是正确的,运用词组shoud。

HUMID (潮湿的),利用JINXED 里的D,得了两个单词的分数。

11、HUMID on a double-word score, using the D of JINXED.


12、It is thus suggested that when learning multi-morpheme words in the list, students should use morphological motivation strategy, followed by context learning.


13、In negotiation better term may be obtained by utilizing the contradiction between different patent pools.


14、The concept of relative word frequency (RWF) is proposed. A context calculation model is set up, which makes use of contextual information to resolute covering ambiguity in Chinese word segmentation.


15、Teach new words and expressions on the small blackboard .


16、This new method is based on association norm estimation, and searches for the word boundaries by right boundary expanding.


17、An improved steganographic algorithm based on synonymy substitution for chinese text;


18、The words "partition" and "group" are used synonymously here.


19、I can answer in one word, It is victory.


20、What’s the function of the phrase?

21、Since formulaic sequences help language users achieve fluency and idiomaticity, research is needed in how L2 learners acquire and process them.恰当运用词块有助于提高交际的流利性和选词的地道性, 因此探讨二语学习者如何习得、处理和运用词块尤为必要。

22、Reflect the cognate from different documents materials2.利用声训、义训材料反映同源词;

23、It has, however, become a hallmark of Australian speech and is usually associated with that nation. The Aussies even apply mate to people they barely know. Americans use the word mainly for a spouse.这个词后来成为澳大利亚英语口语中的特有用词,澳大利亚人甚至用来称呼他们并不熟悉的人。

24、Organizing information by list, synonym, facet, and thesaurus are four common ways that have proven to be effective.按列表、同义词、方面和词典组织信息是四种已证明有效的常用方法。

25、A line under something , such as a symbol, word, or phrase, used to indicate emphasis or italic type.下划线划在符号,词或词组下的线,用以表示强调或斜体打印。

英文句子26:,26、Metaphorical thinking can not only enable people to form words by means of roots and affixes but also expand the meanings of words.隐喻思维不仅使人们能够用词根和词缀来组合构词,还能使词语引申出其它意义。

27、The size in address units of various data types may be determined by phrases such as 不同的资料型别的位址单位大小可以被用词组来决定, 像是 相似地, 对齐可以用词组像是

1 CHARS . Similarly, alignment may be determined by phrases such as



1 ALIGNED 来决定。

28、I refuse to even use the hyphenated term Chinese-American.我甚至拒绝使用“美籍华裔”这个组合词。

29、The research of file users is an important part in fi le using theory.档案利用者研究是档案利用理论的重要组成部分。

30、喜欢 一词 可以用下面几个词组表达 be fond of be keen on care for 再看看别人怎么说的。

31、As a result , the whole group retells the whole part you choose .小组选择一部分,用所给的词复述。

32、The first letter of a phrase or song refrain.避免用一个词组或一首歌名的首字母。

33、For instance, properties are assigned by one-dimensional arrays, predicates of arity 例如,性质用一维数组赋值,2元谓词用2维数组赋值,等等。

2 by two-dimensional arrays, and so on.

34、By applying the Φ2-statistical method to the generation of new words, the lexicon can dynamically be updated, thus improving the precision and veracity of word segmentation.文中还利用Φ2统计法生成新词,对词典起到了动态更新的作用,提高了分词的精度和准确度。

35、We use the fancy Italian term "Accelerando" For that.我们用一个意大利词来称呼它为,渐快

36、Another common term is a "stock dividend."还有一个常用词是"股票股利"

37、Predicates are reordered and regrouped based on the kind of predicate (local or join) and the table reference.重新排序和重新组合谓词是基于谓词的种类(本地或联接)和表引用。

38、A appositive phrase combines two words referring to the same person or thing from different perspectives.同位词组是用两个词从不同角度指出一个人或事物并互相说明。

39、OK. Here are some cards for you. Please color the words in group of three. (三个人一组,每组一张卡片,请你们用相应的颜色的蜡笔填涂卡片上的单词。

40、New words can be created by attaching affixes onto a root word ( affixation ), formation of a compound word (composition), or repetition of words or portions of words (reduplication).新词产生,可用加词缀于词根、组成复合词、或叠加整个词或部份词。

41、This is a slightly re-worded copy of this patent, as some words have changed their meaning since this patent was issued.在这个专利中这是个轻微的用词。 如同一些单词有改变他们的意识自从这个专利被发布。

42、Have you used the same word or phrase too many times within a paragraph?是否在同一段落内多次重复使用了同一个词语或者词组?

