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1、Why does humanity "conquer and pillage " earth?


2、Nets for tennis and badminton, and also rackets and balls for many different sports.


3、I just want to exercise or something I'll go and play soccer, basketball, dodge ball, things like that.


4、Background. Intraglomerular fibrin deposition has been observed in most types of human glomerulonephritis and associated with glomerular injury.

水泵类、建筑类、水箱空调压缩机类、缝纫机类、汽车类等 铸件,可生产各种灰口铸铁和 球 墨铸铁。

5、All kinds of gray iron and ductile iron such as pumps , building materials , compressor parts, sewing machine parts, auto parts etc.


6、Why does man the toolmaker everywhere turn into man the artist?


7、Deap sea is a landscape man has never been explored.


8、The Microcystis algae can be found around the world.


9、Humans can't?y to the moon.


10、For over 90% of our time on this planet, we have lived without money. We are the only species on Earth to use it.


11、Enterococci has high resistance to aminoglycosides antibiotics and vancomycin resistance was not found. For penicillins resistance, S. faecium is higher than S. faecalis.


12、To a certain extent, mankind encumbers the Earth.


13、Some plants have specialized organs such as GEMMAE or BULBELS for such spread.


14、The first habitable exoplanet?


15、Geologic relics are earth's precious heritage to mankind.


16、It has multiple colors of light and flashes like lightning in the center.


17、Detecting water on Earth-like planets offers the tantalising prospect they could sustain life.

任何球类, 这儿没人能比得上丁克。

18、Nobody around here can beat Dink at nothing.


19、Humans will have circumnavigated the Moon at the equator and scaled its highest peaks.


20、Humans are overusing the planet's resources and will need two Earths by 2030,a new report warns.

21、Goes to Earth and corrupts mankind.撒旦去了地球,毁了人类。

22、A similar effect occurs with golf balls, which always have "backspin" from impact with the slanted club face.球棒斜面打击高尔夫球时,常发生“后旋”,就是这种类似效应。

23、Streptococcus suis infections have risen gradually to become one of the major disease problems in the pork industry.猪链球菌病是由链球菌感染所引起的猪的一类疾病的总称。

24、We can imagine colonies on the Moon, since the Moon is only three days' rocket-time away from Earth.人类曾经打算移民到月球,因为月球和地球之间,乘坐火箭只要三天就可以到达。

25、Long before Man lived on the Earth , there were fishes ,reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals.本文第一段第一句指出:在人类出现很早以前,地球上就出现了鱼类、爬虫类、鸟类和一些哺乳动物。

英文句子26:,26、Spheroidizing is the process of producing a structure in which the cementite is in a spheroidal distribution.球化是使渗碳体产生成类似球状分布结构的工艺。

27、Two general classes of eye movements have been distinguished: Conjugate eye movements and vergence eye movements.两个眼球运动的一般分类已经很清楚了:共轭眼球运动和转斜眼球运动。

28、Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea , etc.落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。

29、And we play four kinds of ball this afternoon: basketball, dodge ball, captain ball and korfball.今天下午我们玩了四种球类运动:篮球、躲避球、合球和队长球。

30、There are two kinds of sports balloons: gas and hot fire. Hot balloons are preferred by most balloonists in the United States because of their safety.本段首先运用分类法,说明用于运动的气球可以分为两类:充气气球和热气球。

31、What's the allure of an Earth-like planet?类地球行星的什么吸引人?

32、Xabi and I are two very different kinds of player.夏比和我都是不同类型的球员。

33、With the rapid development of sports science and technology, have been widely used in artificial turf soccer field, tennis court, gate ball court, basketball court and other courts.随着体育科技的快速发展,人造草坪开始广泛运用于足球场、网球场、门球场、篮球场等各类球场。

34、Similar to tennis and badminton, a player only wins a point if the opponent cannot return the ball on the correct part of the table.和网球、羽毛球类似,如果对方不能把球打回球台的正确区域就能得分。

35、Similar dislocations played out around the world.类似的错乱在全球各地上演.

36、With each Lunar shot, the probes came closer and closer to the Moon.接著,人类一次又一次地发射月球探测船,每一次都更逼近月球。

37、Most scientists say human activity is behind global warming and that it’s up to humans to make changes to stem the tide.大多数科学家认为,人类活动是地球变暖的主因,因此需要人类做出改变,来扭转地球变暖的趋势。

38、Who marked the first human footstep on the moon?谁第一个在月球上留下人类的足迹?

