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关于”各类应用文的常用句型“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Common Sentence Patterns of All Kinds of Practical Writing。以下是关于各类应用文的常用句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common Sentence Patterns of All Kinds of Practical Writing

这些 LPAR 涵盖 UPMC 中的各种环境和应用程序类型。

1、These LPARs span the range of environments and application types at UPMC.


2、Ecological category plays a very important role for the shape of a nation's sports culture.


3、The sheung moon box is mainly used for putting various types of small miscellany and documents.


4、Encryption Software Market Analysis By Deployment (On-premise, Cloud-based), By Application, By End-Use And Segment Forecasts To 2024

xml 中使用的标记可以是引用不同插件的各种类型。

5、The tags used in maven.xml could be of various types referring to different plugins.


6、This allows MDI -type apps to not open new instances each time a user double-clicks their associated data files.


7、For this to work, the back-end application should be a Type1 application, and the JMS service should not be invoked within an existing transaction.

1 应用程序,且不能在现有的事务中调用 JMS 服务。


8、The document type and extension are user-defined values, and they should recommend the new document type.


9、This type of access control is suitable for applications with multiple types of users and multiple privilege levels.


10、This type of functionality is applicable to various fields, such as astronomy, medical imaging, scientific visualization, meteorology, and photography.


11、Thermistors and thermocouples are common types of transducers used in differential thermometry . The choice of transducer depends on the specific microcalorimetry application.


12、The number of types in table is same as that quoted by Prof. Wu Zhengyi.


13、In this article, the structural type, preparation and application prospects of polymerized liposomes are reviewed.


14、This article explains the characteristics of VPN technique and its application types. It then further introduces the design and application for WH stock virtual private network (WH-VPN).


15、The non-classics were written under the direct or indirect influence of the classics, and can be approximately classified into two patterns: the professional and the practical.


16、It introduced the classifications, properties and applications of water-supply plastics pipes for building.


17、Measurement instruments with a 1000 mbar measurement range have proven to be very useful for these types of applications.


18、The document template specifies what type of view and frame window are used to display each type of document.

各个组织可以使用 Nessus 之类的工具来对业务关键型企业设备和应用程序进行审核。

19、Organizations can use a tool like the Nessus tool to audit business critical enterprise devices and applications.

图二搜索引擎通常隐藏返回的应用文件类型比如pdf word和pps.


2: Search engines often return cryptic file names for application files like PDFs and PowerPoint slideshows.

21、There are different kinds of Web services that you can use.有各种不同的Web服务类型供您使用。

22、In order to solve these problems, I develop a pre-process program using MATLAB to generating 3D solid element model and simulating the three-dimension prestress.本文针对上述用三维实体单元模型分析箱梁时遇到的问题,编制有限元分析前处理程序,快速生成各种类型的箱梁模型,并对三向预应力效应进行模拟。

23、The utility model belongs to the class of stationary and office supplies.本实用新型属文具用品类。

24、To optimize downloading an application by putting seldom-used types in a module that is downloaded only when needed.将不常用的类型放在只在需要时才下载的模块中,以优化应用程序的下载。

25、It on-line tests various sizing moisture regains. It is applicable for differ…在线检测各类浆纱回潮率,适用于各类型浆纱机。

英文句子26:,26、Users should understand the cause and the resolution of metatype conflicts. This becomes essential when you want to use more than one custom metaclass.用户应该理解元类型冲突的原因和解决方案,当您想使用多个定制的元类时,这将非常必要。

27、Lotus Notes applications frequently include navigators that list views of multiple data-element types broken out into major sections.Lotus Notes 应用程序通常包括一些导航器,其中列出被划分为各个主要部分的多个数据元素类型的视图。

28、Applying the gray fixed-weight clustering method to evaluate the safety level of the sample road networks which was given in the chapter 利用3种路网在各种类型的攻击情况下的失效程度的数据,应用灰色定权聚类判别法对其进行了计算,以得到各种类型路网的安全等级。


29、It also examines the type and speed of hardware that you should use.本文还分析您应该使用的硬件的类型和速度。

30、MS Duo called short bar, application of all kinds of volume in the SONY very small camera.MS Duo称为短棒,应用在索尼各类体积非常小的相机上。

31、The /etc/pam.conf file is configured with application service entries for each PAM module type.etc/pam.conf 文件用每个 PAM 模块类型的应用程序服务项进行配置。

