little小的在英语中的翻译是"little skates",在日常中也可以翻译为"ickles",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到96个与little小的相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. little skates
little小的翻译为little skates。
示例:- Not on roller skates this time. -这次没穿溜冰鞋
2. ickles
3. little barleys
little小的翻译为little barleys。
示例:i couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could i, little girl? little girl?
4. little clubmosses
little小的翻译为little clubmosses。
示例:Big spoon or little spoon? Big spoon or little spoon? Little spoon.
1. ickles(小(little,非正式))
2. little barleys(小大麦\n(little barley 的复数))
3. little clubmosses( 小俱乐部\n(little clubmoss 的复数))
4. little skates( 小鳐鱼\n(little skate 的复数))
5. little terrors( 小恐怖\n(little terror 的复数))
1. Come on inside, little priest.
译文:到里面来 小神父 Come on inside, little priest.。
2. Perhaps i should be little.
译文:也许我是小 Perhaps I should be little.。
3. How are the little ones this morning?
译文:今天早上几个小的还好么 How are the little ones this morning?。
4. - But this is my little area.
译文:这是我的小空间 But this is my little area.。
5. To your right, little priest.
译文:在右边 小神父 To your right, little priest.。
6. When your little monkey bones are healed..
译文:等你的小胳膊腿好了以后 When your little monkey bones are healed..。
7. When i was a little girl...
译文:When I was a little girl... 当我还是个小萝莉的时候... ...。
8. Well, this is just a little something.
译文:这是一点小礼物 Well, this is just a little something.。
9. That's a lovely little notion.
译文:这真是一个可爱的小概念 That's a lovely little notion.。
10. First, a little beauty mark.
译文:首先 来一个可爱的小雀斑 First, a little beauty mark.。
11. "Come back, Little Sheba...
译文:Little Friskies: 一种猫粮 "回来吧 小希巴 "Come back, Little Sheba...。
12. it's a little stocking stuffer.
译文:你会喜欢的小礼物 It's a little stocking stuffer.。
13. That's where his little nose is.
译文:那是他小鼻子的位置啊 That's where his little nose is.。
14. Go and find the little beast.
译文:把那小畜生找来. Go and find the little beast.。
15. Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit?
译文:就像小乌龟 在壳里被活活烤着? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit?。
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