难以预料用英语怎么说 难以预料英语翻译

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难以预料用英语怎么说 难以预料英语翻译

难以预料的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为There is no telling,还经常被译作hang in the scales,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到18个与难以预料相关的译文和例句。


1. There is no telling

难以预料翻译为There is no telling。

示例:他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。 He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.


2. hang in the scales

难以预料翻译为hang in the scales。

示例:山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。 Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict.


3. in the lap of the gods

难以预料翻译为in the lap of the gods。

示例:这些变化注定会造成许多难以预料的社会后果。 These changes are bound to have widespread social ramifications.


4. uncertainty

难以预料翻译为 uncertainty 。

示例:According to its different causes of occurring, uncertainty can be divided into exogenous uncertainty and endogenous uncertainty. 按照其产生的原因不同,不确定性可以划分为外生性不确定性和内生性不确定性。



1. there's no telling( 难以预料)

2. prevenience(预料, 预期)

3. think for(认为,预料)

4. hard to please(难以取悦难以满足的)

5. foreguessed( 被预料)

英语短语&俚语, theres no easy answer When it comes to love ( 结果总是难以预料的 )

doubtful ( 难以预料的 )

declare doubtfully ( 难以预料地断言 )

attack doubtfully ( 难以预料地攻击 )


1. But i think nothing like that is going to happen again.

译文:但这是难以预料的 所以我赶快告诉你。

2. Her condition, there's no telling what she might do.


3. They are unpredictable, wild.

译文:总是难以预料 混乱不堪。

4. The future will be more unpredictable.

译文:未来将会更加难以预料。 。

5. He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.

译文:他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。 。

6. You're absolutely the wildest, most unpredictable person i've ever known.

译文:你是我这辈子所碰过最野 最难以预料的人。

7. But there was a wild card in the mix...


8. Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict.

译文:山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。 。

9. if we release the photos now, we have zero control.

译文:如果现在公布照片 恐怕后果难以预料。

10. And even those results were very inconsistent.


11. Can't beat this weather, can you, Mr. Macabe?

译文:天气真是难以预料啊, 是吧, 麦克比先生?。

12. i mean, of course, how he turns out if he does come out of it is anybody's guess.


13. The outcome is by no means certain.


14. The world is changing so rapidly, it's impossible to say.

译文:世界变化得如此日新月异, 凡事难以预料。 。

15. You do such wild and unpredictable things.

译文:你真的会做这种最野 最难以预料的事。


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