刷屏用英语怎么说 刷屏英语翻译

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刷屏用英语怎么说 刷屏英语翻译

刷屏翻译为英语可以这样说:spam,还经常被译作flood the screen,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到20个与刷屏相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. spam


示例:翻页,通过刷屏幕或通过点击任一页面的边缘。 Turn the page by swiping the screen or by tapping either edge of the page.


2. flood the screen

刷屏翻译为flood the screen。

示例:如果你不炒股,更没必要上班时间每俩小时便刷屏查看股市图。 On the other hand, if you don’t invest in the stock market, why are you checking it every two hours during your workday?


英语短语&俚语, Amazing you not brush screen You don't brush screen cattle ( 牛逼你别刷屏 )

drawnow screen refresh End refresh screen ( 屏幕刷新 )

Screen Printer ( 屏幕印刷 )

SpaceBar ( 放弃屏幕刷新 )

Screen Refresh Rate Display refresh rate refresh rate ( 屏幕刷新率 )

Maximum screen updates Maximum screen updates per second ( 最大屏幕刷新 )

Display Refresh Rate ( 屏体刷新频率 )

Application.ScreenUpdating True ( 打开屏幕刷新 )


1. it did mine, and i thought what everybody thought that night, which was, "Wow, somebody's screwed!

译文:我是被刷屏了, 当时就和大家想的一样, 就是:”哇塞,有人捅了马蜂窝啦! 。

2. Some people i know, just before they go to sleep, instead of scrolling through their messages or checking out YouTube, just turn out the lights and listen to some music, and notice that they sleep much better and wake up much refreshed.

译文:有些我认识的人 并不会在睡前刷屏看信息, 或观看 YouTube 视频, 反而就只是关灯,听音乐, 他们知道,这样会有更好的睡眠, 在隔天一早将更神清气爽。 。


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