学习情况用英语怎么说 学习情况英语翻译

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学习情况用英语怎么说 学习情况英语翻译

学习情况的英语是"learning condition",还经常被译作 Learning conditions,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到31个与学习情况相关的翻译和例句。


1. learning condition

学习情况翻译为learning condition。

示例:昨天晚上父亲询问我的学习情况。 My father asked me about my studies yesterday evening.


2. Learning conditions

学习情况翻译为 Learning conditions 。

示例:人们应该同样关注女童在学校的实际学习情况。 What girls are actually learning in school needs equal attention.


3. study situation

学习情况翻译为study situation。

示例:每一位同学的学习情况都受到密切的关注。 Each student's progress is closely monitored.


4. Case study

学习情况翻译为 Case study 。

示例:A Case Study of the Urban Drinkwater Quality 从一个典型案例谈城镇饮用水水质状况



1. learning to learn(学习如何学习, 学习如何学)

2. primary learning(初步学习;主学习,正学习)


3. larn(学习


4. learn(学习


5. study(学习

英语短语&俚语, My Learning I am learning of the ( 我的学习情况 )

What did you learn What is your learning Learning how to your ( 你的学习情况怎么样 )

Recently learning how Recent learning how to ( 最近的学习情况怎么样 )

Much about his study Well aware of his learning ( 很了解他的学习情况 )

She recently learned how to ( 她最近的学习情况如何 )

I think the learning situation To my learning ( 想了我的学习情况 )

How touched he studies French ( 他法语学习情况怎摸样 )


1. Chern: i want to give you a kisssssss


2. We then used new machine learning technology to predict future levels of pollution for several different pollutants days in advance.

译文:我们随后用新机器学习技术 提前数日 预测未来污染情况。 。

3. i thought you wanted him to go all the way.


4. You do fractions, then you do decimals.

译文:你先学习分数,然后,学习小数。 。

5. And learn the teachings...


6. - Maybe you should have it enlarged?


7. They should use them to learn.


8. i'll learn about history, strategy, healing.

译文:我会在那里学习历史 学习军略 学习治疗。

9. i shall be glad to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience .


10. "There is a lesson you will learn:


11. it's about people, people who either do want to learn or don't want to learn.

译文:想学习的人,不想学习的人 。

12. Come and get ready for school.


13. - does not make it any less creepy.

译文:- 学习技巧。

14. The average score when i'd done it with the computers and the groups was 76 percent.

译文:在允许使用电脑和小组学习的情况下,平均分数 是76。 。

15. if he doesn't help me, i'm gonna have to dig up the information by myself and build a case without him.

译文:如果他不支持, 我要学习 外部信息和 再次建立自己的情况。。


标签: 翻译 情况

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