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关于”惠特曼的诗原文“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Whitman's Poems。以下是关于惠特曼的诗原文的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Whitman's Poems


1、At the heart of Wittman's job is what he calls "befriending and betraying."


2、Especially when YangManLi know XuJiaHui resolution to attune to Beijing, YangManLi silence.

“没人授意我们撒谎。” 惠特曼如是说。

3、"We were not told to lie," says Whitman.


4、Ms. Whitman, who joined H-P's board earlier this year, conceded the company had lost investors' confidence.

“我们无法强迫他们这样做。” 惠特曼是这样说的。

5、"We couldn't force them to do it," says Whitman.


6、If Weertman's thinking was correct, it meant that the modern ice sheet was already a shrunken version of its former self.

惠特曼目前是惠普公司董事,以及凯鹏华盈投资公司(Kleiner Perkins)的战略顾问。

7、Whitman is a current HP director and a strategic advisor at Kleiner Perkins.

“难道我们现在放纵得还不够长久,仅仅象畜生一样地吃喝?”( 沃尔特·惠特曼)

8、"Have we not groveled here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes?"( Walt Whitman )


9、At any rate they have nothing to do with the extraverted Whitman of legend.


10、In the early and middle years of his life, Whitman was obscure and rarely visited.

“你有没有把画从画框中拿出来?” 惠特曼问。

11、"You ever take it out of the frame?" asks Wittman.


12、"He keeps fidgeting, " recalls Wittman.


13、The fact that this announcement came just a week after Whitman's election to HP's board should raise a red flag to shareholders.


14、Wittman is always part of a team.


15、Why aren't there more Oprah Winfreys or Meg Whitmans?


16、Because of the influence of Buddhism, poem's theory represented by Ye Xie's works "the origin of poem" reflects its own characteristics.


17、Melville's contemporary, Walt Whitman, was also a native of New York State.


18、Wittman calls this "the moment of acceptance."


19、Or read Whitman or Eliot?


20、Whitman assured the public that the air was safe before testing was conclusive.

21、"We discussed how we would do the trade, " says Wittman.“我们讨论了如何交易,”惠特曼说。

22、That same board circumvented its nomination process to name her as HP's CEO.正是这个董事会绕开了提名议程,任命惠特曼为惠普首席执行官。

23、Reposes the ideal, is one of Whitman bright moonlight image intrinsic …好多错字…五笔打的?寄托理想,是惠特曼明月意象的内在意蕴之

24、Whitman says General McKiernan wants to find out why in this case, after a 10-day investigation, the U.S. military may have gotten it wrong.惠特曼说,麦基尔南上将希望找出原因,为什么在经过10天的调查后,美军还可能把事情搞错了。

25、Wittman's room is wired, and there's a miniature camera hidden in a lamp.惠特曼的房间已经布置好,在一盏灯里藏有微型摄像头。

英文句子26:,26、The Republican gubernatorial nominee has acknowledged reaching a deal with the employee over the altercation three years ago.xx年前,惠特曼曾亲自承认,确实同这位员工私下达成了和解。 如今,惠特曼已成为加州州长候选人。

27、There is marked transcendentalism in Whitman's "Leaves of Grass", especially in " Song of Myself".惠特曼的《草叶集》中有十分浓厚的先验论思想,其中以《自己之歌》一诗体现得最明显。

28、The other question: Why would Whitman take this very difficult job?另外一个质疑是:惠特曼为什么愿意接受这个挑战?

29、I saw you, walt whitman, childless, lonely old grubber, poking among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys.我看见你,沃尔特·惠特曼,没有子女,孤独年迈的穷文人,翻弄着冰箱里的冻肉用目光对杂货食品店的伙计示意。

30、He calls to every poet after him, such as Ezra Pound, who notes in "A Pact" that Whitman "broke the new wood.他鼓励所有的诗人都以此条道路为方向,就像埃兹拉# 旁德在《一份契约》中所写,惠特曼“砍到了新的木柴”。

31、The line went dead. Whitlock replaced the receiver.线路中断了,惠特洛克把听筒放回原处。

32、Whitman was cleared of the conflict by the EPA inspector general.环境署监察长使惠特曼从以权谋私的指责中得以开脱。

