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关于”表建议的句型“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Table Suggested Sentence Patterns。以下是关于表建议的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Table Suggested Sentence Patterns

由于 NathanHarrington.html 变音中含有一个 “H”,故将其添加到建议列表。

1、Because the NathanHarrington.html metaphone contains an "H," it will be added to the suggestion list.


2、Guy de Lusignan: When I wish a blacksmith to advise me in war, I will tell him.


3、For production machines, we recommend to choose the appropriate database elements like tablespaces and so on.


4、This article presents new recommendations on dose limits of ICRP-60 together with the global adoption of the new dose limits and how they affect medical radiation.


5、Low viscosity. Resin. Recommended for building applications.

黄建忠中继。微型继电器广泛的应用。镀金的类型。插件类型。 4表三线圈电压48伏直流电。

6、HJ-relay. Miniature relay for wide applications. Au plating type. Plug-in type.

4 form C. Coil voltage 48 V DC.


7、The full title was: "NationalThoughts, Recommended to the Serious Attention of the Public.


8、A proposal for a new exchange for smaller-sized firms, many of them private ones, is also welcome.


9、Non-members of our team, you can make suggestions, but I will not refer at the recent.


10、President Kennedy has asked you for a

1 page memo advising him on what to do about the PSAC recommendation- should he take it or reject it?


11、Yuan Wenli gave her report in branch Session "HIV and medical care " , expressed her views on HIV patients and medical care .

当你有一个 VARCHAR 字段时,这个建议会告诉你把其改成 ENUM 类型。

12、When you do have a VARCHAR field, it can actually suggest you to change that column type to ENUM instead.


13、Put another way, the actual search results have a very strong tendency to overwhelm and displace any belief that the suggested search terms themselves might have created.


14、The Model

7 spray gun is used for all production spraying, but is recommended primarily for siphon use.


15、It also suggested that better treatment of patients with other forms of multiple-drug-resistant TB would help prevent the infection from worsening into the XDR form.


16、The sixth part is the proposals about China's human capital of knowledge-based enterprise participating in income distribution.


17、More than 160 representatives from all parts of the country attended the meeting.

永源 ZAP 公司建议,建议书由保证邮件信发出,要求回执。

18、ZAP Jonway recommends that the proposals be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.


19、They reacted against my proposal.


20、The ground deformations in loess tunnels are divided into three types, namely ground fracture, ground collapse and settlement pit, and ponor.

21、Contractual Services Modeling System - a pricing, scope, costing model for long term service agreements.协议服务模型系统- 是长期服务协议的定价、范围及成本模型。

22、The numerical simulation shows this connection setup protocol have an obvious effect on reducing the restoration lightpath setup de…理论分析和仿真实验表明,该建链协议对于减少恢复路径链路建立时延具有明显的效果。

23、We propose to use the duties from the DSK model to isolate the various aspects of the architect’s job.我们建议使用DSK模型中的职责来分离出架构师工作的各个方面。

24、Whether your face is oval, round, or square, use these pro pointers to find your most flattering style.无论您的脸型是鹅蛋形、圆形或是方形,请您试着品读一下下面的风尚建议,找到最合适自己的、最令人称赞的发型。

25、Some experiments have been done to validate the mechanical model, ther…结果表明所建立的集聚区内须条的力学模型是正确的。

英文句子26:,26、For a solution, it is suggested that you define a DB2 table holding a list of resource identifiers and use a lock/unlock protocol in all applications accessing the resources.作为一个解决方案,建议定义一个 DB2 表,其中包含资源标识符的列表,并在所有应用程序对资源的访问中使用锁定和解锁协议。

27、The results showed that NIR calibration model was an effective method to predict the PUFA content of powdered oils.结果表明,对PUFA粉末油脂进行近红外光谱校正模型的建立是可行的,所建模型具有良好的预测分析能力和可信度。

28、Please fill out the Feedback Form if you have any comments and suggestions (in the Contact section).如果您有任何看法和建议,请填写反馈表(在“联系”栏目中)。

29、I also heard from readers who suggested I address what they perceived as a limitation.我还收到一些读者的建议,建议我解决那些他们察觉是缺陷的问题。

