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1、He had learnt three languages when he was ten years old. 希望能帮到你。


2、The crystals are bistable, which means that they can remain in either a reflective or non-reflective state without any power.


3、Write your goals in the positive, present tense and add your deadline.


4、Numerical solution shows the entanglement density depends on time varying sinusoidally about a cycle-averaged value that is regarded as a consequence of an equivalent steady shear rate.

5、意思上B sooner or later也有点通,但是选的话时态肯定不对.时态应该是He'll find it sooner or later.这里因为是"迟早",所以肯定没找到.


6、The present and past perfect tenses both belong to the perfect tense.


7、My boss will have arrived this time tomorrow.


8、Explicit linking is sometimes referred to as dynamic load or run-time dynamic linking.


9、Practice tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.


10、How are the words changed in this tense?


11、Furthermore, weobtained the time-dependences of the static solutions of the SU(




4: UML state-machine diagram for timesheet (two states)



13、Carbon dioxide is nonflammable, colorless, and odorless in the gaseous and liquid states.

14、)11.I had been doing the work for two hours when the teacher came.(老师来时那件工作我已做了两小时了。


15、When losing, the AI often reverts to an attacking strategy between the 60 and 70 minute marks.

Oracle FlashBack是另一个时态数据库产品,支持记录时态特性。

16、Oracle FlashBack is another temporal database product that supports the record-temporal feature.

days ago I have read a book 3和5重复了 我按照顺序下来的

17、I like apple I am reading I went to Shanghai


18、Implicit linking is sometimes referred to as static load or load-time dynamic linking.

19、)8.I have done it before I went home yesterday.(昨天我在回家之前就把那件工作做完了。

20、days ago I have read a book 3和5重复了 我按照顺序下来的

21、)10.I have been doing it for two days.(这件工作我已做了两天了。

22、Then, the denotation of temporal elements and a group of temporal data calculations was defined, and some primary elements in Temporal Workflow were formalized.定义了时态信息的规范表示和一组时态数据演算,并对时态工作流中主要元素进行了形式化描述;

23、Use active voice, present tense.使用正面的语气,现在时态。

24、Since the proposed algorithm has a constant Jacobian matrix, the calculating time can be significantly reduced, while the calculating precision can also be guaranteed.该算法具有常数的雅克比矩阵,大大减少了动态状态估计的计算时间,同时保证了动态状态估计的计算精度。

25、时态不正确,应该是Do you think Chinese food delicious?

英文句子26:,26、Changbai Mountain; Flower-visiting insect; Temporal dynamic; Spatial dynamic;长白山; 访花昆虫; 时间动态; 空间动态;

27、)(可直接以he would have been a pilot取代之)

28、Li Ming was a teacher in 2002.李明在xx年是一个老师。

29、Therefore, the development of a language has the feature of both dynamic diachrony and static synchrony.因此语言的发展既具有历时性即动态特征,又具有共时性即静态特征。

30、As you might guess, the initial state is the state in which a state machine starts.正如您可能猜测到的,初始状态 是一个状态机开始时所处的状态。

31、However only steady and mean flow state have been studied for a long period of time.在很长的一段时间内,人们对上述流态的了解仅限于定常的或时间平均的流态。

32、By the time I got up,my mother had been away from home.我起床时我妈妈已经离开家。

33、In the initial state, no process is assigned to the program. The process is in the idle state.在初始状态时,没有进程赋给程序,这时的进程就处于空闲状态。

34、By the time you will get to my home in four hours, shall have been working for three hours.你四个小时后到我家时,我将已经工作了三个小时。

35、Develop the dynamic model while refining the static model.在细化静态模型时开发动态模型。

36、Given a cell's state and the state of its neighbors at time t, the rule determines the cell's state at time t + 给出一个细胞和它的邻居在时间 t时的状态,规则会决定在时间 t + 1时细胞的状态。


37、)5.I was doing it at that time.(当时我正在做这件事。

38、Authors establish an interval-gap-based temporal logic after giving the interval-gap-based representation of temporal knowledge.在给出了间断区的时态知识表示后建立了基于间断区间的时态逻辑。

39、Problems with the English tenses?英语时态问题很好解决。

40、When you melt ice, it passes from a solid to a liquid state.你把冰融化时,冰便从固态变成液态。

41、The methods presented are applicable to both dynamic and segmental delivery.这些方法同时适用于动态调强和静态调强。