43、This table is used to combine the input characters into corresponding lexemes (tokens).该表用于将输入的字符组合成相应的单词。

44、You can also add compound words to a custom dictionary for the spelling checker.您还可以向自定义词典中添加组合词,用于拼写检查器。

45、Methods Auditory verbal memory test was performed in 72 patients with MCI, 45 patients with mild AD, and 62 normal controls.方法轻度认知功能损害组72例,轻度阿尔茨海默病组45例,对照组62例。 听觉词语记忆测定采用中文版听觉词语记忆测验方法。

46、Utilize root to add prefixes or the suffix and form neologisms .利用词根加前缀或后缀构成新词。

47、Phrases need to be in quotations, i.e. "nonprofit technology training" or else you will get results for any mention of each individual word.词组需要加引号,例如"非盈利机构技术培训",否则的话,你会得到各个单词的监测结果。

48、Listen and choose the words or expressions you hear.请选出每题里你所听到的词或词组。

49、It reveals that the high- score students use English vocabulary learning strategies more frequently .调查结果显示:高分组学生比低分组学生更常使用英语词汇…

50、Do it again on the new word and make the best use of your vocabulary.当遇到新词的时候就这样做,充分利用好你的词汇表。

经典英文句子51:利用的词组,51、Utilize the synthetic method to form neologisms .利用合成法构成新词。

52、We use phrases learned from Europe, with no conception of the meaningof those phrases in actual living experience.我们使用从欧洲传来的词组,却对那些词组在实际生活经验中的意义没有丝毫概念。

53、Making good use of corpus-based materials;积极利用基于语料库的词典;

54、In addition, we process the polysemous problem using rough sets.本系统还利用模糊集来处理多义词的问题。

55、It is necessary and essential to annotate the differentiated words in dictionaries to facilitate readers' understanding their meaning and usage.词典上对别义词作出说明,有利于读者对词的意义和用法的理解。

56、Such units are the advantages of one machine with two, improve the utilization of the unit.这类机组的优点是一机二用,提高了机组的利用率。

57、The first kind is made up of the first letters of other words. These are called acronyms.第一种是由单词的首字母组合而成,被称为首字母组合词。

58、A Google tool called the Books Ngram Viewer is available based on this data—users can track the usage and frequency of a word or phrase over the past few centuries.一个叫做Books Ngram Viewer的谷歌工具基于此数据库。 利用它,用户能跟踪一个单词或者词组在过去数个世纪中的用法和使用频率。

59、The linguistic object is not defined by the combination of the written word and the spoken word:the spoken form alone constitutes the object.语言学对象并非由书写的词和口说的词共同组成;而是由口说的词单独组成。

60、Africom pulled out “Dawn” for its second word and the resulting combination, “Odyssey Dawn, ” is devoid of any intended meaning, Elliott insists.非洲司令部采用了“黎明”作为第二个单词并这两个单词进行组合后,产生了此次的行动名称“奥德赛黎明”,不带有任何既定的隐喻,埃利奥特坚称。

61、Dictionary use research is one of the important components of modern lexicography study.词典使用研究是现代词典学学术研究的一个重要组成部分。

62、Some studies have proven that Pin Yin helps first or second year pupils a great deal in their learning of Chinese characters.研究结果发现,与普通话组相比,拼音对方言组儿童学习字词的积极作用在帮助他们再认已学过的词时最大。

63、I went to Xinjiang by train. ☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问,如: how many(多少(数量)), how much(多少(钱)), how tall(多高), how long(多长), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)

64、And with search engines, we can very efficiently search for specific terms and phrases in that text.而使用搜索引擎,我们可以非常有效地在那些文本中搜索特定的字词和词组。

65、All join predicates should be ANDed together.应该将所有联结谓词用 AND 组合在一起。

66、It's fast, and to coin a well-used phrase, it's furious .它快速,硬币和良好的使用词组,它的愤怒。


标签: 英文

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