30、By instituting the employees' suggestions, GEers had evidence that things would improve.通过采集员工们的建议,通用电气公司便有证据来表明事情应当改进。

31、The modeler can drag and drop glossary terms onto existing classes and attributes of the UML model. This establishes a classifying relationship between that UML model element and the glossary term.建模师可以将术语表术语拖放到 UML 模型的现有类别和属性上,这将在 UML 模型元素和术语表术语之间建立一个分类关系。

32、It was suggested that domestic chlor-alkali industry should develop into an environment-friendly and energy-saving industry in order to face the nearing times of high price oil.建议把我国氯碱产业建设成为环保、节能型产业,以迎接即将到来的高油价时代。

33、Guy de Lusignan: When I wish a blacksmith to advise me in war, I will l him.盖伊:当我希望铁匠发表对战争的建议时,我会告诉他。

34、Sasa suggested that, if conditions allow, can ask professional personage to arrange the fireworks show.莎莎建议,如果条件允许,可以请专业人士安排烟火表演。

35、Back in 2006, they built this 早在xx年,他们就在中印争议边境地区建立了一个

1:20 scale model of disputed border region between China and India.


36、We recommend to put these audit tables in a separate table space and to archive those data regularly using general database methods.我们建议把这些审计表放在单独的表空间中,定期使用一般的数据库方法存档这些数据。

37、Consequently, it is recommended to subject the watch to a special extra test.因而,我们建议使用额定的特殊测试办法对此潜水表停止测试。

38、So what's your recommendation?那你的建议是什么呢?

39、The authors of the study suggested that preschool programs might consider developing more effective math training.发表研究成果的作者建议应当加强学前教育时对数学能力的训练。

40、RDA explicitly supports glossary modeling during the definition of data models.RDA 显式地支持数据模型定义期间的术语表建模。

41、Woolsey also suggests travelersWoolsey还建议游客

42、Identify areas of partial consensus, suggest tabling the question, or create a small subcommittee to deal with the matter at its convenience.确定部分集体决策的范围,建议将问题列表,或者建立一个小组委员会去以便来解决问题。

43、Based on this model, users can construct their network ser-vices safely and conveniently.基于这一模型,用户可以利用协议件安全、方便地在主动网上构建自己的服务。

44、Vanke Qianhai International Convention Center is the Large-scale Public Building Project in Vanke enterprise mansions, Qianhai, Shenzhen.万科前海国际会议中心是深圳前海万科企业公馆中的大型公建项目。

45、Expert recommendations: Buy Ginger can not only appearance, color, bright-yellow, smooth skin smoked too much for the use of sulfur.行家建议:买姜不能光看外表,颜色鲜黄,表皮光滑的大部分为用硫磺熏制过。

46、One girl gave Vincent a beautifully wrapped heart-shape chocolate. At the suggestion of reports, Vincent talked with the fans for a short while, and took pictures with them.一位女孩子送上一盒包装精美的心型巧克力,在记者的建议下,影友会的代表们与焦恩俊进行了简短的交谈,并合影留念。

47、Energy experts said that the regulator's proposals represented an "extraordinary volte-face".能源专家认为,监管机构此次的建议代表了一种完全与之前不同的观点。

48、The representatives of the citizens suggested preserving the character of the town even if the facilities are improved.民众的代表建议即使改善城镇的设施,也应当保留城镇的特色。

49、Levy suggests that this attachment model of jealousy could replace the standard evolutionary one, though it is itself rooted in evolution.莱维建议这种用依属关系解释嫉妒的模型可以代替标准的进化说模型,尽管它本身也根植于 进化。

50、This equation was created with MathType. Tab-stop formatting will be lost;此公式是用“数学类型”创建的,制表位格式将丢失;

经典英文句子51:表建议的句型,51、The result shows the output of model based on artificial neural network is identical with the real output.结果表明:模型输出数据与实测数据相当吻合。证明使用人工神经网络建立表冷器模型是可行的。

52、In fact, WHO recommends that a nurse be put in charge of running the checklist.事实上,世卫组织建议由护士负责根据检查表核对各项内容。

