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关于”正确顺序“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Correct order。以下是关于正确顺序的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Correct order


1、The concept of power domains has been developed to give a denotational semantics to non-deterministic sequential programs.


2、Next, move pairs of adjacent anyons around one another in a carefully determined sequence.


3、When she approached it a set of randomly positioned numbers appeared. Her task was to select each numeral in the correct order.


4、Circle the number next to the correct answer.


5、The three halls all have several theme in sequence, which means it's recommended to follow the sequence in visiting.

为保证这些图像组件按正确顺序绘制,每个像素 — 或 块(详见下文)—的帧在实际的位块传输步骤开始之前就已经确定。

6、To keep these image components drawn in the correct order, each pixel's — or chunk's (more on that below) — frame is determined prior to the actual blitting steps.


7、Writing a correct program is not easy while writing a correct concurrent program is even harder.

JLS 明确给出了这一顺序。

8、The JLS spells out the sequence explicitly.


9、The Ant buildfile should define correct target dependencies so that programmers do not have to invoke targets in a particular order in order to get a good build.


10、Put the pictures in the correct order.


11、Predictions order must correspond to their order in the test set.


12、Only when the glass is viewed in the correct order and from the right position is the true image really seen.


13、Error messages from the three utilities are intermixed, but the order of the messages will be correct.


14、Installing storage nodes in the correct order


15、Sequence Valve;


16、In variable elimination, the elimination order has no influence on the correctness of inference results, but has great influence on the computation.


17、You can apply multiple sorts to an input; each sort is identified by a numeral that determines the sort order.


18、Fourth degree of consanguinity, the second degree of affinity, or first civil degree, the;

这样,listing.jsp 将会在调用这些方法时重新进行加载,清单页面也会按照正确的顺序重新显示。

19、jsp would be reloaded when these methods were called, and the list would be redisplayed in the correct order.


20、If the burrow is blocked, the ants will emerge as soon as possible in the correct order.

21、Segment entries may appear in any order, except as explicitly noted below.段表项可以以任何顺序出现,除非是下面明确声明的。

22、Make sure you apply e-fixes in order from the lower numbers to the higher numbers.请确保按从低到高的号码顺序应用 e-fix。

23、As we are rooted in a world of sequential programming, conceptualizing the parallelization of tasks that lend themselves to sequential programming is tough.正如我们植根于世界的顺序编程,概念化的并行化的任务,适合于顺序编程是艰难的。

24、In that case, the synchronization protocol forces the correct order, so ConTest only generates legal interleavings.在此情况下,同步协议强制以正确的顺序执行,所以 ConTest 只是生成合法的 交错。

25、No particular order—but three things that happened to you that really changed your life.没有特别顺序---但那是三件发生在你身上并的的确确改变你生活的事。

英文句子26:,26、How do we discover the correct order?我们如何发现正确的顺序?

27、B booking when you took the opportunity to report the proper name of the prospective (passport in English spelling), in accordance with the former name, the name in the post-order.订票时请报准乘机人正确姓名(护照英文全拼),并按姓在前,名在后的顺序。

28、Positive time-order-error often occurred in the judgement off-short time interval, negative time-order-error was more likely to occur in longtime interval.对短时距的判断通常表现为正时间顺序误差,而对长时距的判断则表现为负时间顺序误差。

29、Therefore, in a multi-threaded environment, you must ensure the correct order of nested locks in order to avoid deadlocks.因此,在一个多线程环境中,您必须确保使用正确的嵌套锁顺序,从而避免产生死锁。

30、So each respectively, this is sorted 分别地,1磅和2磅的是有序的,同样

1 and

2 respectively

4 and

5, this is sorted but clearly they are not in the right order.


31、Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have anything you want. ——Brian Tracy.生活就像一把号码锁。——博恩崔西。


32、The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the ORDER BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.定义了列的查询元素表中的行顺序决定了它们在 ORDER BY 子句中从左到右的顺序,这又确定了它们的排序优先级。

33、Choosing the right order can affect whether the correct data source is queried and the resilience of your network in case of failure.选择正确的顺序可以影响是否能查询正确的数据源以及在出现故障时网络的恢复能力。

34、Our program correctly generates the answer 这个程序产生正确的答案1024。


35、However, their ordering is non-deterministic.然而,它们的顺序是不确定的。

36、If elements from one team flow logically to the next team this logical progression should determine the flow of the iteration demo.即使流程需要在几个团队间流转,也要按照系统的正常逻辑顺序来确定迭代演示的顺序。

37、I am traveling on in time in my review of these arguments.我正在依时间顺序逐个检视那些论点。

38、The influence of welding sequences and structure parameters on welding distortion were also studied on the basis of correct simulation.在仿真模型正确的基础上,再就焊接顺序、结构参数对焊接变形的影响程度进行研究。

39、The order shown in the display box is the order each rich text body field response is concatenated in the new email.在显示框中的显示顺序就是每个富文本正文字段回复连接到新电子邮件中的顺序。

40、Otherwise the slices are ordered by lexicographic ordering of their identifiers (which is a heuristic, but definite, ordering).否则,这些片会按其标识的字母顺序进行排序(虽然是试探式的,但的确是一种排序)。

41、When determining the correct order only the IEs specified in the specification version used by the receiver shall be considered.当决定正确的顺序仅仅是在规范中定义的IE,那么应当考虑接收方使用的版本。

42、Verify the order of the instances in the trust service chain modules is correct.验证信任服务链模块中的实例的顺序是否正确。

43、Set the correct dispatcher location.设置正确的调度程序位置。

44、This protocol provides the precise failover sequence for each of the application nodes in the cluster.这个协议为集群中的每个应用程序节点提供了精确的故障转移顺序。

45、What is the correct order of Sarkozy's marital history?什么是正确的顺序萨尔科齐的婚姻史?

