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关于”提建议“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Make recommendations。以下是关于提建议的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Make recommendations


1、At last, the article is to raise the conclusion and advice concerning the thesis.


2、This essay focuses on putting forward some queries and suggestions.


3、Some potato family preserve freshness technique measures were suggested.


4、It also present suggestions of how to improve the NSFC work.


5、Meanwhile some suggestions were advanced concerning teaching practice of ancient medical literature.


6、) Why don't we go and have lunch together?


7、Chapter Four puts forward further improved performance management advice.



4 puts forward some advices to solve the problems in the construction of copyright managers.


9、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.


10、The article concludes by presenting suggestions on China's development of radioactive medicine.


11、Can you give us some tips on improving our speaking skills?


12、Is there someone to whom you can turn to for advice?

个别条款由附件向委员会提出建议,页23 。

13、Commentary to the individual articles, Annex to the Commission proposal, p. 23.


14、The proposed plant will be built by the French company Areva.

记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don't you .

15、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don't you . . . ? / Why don't you . . .? e.g.


16、After Olsen took his spaceflight, he phoned Enomoto with urgent advice.


17、Any advice about where I should invest some money?


18、They warned, however, that risks were attached to their recommendation.


19、He proposed half a dozen accords in such areas as culture, post and communications.


20、The clinic provides free counseling, legal advice and safe accommodation, if needed.

21、Professor Yang tend give students some substantial precious advice.杨教授常给学生们提一些实质性的宝贵建议。

22、Based on these findings, the study not only gives some suggestions for tourism managers and government in Penghu, but also supports research orientation for future researchers.根据研究结果,本研究不仅对澎湖观光业者与主管单位提出经营上之建议,亦对其他研究者提出后续研究建议。

23、It also concludes the problems existing in the expansion of built-up area and gives some reasonable suggestions.并针对建成区扩展中存在的问题,提出了合理化建议。

24、Proposals for development of the oxygen-enriched blast technique are made as well.还对发展富氧鼓风技术提出了建议。

25、This study is based on the result of study and discussion and provides reference for counselors in elementary school and community counseling institutions for practical application.本研究根据研究结果与讨论,提出建议及对未来研究提出进一步具体建议,供国小及社区谘商辅导机构或人员参酌。

英文句子26:,26、We also offer some proposals on how to realize our coil-co…并对实现彩涂板发展战略提出了建议。

27、Several solution to the problem was adviced at last.分析了其危险性,并提出了几种解决的建议方案。

28、Finally it discusses the countermeasures of accelerating town construction and development for Longhui.提出隆回县加速农村城市化和小城镇建设与发展的对策建议。

29、In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals.鉴于上述情况, 我们提出以下建议。

30、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for putting it.我们不能接受您的建议。不过,谢谢您提出来。

31、In the last, we give some suggestions to raise their continuation property.最后,提出了提升淮河流域农业可持续发展能力的对策与建议。

32、Can you sort me out on how to write this preface?你能对怎样写这个前言给我提点建议吗?

33、Meanwhile this article gives the suggestions on marketing channels integrating to China transceiver enterprises.以建伍公司为例提出了专业对讲机营销渠道变革和整合的建议。

34、And the suggestion on design construction and supervise of planted bar are brought up.对植筋的设计、施工和验收提出建议。

35、Finally, they created the Witan(council/meeting of wisemen)to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.最后他们还创立了议会(贤人会议),向国王提供建议,这是现存的枢密院的基础。

36、Remember the easy way to make a suggestion, using Let’s . . . / Let’s . . . e.g.记住提出建议的简单方法是用Let’s . /让我们 .

37、She started by casually bringing it up with the regional president.她开始非正式地把建议提给地区总裁。

38、OBJECTIVE:To put forward constructive suggestions for solving some key problems about homonymous non-drug and drug.前言: 目的:为解决非药品与药品同名问题提供建设性建议。

39、如想提出意见、建议,请到百度百科吧。If you want to make comments, suggestions , please go to Baidu Encyclopedia bar.

40、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don’t you . . . ? / Why don’t you . . .? e.g.记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don’t you .

41、Market rates suggest the first rate rise could be as soon as March.市场建议首次升息时点应尽快提至xx月;

42、A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.一个招聘人可以为你提供内行人的观点与建议。

43、METHODS:Combining with practical working experiences, multi-points of view were proposed.方法:结合工作实践,从多角度提出建议。

44、Linguini: Thank you, by the way, for all the advice about cooking.林贵尼: 还有,谢谢你在做菜上提的建议!

45、Both the policy proposals of the non-agricultural employments of the rural labor force and the results of the research are put forward in the last part.第五部分为研究结论与对策建议,根据实证分析结论,同时提出相关政策建议。

46、In the end, some suggestions for reducing deformation of embankment were proposed.最后,对如何减小路堤变形提出了建议。

47、Meanwhile, some suggestions are made for the constructing of digital library resources.同时对比测试结果,对图书馆数字化资源建设提出建议和参考。

48、Suggested actions. Clear recommendations, offered with some caution because you would of course need more detail before implementing any of them.提建议的能力。明晰的提议,并提供一些需加以谨慎的地方,因为在你实施任何措施之前当然需要更多的细节。

49、To study and put forward opinions and suggestions on the strengthening and improvement of the building of grassroots political power;研究提出加强和改进基层政权建设的意见和建议;

50、The fourth part is mainly aim at the problems before-mentioned, put forward some suggestions in further improve the newly-established undergraduate colleges'specialized subject construction.第四部分主要针对广西新建本科院校学科专业建设存在的问题,提出进一步提高新建本科院校学科专业建设的建议。

经典英文句子51:提建议,51、Maslach says. She also recommends offering to help make the transition easier;她还建议辞职员工为交接过程提供帮助;

52、This article offers some practical suggestions for improving an organisation's service development capability.本文为提高机构的服务开发能力提供了一些实践性建议。

53、And some suggestions for the improvement of test process are presented.并对击实试验尚须改进之处提出建议。

54、The author probed into strengthening the construction and management of the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project and proposed on the exist problems.探讨了如何加强城市防洪排涝工程的建设管理,提高建管水平,并就存在的问题提出了建议。

55、It guides the user retrieval and inquiries, provides constructive suggestions for further improvement of CNKI.指导用户的检索和查询,为CNKI的进一步改进提供建设性的建议。

56、As always, here are my suggestions for brown-baggin’ it to work和往常一样,我对便当工作提出几点建议

57、The suggestions were also made to the development of fiber machinery industry.文章还对化纤机械工业的发展提出建议。

58、At last, it puts forward some suggestions for it…最后,提出了进一步扩大甘肃省劳务输转的建议。

59、Furthermore, some worthful advise is offered for the further development of Hebeis tourist.对河北省旅游业的发展提出若干建议。

60、The following are general recommendations that can improve software test management.下面是可以提高软件测试管理的一般建议。


标签: 建议

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