42、The full-dimension state observer and reduced-dimension state observer are developed respectively. The control law is time-varying linear state feedback.状态观测器的设计分为全维状态观测器和降维状态观测器,控制规律为时变的线性状态反馈。

43、At any given time, a state machine has one active state, also called a current state.在任何一个给定的时间,状态机具有一个活动状态,也称为当前状态。

44、Figure 图

12: UML state machine for timesheet (more states)


45、Results indicate that the dynamic gelling time is more than the static gelling time and the dynamic gelling time is 9-11 days in the experimental condition.结果表明,交联聚合物溶液动态成胶时间大于静态成胶时间,在该实验条件下,动态成胶时间为9~11天;

46、. Do you still remember the sentence “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。

47、The multi-year time lag dynamic energy input-output model is developed based on one-year time lag model, and the dynamic inverse for the model is derived.绍了静态价值-能源混合投入产出模型和作者发展的xx年时滞的动态能源投入产出模型; 将xx年时滞模型拓广成多年时滞动态能源投入产出模型,推导了该模型的动态逆。

48、This facilitates create-time validation and mapping, allows state-setting to be pipelined, and makes caching of these objects in hardware possible, minimizing state-setting overhead at runtime.这使得创建时的生效和匹配更为方便,允许绘制状态成为流水线,并且可能在硬件中暂时存储这些状态,减少运行时的状态设置消耗。

49、The relation between tense and time is close, but the 0 time phenomenon does not have a definite sub-category of its own.英语时态与时间关系紧密,但是0时间现象却没有明确的时态归属。

50、Always provide a static constructor when providing static member variables.当提供静态成员变量时,总湜提供弌个静态构造圅籔。

经典英文句子51:时态,51、Specify the duration of the power outlet state that toggles when a new Timer Period starts.指定电源状态的持续时间,以锁定一个新的定时器周期状态。

52、That gravitas and germaphobic hypersensitivity sometimes led to situations bordering on slapstick.如此庄严的态度和恐菌状态有时会引发闹乱的情况。

53、You should avoid using the wrong tense.你应避免错用时态。

54、According to the theory of temporal database, a design idea of realizing temporal dispose by communicated between TDBASE, a temporal disposal middleware, and non-temporal DBMS is offered.根据时态数据库的原理,提出了通过中间件TDBASE和非时态数据库管理系统交互实现时态处理的设计思想,描述了TDBASE所支持的时态语法和TDBASE的实现过程。

55、My mother has been doing some reading for an hour.我的妈妈已经读了一个小时的书了。

56、On Flight 在第5次试飞时,我们实验了首次加力状态下的发动机瞬态并同时实验了其它的一些发动机瞬态测试。

5, we performed the first afterburner engine transient as well as performing other engine transient testing.

57、Run-time parameters, navigating the httpd.conf file, and static versus dynamic content situations运行时参数,httpd.conf 文件,以及静态与动态内容场景

58、In addition, LSB works with static functions as well as static attributes.此外,LSB 可同时使用静态函数 和静态属性。

59、I had worked out your question. 你给的第三个和第五个时态,是一样的。

60、she often goes to school at30她经常七点半去学校.he went to the cinema yesterday他昨天去电影院.i am wathing tv now我现在正在看电视.my sister was playing the piano at

61、I had been doing homework for an hour when my mother went home that day.那天当我妈回家时我已经做了一小时的作业。

62、I was watching TV last night.昨晚我在看电视。

63、I shall(will) be cooking for you this time tomorrow.明天的这时我将在为你做饭。

64、Secondly, the reversal effect in small-size firm stocks is more significant than the reversal effect in large-size firm stocks.第二,小公司股票比大公司股票更容易发生反转。第三,市场态势为上升状态时的反转效应要显著大于市场态势为下降状态时。

65、The infants who in their first trials observed the blue water in the glass looked significantly longer at the blue solid, compared to the liquid test trials.对于第一组婴儿来说,相对于液态水的测试,他们观察固态水的时间要明显比观察液态水的时间长。

66、I have had some mooncakes. buy不能用语完成时态。

67、)9.I shall/will have done it before you come back tomorrow.(明天在我回来之前我会把这件工作做好。

68、Different adverbials of time indicate the use of different tense.不同的动词时态指示着不同的的时态。



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