46、Effects removers and debuff removers are stripping in the right order.效果去除和DEBUFF去除剥离以正确的顺序。

47、Verify that the application started correctly.验证应用程序已正确启动。

48、So I merged them. It's now in the right order, and that's coming from right there.所以我把它们合并了,现在的顺序是正确的。

49、Need to add an auto-number field, but the files aren't in the right order? Just use drag 'n' drop to reorder them manually.需要添加自动编号,但文件顺序不正确怎么办?没关系,请手动拖放重新排列它们的顺序。

50、Does it mean that Mark kind of wrote things in one order and this guy knows a better chronological order,a historical order?难道说马可以一种顺序写了,而这家伙有更好的编年顺序,历史顺序?

经典英文句子51:正确顺序,51、To keep this all straight, the p element has three object children in the order that those things appeared in the HTML in Listing 为了保持一切正常,p 元素有三个子对象,其顺序是在 清单


1 的 HTML 中显示的顺序。

52、With the introduction of Fuzzy Evaluation Theory, a selection model of pushing-out consist was established, which provides scientific support for the selection work of pushing-out consist.引入模糊评价理论,建立了确定车列解体顺序的数学模型,为确定车列解体顺序提供了科学支持;

53、But the worst is that the essential songs avowedly do not stand in the proper order.但最糟糕的是,基本的歌曲公然没有站在正确的顺序。

54、You want to assume that the user will execute tasks in the right order, but you can't.您希望可以假设用户将按正确的顺序执行任务,但这显然是不可能的。

55、This design satis-fies requirements for powering this DSP core and I /O, and has correct start-up sequence.该设计方案满足了DSP内核和I/O单独供电的要求和正确的上电顺序。

56、Have your child place them in the correct sequence.让你的小孩把它们按正确的顺序排列好。

57、TCP drops duplicate packets and rearranges packets that arrive out of sequence.此外,TCP协议可以自动地丢弃重复的包,以及在接收方按照正确的顺序对包进行重新排列。

58、Be sure to enter your payment and receipt values in the correct sequence.请确实依正确顺序输入付款与收款值。

59、If you don't pull on the right wires in the right order, the mess becomes worse.如果你没有按照正确的顺序找到适当的线头,线团就会更乱。

60、And no flashbacks please; it's hard enough focusing on things in the right order.不要倒叙,因为要能集中精力保持正确的叙述顺序已经够难了。

61、Completion and Lead-in: to verify the implementation sequence and to organize training.完成与导入阶段:确定导入实施顺序、组织培训。

62、Read her diary and put the pictures in the rihgt order.读她的日记,把下列照片按正确的顺序排列。

63、ASSEMBLY: If the backflow preventer is disassembled during installation, it MUST be reassembled in its proper order .组装:如果在安装期间拆卸了防回流阀,则必须按照正确的顺序重新组装。

64、Qulity philosophy: Stick to quality standards, ensure smooth operations.质量理念—坚守质量标准,确保工序顺畅。

65、You will find signs which list the stations in alphabetical order, with the correct fares, near the machines.你会找到站台标记,它是按字母顺序列的,机器旁有正确的票价。

66、Sprays valve and nozzles must be kept in proper alignment and working order to maximize shape efficiency.必须保持喷油阀和喷油嘴对中和工作顺序正确以最大限度地提高板型效率。

67、It is the general principle to arrange the categorical sequence.它正是安排范畴顺序的总纲。

68、Ensure your applications return the proper status code.确保应用程序返回正确的状态码。

69、A word to the wise: Correct your errors in the order that they appear.一点忠告:按照出现的顺序改正错误。

70、turn 顺序 机会 轮流 顺序 It's your turn to give us a report . take your turn .

71、In foursome stroke play A plays in correct order but from outside the teeing ground.在四人二球的比杆赛上,A是按照正确的顺序打,但他却是在发球区之外打的。

72、There is no set time line or proper order of disclosure and each person's situation is different.这个过程并没有设置时限和正确的顺序,何况每一个人的情况都是不同的。

73、Consult your hardware manual to confirm the correct key sequence.参考硬件手册来确定正确的按键次序。

74、Note: To see the following illustration correctly, you need to have an LCD monitor with pixels arranged in R,G,B order, like mine.注意:要正确显示以下图示,你得用以 R, G, B 的顺序安排像素的液晶显示器,我用的就是这种。

75、Researchers found that the results held true even when taking into account difficult temperaments in the children, anxiety by the parents and birth order.研究人员发现即使考虑到孩子难相处的性情,父母的焦虑以及出生顺序,该结果都是正确的。

英文句子模板76:Correct order,76、To change the execution order of instructions, enchant ILP furthest, will achieve higher performance on the basis of ensuring correctness.指令调度是在保证语义正确的前提下,改变指令执行的顺序,以提高指令级并行的程度。

77、The forming of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography.拼字,拼法以正确顺序将字母拼成字的行为;

78、When picking up drill pipe, visually check each joint of pipe picked up to be sure it is in proper sequence according to weight, grade and class as designed.串接钻具时,要按照设计逐根检查,以便确认每个单根的重量、钢级和下井顺序正确无误。


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