53、I know that is a positive suggestion.我知道那是一项建设性建议。

54、We’ll consider your proposal.我们会考虑你的建议的。

55、Whether your face is oval, round, or square, use these pro pointers to find your most flattering haircut.无论您的脸型是鹅蛋形、圆形或是方形,请您试着品读一下下面的风尚建议,找到最合适自己的、最令人称赞的发型。

56、Processing fields in a form, parsing XML code, and interpreting a protocol are canonical uses.处理表单中的字段、解析 XML 代码以及解释协议都是典型应用。

57、Otherwise, some suggests were put forward, concluding that further clonal selection of big fruit type of and middle fruit type of individual plants need to be done in future;笔者建议,今后需继续在大果类型和中果类型单株中进一步进行无性系的再选择;

58、The declaration resembles an attribute, but most W3C recommendations consider it to be a separate type of node.声明类似于属性,但大多数 W3C 建议书把它当作一个单独的节点类型。

59、So millions of people around the world have received the last words of advice from Ann Landers .所以,全世界几百万人都看过安·兰德尔斯生前发表的最后建议。

60、For example, consider the various types of data used by an enterprise, such as, email, orders, or proposals.例如,考虑一个企业使用的各种不同类型的数据,如电子邮件、订单或建议书。

61、The previous section suggests keeping the number of users who have access to a common task list small.上一小节建议控制对公共任务列表拥有访问权的用户数量。

62、The example code in Listing 清单

19 creates a distinct user-defined type called "birthday" and is being used as the column type while creating the external table.

19 中的示例代码创建了一个明显的名为 “birthday” 的用户定义类型,并在创建外部表时用作列类型。

63、Expressional proposal: Crass sitting room skinning texture is acting a decisive part in bedroom of a complete set of.表情建议:自然波纹无论是什么房子,玄关的设计都很重要。

64、System, Suggestions are also given to improve the Volume Table System, presently used in China.结合该系统的特点,对改进我国材积表体系提出了一些建议。

65、Got any suggestions for becoming a VIP? Please share them with us in the comments!对成为“热心肠”有任何建议么?请发表评论和我们一起分享吧。

66、Create different kind of subtotals to a list or database.创建不同类型的分类汇总,保存到列表或数据库中。

67、According to the Boost documentation, pool usage is recommended when you're allocating and deallocating many small objects.根据 Boost 文档所述,当您分配和释放许多小型对象时,建议使用池。

68、Vanessa. Julian. hey, I made the adjustment you suggested in the garden scene.瓦内萨。朱利安,根据你对花园那场戏的建议,我对自己的表演做了些调整。

69、We recommend applying it a day before your performance. Stays on for 3-4 days.我们建议于比赛或表演前一天使用,能保持 3-4天。

70、I suggest you buy Changhong.我建议你买长虹的。

71、Texas senator John Cornyn issued a statement advising against rash conclusions about the shootings at Fort Hood.德克萨斯州参议员约翰·康林(John Cornyn)发表了一份声明,建议不要对胡德堡枪击事件轻易下结论。

72、Your suggestion is worth discussing.你的建议值得商榷。

73、He was busy writing articles and grant proposals and traveling around giving speeches.他通常忙于撰写论文、批准我们的建议,以及到世界各地发表演讲。

74、On the generation and application of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) model, the research results of Chinese and foreign scholars, EKC manifestations, and the reasonableness and the proposals;阐述了环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)模型的产生和应用,中外学者的研究成果,EKC表现形式,研究合理性以及建议等;

75、Since these councils advise NIH directors and recommend policy, the underrepresentation of social scientists results in a relative lack of NIH financial support for research in the social sciences.由于这些顾问给NIH的执行长提供建议,并提供政策建议,社会科学家在NIH里面的低代表度,导致了NIH在社会科学研究方面的财务支持过低。

英文句子模板76:Table Suggested Sentence Patterns,76、Some applications create tables with columns of character data type only.一些应用程序创建只包含字符数据类型的列的表。

77、New solution-wide warnings and suggestions: Analyze usage of non-private types and type members on-the-fly within your whole solution.l 新的解决方案范围的警告和建议:在整个解决方案内在空闲时间分析非私有类型和类型成员。


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