33、Walt Whitman, a kosmos, of Manhattan the son.华特‧惠特曼,曼哈顿之子,自成一个宇宙。

34、People trust Meg Whitman; hers is a name you know.人们信任梅格•惠特曼,她的大名人尽皆知。

35、Others aren't given that option by the thieves, says Wittman.而其他艺术品盗贼则不会给出这种选择,惠特曼说。

36、"We have a very clear contrast between my opponent, Meg Whitman, and myself," Brown said.布朗说:“我的对手梅格·惠特曼和我之间有非常鲜明的对比。”

37、Whitman, 55, was one of those new HP directors, fresh off her defeat in the California governor race.正是乘此东风,xx岁的惠特曼成为惠普公司董事。 当时,她刚刚走出竞选加州州长失败的阴影。

38、'We need to be in the tablet business, ' Ms. Whitman added.惠特曼补充说,我们需要进军平板电脑业务。

39、As Lawrence put it, "Ahead of Whitman, nothing.劳伦斯言道:"在惠特曼之前,一片空白。

40、In his 1855 preface to "Leaves of Grass", Whitman declares that "of all mankind the great poet is the equable man.惠特曼在xx年版《草叶集》的序文里写道:“在所存人类之中,伟大的诗人是心平气和的人。”

41、Whitman quit the boards of Procter and Gamble Co, eBay and DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc on December 31 for personal reasons, spokesman Henry Gomez said.惠特曼发言人Henry Gomez表示,惠特曼出于个人原因,于xx月xx日辞去在宝洁(PG.N: 行情)、eBay(EBAY.O: 行情)和梦工厂动画DWA.N 三家企业董事会的职务。

42、It's why Thoreau went to Walden Pond; it's what Emerson and Whitman wrote about in their essays and poems.这就是为什么梭罗(Thoreau)去瓦尔登湖;这就是爱默生(Emerson)和惠特曼(Whitman)在他们的论文和诗里所写的。

43、Against this brilliant evocation of airlessness we may put Whitman's view of the poet.我们从他这段批评诗人无生气的精采论述中,可以看出惠特曼对于诗人的看法。

44、Whitman's campaign said it has also sent direct-mail materials in Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean to about 126,000 homes in the state.惠特曼的竞选团队表示,他们已向该州约


45、The Whitmans bought it three weeks ago for $224,500.惠特曼夫妇在三周前以224,500美元买下它。

46、Recognizing that some Members apply preferential rules of origin, distinct from non-preferential rules of origin, the Members hereby agree as follows.认识到一些成员实施不同于非优惠原产地规则的优惠原产地规则,各成员特此协议如下。

47、Thursday's decision represents a turnabout for Ms. Whitman, who, as an H-P director, signed off on the prior plan to consider a spinoff.周四的这项决定表明惠特曼的态度出现了转变。 在担任惠普的董事时,惠特曼曾签署同意了之前的剥离方案。

48、As a recent board member, Whitman has the support of the board and is likely to act on its ideas.作为惠普董事会的一名新成员,惠特曼有董事会撑腰,而且她很可能会照其旨意行事。

49、Executive Chairman Ray Lane strongly defended the choice of Ms. Whitman, calling her a strong communicator and leader.惠普执行董事长雷恩(Ray Lane)强烈支持任命惠特曼担任CEO,称她是一位强有力的沟通者和领导者。

50、Then came the era of now-CEO Meg Whitman, who's been at the helm since 2011.从xx年起,惠普进入了现在的梅格•惠特曼时代。

经典英文句子51:惠特曼的诗原文,51、The third part researches the works of Xie Huilian with ideological content and artistic features, even poetry, Fu and oration were made a more detailed study.论文第三部分着重研究了谢惠连作品的思想内容和艺术特色,对谢惠连的诗歌、赋和祭文分别作了较详尽的研究。

52、In fact, while Rometty does have a tech background, Whitman does not.事实是罗梅蒂有此方面的文凭,惠特曼没有。

53、Divine nature endows Whitman's pantheistic outlook on nature with complex and rich meanings.神性自然使得惠特曼的自然观呈现了复杂而丰富的意义。


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