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1、How does one love what is seemingly unlovable ?


2、The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.


3、I'm so much cuter than I am?


4、Love a person, in the end how long can love?


5、Even if it is the lovely cheat, but the sea uncle wang hui and still in for lovely consider, ready to hide their already know the fact that lovely false pregnancy, continue to take care of lovely.


6、" It also says, "I'm adorable.

它是个秘密 在那儿你可以找到我,在那儿你可以找到 满满的都是爱,是爱,是爱,是爱 哦哦哦哦……

7、E, it's a mystery Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find All is Love, is love, is love, is love Ooh ooh ooh ooh .....


8、My sister's infant is very lovely.


9、B: They are lovely!

它是个秘密 在那儿你可以找到我,在那儿你可以找到 满满的都是爱,是爱,是爱,是爱 哦哦哦哦哦……

10、E, it's a mystery Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find All is Love, is love, is love, is lo Ooh ooh ooh ooh ......

11、lovely 可爱的 She has a lovely serene face. 她有一张可爱而安详的脸。

12、Walking hand in hand with friends, you can move forward with hopes. 心中有爱,世界才可爱。


13、He's really cute.


14、For the lover, we can immolate our life.


15、Oh, he’s adorable!


16、Her face always loves to smile, very cute!


17、My little daughter is as lovely as an elf.


18、For instance, God teaches us love by putting some unlovely people around us. It takes no character to love people who are lovely and loving to you.


19、I just want to go to the petting zoo and play with some pretty little lambs.


20、But she had loved Cal, would always love him.

21、Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid ofornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most. ---James Thompson.可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。

22、Love a person, how long to love on earth?爱一个人,到底可以爱多久?

23、And he was so lovely.他太可爱了。

24、I'm talking about loving the unlovely;我在说爱那些不可爱的人;

25、If you can only likes me. if you can love meand if you can just missed me.若你可以只爱我一小我,若你可以爱我、若你可以只想念我。

英文句子26:,26、How long can love last ?爱一件事可以爱多久?

27、A cup of coke.I like drinking it.一杯可乐。我爱喝可乐。

28、An adorable set of twins. 一对可爱的双胞胎 I find the boy adorable. 我觉得空上男孩很可爱。

29、The little girl is so lovely that I call her a sprite. 那女孩玫瑰色的脸颊使她显得非常可爱。

30、My brother had a lovely dog. I looked after him for about a week. 我哥哥有一只可爱的狗。

31、Love a person, can have already loved how long exactly.爱一个人,到底可以爱多久。

32、Lovely lemon liniment.可爱的柠檬搽剂。

33、The cherub in the painting is very lovely. 我姐姐的小婴儿非常可爱。

34、lovely可爱的 She has a lovely serene face. 她有一张可爱而安详的脸 pretty漂亮的 Have I grown up pretty?

35、Love a person can love how long, so where is the end.爱一个人可以爱多久,爱到哪里才是尽头。

36、The temporals all have the love yet many of it have chance but not be.世间万物都有爱,很多种爱是可遇而不可求的。

37、If the cute cookie cutters cut cuter cookies, Where are the cute cookies the cute cookie cutter cut?如果可爱的饼干切工切割更可爱的饼干,可爱的饼干切工切的可爱的饼干在哪里?

38、It was just one of those lovely old English gardens. 那正是一个那种古老的英式花园,非常迷人。

39、Love is the sun, can melt snow and ice ; love is rain , allowing germination subtilis.爱是阳光,可以将冰雪融化;爱是雨露,可以让枯草发芽。

40、Because love is born with love and fear of love can create miracles.因爱生忧因爱生惧爱,可以创造奇迹。

41、Isn't she lovely?她真可爱。

42、I love the new campus of lovely classmates.我爱新校园里的可爱同学们。

43、You look very cute when holding the baby. cute是可爱···lovely是有爱···

44、A little gift can remove much hatred. 心中有爱,世界才可爱。

45、I think I'll probably continue playing Love Plus.他说:“我想我可能会一直玩《爱上爱》。

46、I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you.我不敢相信,爱你的感觉竟是如此美妙。

47、Alice: Poor you!爱丽丝:真可怜。

48、Edward is very amiable, and I love him tenderly.爱德华非常和蔼可亲,我也很喜爱他。

49、Rob Ricks thanks. shes so cute. still cute.谢谢,她很可爱,依旧可爱。

50、The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的。

经典英文句子51:可爱,51、There are lovelier than you, lovelier.有人比你可爱,更可爱。

52、The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies.可爱的饼干切工切割可爱的饼干。

53、Countess: My dear, you have lovely things.女伯爵:亲爱的,你有一些可爱的东西。

54、It's a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 我的小女儿像天使一样可爱。

55、To wayt on Love amongst his lovely crew;侍奉爱神去充当可爱的仆人。

56、Love is indestructible.爱是坚不可摧的。

57、The pretty flower!可爱的花朵儿!



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