39、Humanity acted out the disease karma that had already been deposited upon earth through Arcturus long before humanity arrived and was seeded upon earth.很久以前人类到达并被播种在地球上,人类将已沉积在地球上的大角星之疾病业力付诸于行动。

40、I am a basketball fan, and I also like badminton, table tennis and chess.我是一个篮球迷,但同样喜欢羽毛球,乒乓球和棋类。

41、Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc.落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。

42、The two-day Global Think Tank Summit is themed "sharing mankind wisdom, seeking global development".为期两天的全球智库峰会主题是:共享人类智慧,共谋全球发展。

43、It is a catastrophe that human being becomes the king of the earth.人类接过恐龙的班成为地球的“一哥” 是地球的一大灾难。

44、Manage of all kinds tennis racket, battledore and things of form a complete set.经营各类网球拍、羽毛球拍及配套用品。

45、He's a different type of player, said Kenyon .他们是不同种类的球员。凯尼恩说。

46、Human beings have only one home---the Earth.人类只有地球一个家园。

47、The only way out for every lifeform on this planet is to evolve a body being able to keep toxicity out.人类现代化、全球化的进程就是毒害整个地球的过程,不仅是毒害人类自身,也毒害地球上所有的生灵。

48、Streptococcus mainly lincosamide and quinolone resistance is strong.链球菌主要对林可酰胺类和喹诺酮类耐药性强。

49、All those sort of things - on and off the pitch.所有这些类的东西 - 在球场内外。

50、Wo marked the first human footstep on the moon?谁第一个有月球上留下人类的足迹?

经典英文句子51:球类,51、The team will play free-flowing football and goals will come from all types of open-play moves.球队踢的是自由足球,进球来自于各种类型的开放式跑位。

52、A sport similar to the handball, called croquet, originally existed in Germany.地处中欧的德国原有类似手球的活动,称为门球。

53、Even bulbs, like onions, and buds like brussels sprouts are vegetables.甚至球根植物,如洋葱,芽类如球芽甘蓝都是蔬菜。

54、Theoretical models suggest that both are gas giants with rocky cores.理论模型显示,两颗行星都是巨大的气体类星球,有个岩石类的内核。

55、The human footprint has stomped all over Mother Earth.人类已经完全践踏了地球母亲。

56、Terra firma, the firm Earth, is something mankind relies upon.地球上牢固的陆地是人类的依附。

57、Of the mankind concupiscent make earthly crisis 人类的贪欲使得地球危机四伏,黑暗势力趁机而入,妄想控制人类从而毁灭地球。

4 bend over, dark force takes the chance and enter, covet controls the mankind to destroy the earth thereby.

58、If humans were evacuated, the Earth would flourish.如果人类撤离净空,地球将发荣滋长。

59、For earth people especially on earth to teach and perfect lofty ideas.供地球人类尤其是地球上的思想高人加以指教和完善之。

60、History of Mankind 人类歴史(

5: Massive Atlanteans! a problem! Earth begins to 'germinate'! and Earth only!


61、Throwing events such as the shot put, discus, javelin and hammer require great strength and coordination.投掷类项目,如铅球、铁饼、标枪、链球都需要极强的力量性和协调性。

62、What possibly can be the value of Earth humans?什么可能是地球人类的价值所在?

63、To leave behind Earth and air and gravity is an ancient dream of humanity.飞离地球摆脱大气层和地球引力的束缚是人类亘古未灭的梦想。

64、Can the Earth Feed its People?地球能养活它的人类吗?。

65、According to the environmental group Earth Save, methane emissions cause 50 percent of the planet's human-induced global warming.根据环保团体挽救地球,甲烷排放佔这星球上人类引起全球暖化的50%。

66、In the clubmosses and horsetails only one type of strobilus is formed, while in the gymnosperms female megastrobili and male microstrobili both develop.石松和楔叶类只形成一种类型的球果,然而裸子植物既有雌性的大孢子叶球也有雄性的小孢子叶球。

67、I would really like to play against a human team sometimes.有时候我真想跟人类的球队比赛踢球。

68、Have the best sense of tennis balls and super-talented tennis skills of the juvenile.拥有出类拔萃的网球球感和超强球技的网球天才少年。

69、Mankind has only one home - the Earth.人类只有地球一个家园。

70、The method uses the smallest category of super-sphere that contains the level of classification as a basis.该方法采用了最小超球体类包含作为层次分类依据。

71、Antoine Walker is exactly the type of player teams DON'T want in today's efficiency obssesed NBA.安托万沃克就是现今痴迷效率的NBA球队不想要的那类球员。

72、Meteorites generally fall into one of two categories—chondrites and achondrites.陨石通常分为两类:球粒陨石(chondrites)和非球粒陨石(achondrites)。

73、Match fixtures will give you something to aim for.球类比赛会使你的锻炼有目标性。

74、Immune globulins; Detection; Comparison experiment.免疫球蛋白类; 检测; 比对试验。

75、In this, the whole earth human society to you all the earth person deeply thanks.在此,全地球人类社会所有地球人向您深表谢忱。



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