关于”对于未来的期望“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Expectations for the future。以下是关于对于未来的期望的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Expectations for the future
1、Meanwhile, job growth has been, and looks to remain, disappointingly slow, indicating that those out of work for a while are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.
2、We believe a wrong must be righted and have high expectations of an apology, but they have a tendency to disappoint.
你对于报酬有什么样的期望? ?
3、What tare your compensation expectations?
4、Other students on the SMU campus also had high hopes for the future.
Unicredit Group的股市策略师Tammo Greetfeld表示,"相对于较高的预期,未来消息面可能令人失望.尽管市场受助于欧盟就援助希腊机制达成协议后对希腊债务问题的担忧缓解,但希腊问题的根本诱因并未完全得到解决."
5、The market had benefited from the relief that the EU has agreed a support mechanism for Greece. But the underlying causes of the tensions are not resolved yet.
6、Try utmost incl. using his agreement future business depend on this.
7、Hope well and have well. 善寄希望于未来,又善保有现在.
8、But China still seems to unrealistic expectations. Andthat 's a problemforall of us.
9、I fully expect that SIGG will not let consumers down inthe future.
10、This is a much longed-for holiday for children.
11、Optimism is taken to mean the general expectancy of positive outcomes (Scheier, 1986).
12、On the long-term outlook, 58 percent of respondents said they anticipated bad times, up from 49 percent in May.
13、We hope that positive social mechanisms that are conducive to human adaptability will play an ever more effective role in meeting the challenges of the future.
14、Surveys showed that until about a week ago, Egyptians had extraordinarily low expectations for the future, among the lowest in the world.
15、Housing for the future delivery, for a small property owners is a expectant right for future property, such expectant rights gain exclusive effectiveness because of notice registration.
16、So I don't despair for the future though it may seem bleak at times.
17、This is today: We know what's going on. The things far away are partly or completely hidden: This is the future — we have expectations but we don't really know.
18、Fields wished that the awards should recognize both existing mathematical work and also the promise of future achievement .
19、Mr Krugman's crude Keynesianism underplays the link between firms' and households' behaviour and their expectations of future tax and spending policy.
关于未来生活事件的不实际期望〉, 《人格和社会心理学期刊》, 第39期(xx年)︰806-820页。
20、Weinstein. "Unrealistic Expectations About Future Life Events. " Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39 (1980): 806-820.
21、He concludes with a summary and a note of hope for the future最后,他概要性地总结了自己的观点,并谈了谈对未来的期望
22、The life-expectancy stat that's so commonly used is not, in fact, meant to reflect our expectations for the future.事实上,常说的人的平均寿命的概念并不能反映我们对未来的期望。
23、Thirdly, we brought forward the prospect of the waterborne heavy-duty coatings in the future.最后,对于水性重防腐涂料未来的发展方向提出了展望。
24、At the same time, gives an anticipation and expectation with the feeding industry's competition after China joined the WTO.同时,也对我国加入WTO后,饲料业未来的竞争与前景作了预期与展望。
25、Not wanting to get their hopes too high, the mother and daughters say their only wish is for their beloved Xiao Jie to walk again.对于未来不敢有太多的奢望,母女四人说只期盼瘫痪的小杰赶快好起来。
英文句子26:,26、At last, future work and conclusion are given.最后对未来的工作入行了铺望。
27、That's because the expectation of reward launches a future-oriented mindset, which subverts the entire process.那是因为对回报的期望开启了一个以未来为导向的心态,这搅乱了整个过程。
28、What are the sources of whatever passions prevail in the world, of longings and fulfillments that are man's goal (in life)?或者说世上流行的占有来源于何处?人对未来怀有的愿望和目标来源于何处?