32、Applied talents should be on "art", the goal is to all kinds of "t".应用型人才应重在“术”,目标是成各类“师”。

33、Sometimes single-window library-style apps are called shoebox apps.有时单窗口库类型应用程序被称为鞋盒应用程序。

34、The main use of Sheung Moon Box is placing different kinds of sundries, documents and so on.常满储物箱主要用途为摆放各类小型杂物、文件等。

35、The use-case project supports a use-case document type that can be used to define the details for each use case.用例项目支持用例文档类型,可以用这个类型定义每个用例的细节。

36、This article sums up the applications and developing situation of model UNIFAC in every field, and its enlarged application in macromolecule solution.本文综述了UNIFAC模型在各个方面的应用发展概况及UNIFAC模型在电解质及高分子溶液的扩展应用。

37、MIME types are used for transmitting various files as mail attachments.MIME 类型用于把各种文件作为邮件附件传输。

38、It introduced the definition, application fields of varies of barrier properties, and the differences and conversion between them, and then pointed out the application note.介绍了常用的各类阻隔性检测指标的定义、应用范围以及相互之间的差异和换算关系,并给出了应用说明。

39、Using this technique to style complex archetypes is particularly useful when trying to target the same source XML document type for different target media.当对于不同目标媒体用相同的源 XML 文档类型时,将该技术应用于样式复杂的原型会特别有用。

40、Machine to adapt to all kinds of books, magazines, stationery, school supplies, office supplies, etc.机器适应各类书本,杂志,文具,学习用品,办公用品等;

41、It on-line tests various sizing moisture regains. It is applicable for different categories sizing machines.在线检测各类浆纱回潮率,适用于各类型浆纱机。

42、The jboss-app.xml file specifies the class loader for this application.jboss-app.xml文档为该应用指定了类加载器,每个EAR应用的类加载器应该有一个唯一的名称。

43、In order to simplify the layered soil by this model, this article provides a variably damped least square method to identify the parameters by using the actual acceleration records.为了将这一模型应用于此类土层,本文根据实际地震动记录,提出了一种变阻尼最小二乘反分析方法,可用来识别模型中的各个参数值。

44、Submit card hands, and should be used for each text shun handed over, follow say "please give your comments or so."递交名片应用双手,并应将文字顺对着对方递上,跟着说一句“请多指教”之类的话。

45、The article uses the patch density in landscape ecology to show the density of land - use type, and reflect the broken degree of every land use type distribution.文中运用了景观生态学中的斑块密度来表示土地利用类型密度,反应每一种土地利用类型分布的破碎程度。

46、The utility model can be applied to all ship plat bending rolls.本实用新型可应用到各种船用卷 板机中。

47、The aim of this study, therefore, was to study the effect of GTX on different cells of the liver.我们用正常的和肝纤维化的大鼠肝脏精密切片来研究胶霉毒素对各种类型肝细胞上的作用。

48、The IOCP technology is widely used for different types of high performance servers as Apache etc.IOCP技术被广泛应用在各种类型的高效服务端,例如Apache等。

49、Modern applications are divided into components, often based on classloaders, to provide some degree of isolation between parts of the application.现代应用程序是按组件划分的,它们通常是基于类加载器的,以便在应用程序各部分实现一定的隔离。

50、This application model is also very similar to how heterogeneous hardware is integrated and how network applications are built.这个编程模型与如何组装各种不同的硬件和如何构建网络应用非常类似。

经典英文句子51:各类应用文的常用句型,51、reference.mod, plus their ancestor topic.mod).包含多种信息类型的文档类型(如包含概念、任务和引用主题的图书)包括使用的每种信息类型及其祖先的模块(concept.mod、task.mod、reference.mod 再加上它们的祖先 topic.mod)。

52、This article outlined individual steps that allow you to customize and modernize your applications.本文概述用于定制应用程序和使应用程序现代化的各个步骤。

53、Evaluation on the uncertainty of the test results of the TDI content in solvent-borne wood coatings;本文介绍了溶剂型建筑涂料的特征、种类、应用状况和应用与发展展望等。

54、Fit for various small machinery powered by three-phase power supply.适用于使用三相电源的各类小型机械。

