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关于”励志的段落“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Inspirational paragraph。以下是关于励志的段落的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational paragraph


1、Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.


2、Therefore, it has become a trend for today's Badminton Women's Doubles players to use more pats.


3、Notice how the top margin of the second paragraph is extended vertically to meet the bottom margin of the previous paragraph.


4、TransposeParagraphs transposes the current paragraph (i. e. the paragraph in which the cursor rests) with the next paragraph.


5、Many passages were marked in red.


6、This has no effect on the first paragraph or the float box defined within the first paragraph.


7、When skimming a passage, look for clues to what it is about.


8、Indeed, volunteers estimated their own fall lasted about a third longer than dives they saw other volunteers take.


9、Everyday Is a Indefinite Paragragh…


10、The HTML markup for defining a paragraph is straightforward: the P element defines a paragraph.


11、Some verses are long and some are short.


12、Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want。


13、Indentation or Space After a Paragraph?


14、Some passages were omitted from the book.


15、Re-read each passage that you have marked.


16、What is the topic of the paragraph?


17、This is day dream-like surrealistic section.


18、It contains extensive paraphrases of readings, generally, but not always, clearly credited.


19、After a morning full of sweat and toil, volunteers takes a little break to wind down.



19. Paragraph tweak in print.css

19. print.css 中的段落调整

21、Besides, there exist secondary segments in the southern section.另外,在南段内还存在着一个次一级的段落。

22、The properties control the appearance of the paragraphs.属性会控制段落的外观。

23、Seeing LOLI age and length, Chula's increasingly a sign.眼看着LOLI年纪日长,出落的越发的标志。

24、 Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want。 不要害怕,大胆说出来 大多数人在学习外语时所面对的最大问题就是他们自己的恐惧(心理)。

25、The establishment of the Hualida Biological Park marks a strategic take-off of ZhongXin's bio-engineering business.华立达生物园的落成,标志着中新药业生物工程进入了战略腾飞阶段。

英文句子26:,26、In other words, pausing between paragraphs of an article and asking yourself to paraphrase the information, or repeat a fact.换句话说,在一篇文章的段落之间暂停,并要求自己复述段落里的内容,或者背诵段落里的一个事实。

27、The development of school-based courses experienced forming, prosperous, degressive and changing phase.校本课程发展过程经历了形成阶段、兴盛阶段、回落阶段和转型阶段。

28、For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to write just one.举个例子,如果你要写论文,先写几个段落,如果你觉得完成几个段落对你来说量太多,那就先写一个段落。

29、Memorize chunks of language or entire paragraphs.记忆大块的文章或者段落。

30、The text includes markup tags such as to indicate the start of a paragraph, and to indicate the end of a paragraph.文本包含像一类的标记来修饰一个段落的开始,则修饰一个段落的结束。

31、To break your writing up into paragraphs, use double spaces between your paragraphs.在你的段落之间使用两行间距,将你的作品分成一些段落。

32、Indent the first line of a paragraph.将段落的第一行缩排。

33、com.lowagie.text.Paragraph -- This class represents an indented paragraph.Paragraph —— 这个类表示一个缩进的段落。

34、In section 30d, Socrates writes, let me read the passage.在段落,30d,苏格拉底表示,让我朗诵这一段。

35、Better (intuitive) paragraph termination. Some markups may terminate a paragraph. Example.更好的(直观的)段落终止。有些标记可以终止一个段落。例如。

36、To delete this subsection in the Relationships section, edit the activity_desc.xsl file.为了删除关系段落中的小段落,编辑 activity_desc.xsl 文件。

37、The organization of information into paragraphs is not affected by how the paragraphs are presented: paragraphs that are double-justified contain the same thoughts as those that are left-justified.信息的段落组织形式不会受到这些段落如何展示的影响:双向对齐的段落和左对齐的多乱所包含的思想是一样的。

38、Any mentioning of chapter, clause or paragraph herein refers to chapter, clause and paragraph of this contract.凡述及章、条款、段落时,均指本合同的章、条款、段落。

39、Read whatever notes you took for your body paragraphs and look at your thesis for your concluding paragraph.读一读你为主体段落所做的笔记,并审看一下你总结性段落的主旨。

40、Paragraph alignment is to find the translation paragraph pairs between source text and target text.其中,双语库段落对齐是指找出源文和译文中对应的翻译段落的对齐过程。

41、Multiple paragraphs, bullet points, clear segmentation and bold headers are all easier on the reader than a chunky 400-word piece of text.相比一篇排的密密麻麻的400字的段落,多重段落,强调重点,清晰的段落分割点,重点突出标题能更加有助于读者看懂。

42、After the oohs and aahs (given without a trace of irony), a student volunteers to reach in and unearth the day’s lesson.随着孩子们“哦哦”“啊啊”的叫声(完全无意于嘲讽)告一段落,一个学生志愿者将手伸进盒中,取出这天的课程。

43、The proposition stage takes proposed creative concept as the symbol, the establishment stage instruction emanation as the symbol, and realization stage the implementation as the symbol.提出阶段以创意概念的提出为标志,确立阶段以指令的发出为标志,实现阶段以物化途径的形成为标志。

44、Paragraph opener: Typographic device marking the start of a paragraph which needs emphasizing.起段符号:排字方面的图案,标志着重要段落的起点。

45、If the paragraph is longer, then separate it into subparagraphs.也可以分两个以上段落,每个段落称为一“解”。

46、At the end of your paragraph write the number of words that you have used.在段落结尾处写上全段的总字数。

47、The -0 (zero) flag is very useful if you want to read a full paragraph or a full file into a single string.如果您想将整个段落或整篇文件读入到单个字符串,那么 -0 (零)标志非常有用。

48、In flow content, extra space that appears between paragraphs is the result of margins set on these paragraphs;在流内容中,显示在段落之间的额外空间是由于在这些段落上设置的边距所造成的;

49、Just take a small step at a time:For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to write just one.每次做一小步:比如,如果你要写论文,先写几个段落,如果你觉得完成几个段落对你来说量太多,那就先写一个段落。

50、The article divagates from the second paragraph.文章的第二段落离开了主题。

经典英文句子51:励志的段落,51、Period—Music paragraph, is one of main units in music statement structure.乐段——音乐的段落,音乐陈述结构的主要形式之

52、Paragraphs are created from blank lines.段落是用一个空行来建立的。

53、A paragraph is like a mini-essay;段落像一篇小文章;

54、If you have two or three parts in your sermon, they should be generally balanced in length.如果你的讲章有两到三个段落,段落长度一般要平衡。


标签: 励志 段落

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