29、Chapter Five:a look on the Future Trend of Lexicography;第五章:对词典学的未来发展趋势展望;
30、He wants to keep her on benadryl for the next two weeks.他希望保持她海拉明在未来两个星期。
31、The photonic crystal is developing vigorously, and its future will be filled with challenge and hope.光子晶体正处于蓬勃发展期,其未来充满挑战和希望。
32、For white people this process is referred to as an internship and it's considered an essential stage of white development.然而对于白种人来说,这一过程指的却是实习期,而且它对于白种人未来的发展还是个必不可少的阶段。
33、Hope for the future of China is extreme everywhere, but perhaps it is most profound in the west.对中国未来异乎寻常的期许,随处可见,但中国西部或许是期望值最高的地区。
34、The long-term demands includes parents' expectation of children's education attainment, expectation of what personality children will have and what kind of person children will be;对子女教育的期待包含家长对子女的学历期望、希望孩子将来成为怎样的人以及对孩子个性特点的期望;
35、The Orama Cultural Performing Arts Group was founded in 1991. The word "Orama" means "vision" which embodies the Maori's pride and belief in their culture and hopes and expectations for their future.奥拉马文化艺术团成立于xx年, “奥拉马”意为愿望,标志着毛利人对本民族文化的骄傲和对美好未来的期望。
36、The couple got married last year, and Xia Shujuan is pregnant now and is expected to give birth around the upcoming national holiday. [Photo:Asianewsphoto]这对夫妻于去年结婚,夏淑娟有望在未来的国庆假期中产子。
37、The audience expects even superior performance in future.观众的期望,甚至性能优越,在未来的。
38、In Mao Yiding's words, Rising has higher expectations for its future development.在毛一丁的口中,瑞星对其未来的发展期望非常高。
39、This is people's affirmation and exploration of self value and their reflection of unwilling to endure the current living environment an…这是人们对自我价值的肯定和重新发掘,对现有生存环境的不甘和对未来期望的一种反映与宣泄。
40、Employees appreciate being "in the know" and will contribute to improvements and future success.员工期望知晓决策的内情,有助于进步和未来的成功。
41、Hang-over wishes – parents' own unmet childhood wishes遥不可及的期望——父母自己未能满足的童年愿望
42、We have reason to believe that for quite a long time to come, China and the whole world will be blessed with important development opportunities.展望未来,无论对中国、还是对世界而言,今后相当长的一段时期都将是一个难得的发展机遇期。
43、Through this retrospect at animation, Talk & Symposium hopes to make sense of the knowledge and ideas involved and their potential impact on the future of animation.讲与谈希望是对过去的一次回望和探索,希望理清关于知识和思想输出,所可能呈现的对未来现实之影响。
44、The term 'vision'refers to the desired future state of your organization.焦叔斌先生将其翻译为“‘愿景’指组织所期望的未来状态。
45、By focusing on intentions, Friedberg, like Kissinger, leaves out any serious accounting of China's capability to achieve the goals that various writers propose.关于中国未来的动向,弗里德伯格和基辛格一样,都没有对中国实现众多作家所期望的目标的能力作出仔细的考量。
46、Chapter VI, summarize, and look ahead to the future research.第六章,总结,对未来的研究进行展望。
47、Expectations for the future also reached a record low. The survey dates to 1967.根据xx年的调查数据表示,人们对于未来的希望同样也掉入了最低点。
48、Free chatting and laughter are the deepest impression of my family and same as my expectation of my own family.一家人在一起有说有笑是我对家庭最深的印象, 也是我对未来自己的小家的期望。
49、Ann has already given up on her future.小安对她的未来已不抱希望。
50、Those hoping China's embrace of currency flexibility is the first step along the path to reducing its emphasis on exports may be disappointed.但有些人期望中国增强汇率弹性只是第一步,未来将减少对出口的依赖,那麽这些人恐怕要失望了。
经典英文句子51:对于未来的期望,51、Forward rates equal expected future spot rates.即远期利率等于未来即期利率的期望值
52、That underscores the sentiment and expectations of investors worldwide about Europe's economic potential and future prospects.这突出了全世界投资者对欧洲经济潜力和未来前景的观点和期望。
53、As for the future, Lin wants to make sure he ends up in the right situation.对于未来,林书豪希望能够以正确的方式结束。
54、Sam: I hope so, this will be important for company's near-term future.萨姆:我希望如此,它对于公司的近期来说很重要。
55、Then the stress of the unknown future or recent past become easily manageable.于是,未知未来的压力还是近期刚过去的压力就变得易于掌控了。
56、So, it is promising to apply to the precision manufacturers in semiconductor, bio-medical, and optoelectronic manufacturing technology.期望未来可广泛应用于半导体、生医技术、光电能源等不同领域的微奈米制造技术。
57、Although the Idstein design center had considerable experience with this type of mechanism, the resulting design could never exceed user expectations.尽管伊斯坦设计中心对于机械装置有着丰富的经验,但设计出来的产品却从未能超越使用者的期望值。
58、Arjen Robben has made public his disappointment at being omitted from Chelsea's first team for Sunday's Carling Cup final.阿扬罗本对于在星期日联赛杯决赛未能首发上阵,公开表示失望。
59、Futurity is the proper abode of hope and fear, with all their train and progeny of subordinate apprehensions and desires. (No. 未来是希望和恐惧的适当宅所,陪伴它们的是从属于理解和期望的后代。
60、What are your expectations for the future?你对未来有什么样的希望?
61、Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates.现汇汇率和期汇汇率的差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期。
62、The effects of Federal Reserve policy depend upon expectations in the cash/debt-holding public.联储政策的有效性取决于持有现金/债务的大众对未来的预期。
63、The interpretation of matriarchy and patriarchy is pertinent to our interpretation of history and to the prospect of human future.对母系制与父权制的解释,关系到我们对整个历史的解释以及对人类未来的期望。
64、Me was composed of stories, of cravings, of strivings, of desires of the future.我由故事组成, 由渴望,奋斗组成, 由对未来的期望组成。
65、And some prefer a Harry, wiser and mature, with no one at his side but looking expectantly toward the future.另一些人更希望看到一个更加智慧、成熟的哈利,虽然身边没有人陪伴,但对未来充满期望。
66、Compere : A few what kind of hope to have to present development and future to this business?主持人:对这个业务对现在的发展和未来有一些什么样的期望?
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