55、NUE of three types of NF exist genotype difference.各类型氮肥的利用率均具有基因型差异。

56、Application: Apply to all kinds of solder wire with …适用产品类型:适用于各种含铅及无铅焊锡丝的拉伸。

57、A typical use of this pattern would be the processing EDI files which contain a number of transactions of different types to be routed and processed individually.此模式的典型用途是处理 EDI 文件,此类文件包含一系列不同类型的事务,需要各个进行路由和处理。

58、Instead, DCMI is a generic framework for describing a broadly useful collection of information about documents of all sorts.相反,DCMI 是一种通用的框架,描述关于各种类型文档的有用信息集。

59、Just as the type parameters of a generic class are wrapped in angle brackets, the arguments of a generic type application are wrapped in angle brackets as well.就像泛型类的类型参数用尖括号括起来那样,泛型类型应用程序的参数也是用尖括号括起来的。

60、Application of servo drive technology in electronic let-off and electronic take-up of loom;目前电子送经系统在各类新型织机中已得到了广泛的应用。

61、A common formula for various types of rotors of different centrifugal radii on high speed centrifuges and ultracentrifuges were suggested.本文提出了高速与超速离心机所用各类不同型号转子的离心半径的通用计算公式。

62、Most of the MQ applications are combinations of Type1 and Type2 applications.大部分 MQ 应用程序是类型

1 与类型

2 应用程序的组合。

63、Widgets from each different application type (M3, S3, etc.) can be added to the canvas, allowing the user to launch tasks and respond to incoming events.不同类型应用(M3、S3等)的部件都可安置到画布上,用户使用它们可启动任务和响应各种事件。

64、The most application form of container plant is flower bowls each place in Changsha City, the second is flower box, card basin.长沙市各类型场所中容器植物的应用类型花钵最多,花箱、卡盆次之。

65、Here also compares various versions of EBL machine and reports the application of EBL in other field.文中还对各种类型的电子束曝光机进行了比较,并报导了电子束曝光在其它领域的应用情况。

66、Therefore, in order to understand and translate this kind of clauses, you should try to find out the logical relations fr.理解与翻译这类从句时,应结合上下文的语境来发现其逻辑关系,然后译成各种相应的复合。

67、The utility model is used for various trailers and semi-trailers.本实用新型适 用于各类挂车和半挂车。

68、The calculated mass action concentrations are in agreement with the reported activities.模型计算得出的各组元的作用浓度值与文献报道的活度值非常一致。

69、Moreover, this algorithm using self-adapting threshold, which better adapt to all types of MPEG compressed movies, overcome defects of common algorithm that process only a class of film.其次,算法采用自适应阈值,能更好的适应MPEG各种类型影片,克服了常用的算法中只针对一类影片关键帧提取的缺陷。

70、Define, determine applicability, and apply ANOVAs and interpret the results.定义、确定可应用类型,应用方差分析解释得出的结果。

71、The principles discussed in this report are applicable to all filamentary cathode structures.而本文所讨论的原理可以应用到各种类型的灯丝结构。

72、This article, the second in a series of four, looks at the various class loading exceptions typically thrown when running applications.本文是系列中四篇文章的第二篇,它考察了一般在运行应用程序时抛出的各种类装入异常。

73、It is normally attached to port cranes, deck cranes, ship unloaders and other type of cranes, which are widely used in ports, steel plants, power stations and vessels.通常配合塔吊、船吊、卸船机等各种类型的起重机使用,广泛应用于码头、钢厂、电厂、船舶等场合。

74、The characters, types electrode process and the applications of the polymerfilm electrode are discussed.文中讨论了聚合物薄膜修饰电极的特征、电极过程、各种类型以及其应用。

75、The colorized steel press moulding tile and C/Z type purline moulding machine abroad apply for all kinds of industry workshop , storage and high building .彩钢板压型瓦及C、Z型檩条产品广泛应用于各类大小型工业厂房、仓库、民用及高层建筑上。

英文句子模板76:Common Sentence Patterns of All Kinds of Practical Writing,76、Interestingly enough the authors have only detailed so far how to use Volta for Ajax-style Web based application and tier splitting.虽然在文章中,作者只是提到了如何将Volta应用到基于Web的Ajax类型应用和层剥离。

77、You can search based on a number of criteria including text, keywords, filters, tags, asset types, and categories.可以使用包含文本、关键字、筛选器、标签、资产类型和类别的各种条件进行搜索。


标签: 应用文

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