中餐的英语是" Chinese cuisine",其次还可以说成"Chinese cuisine",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到94个与中餐相关的释义和例句。
1. Chinese cuisine
中餐翻译为 Chinese cuisine 。
示例:我喜欢海鲜、白肉和淡味中餐。 I like seafood and white meat dishes and light Chinese food.
2. Chinese cuisine
中餐翻译为Chinese cuisine。
示例:中餐在西方国家享有很长的历史。 Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time.
3. Chinese food
中餐翻译为Chinese food。
示例:他们坚持要将保证供应中餐写入他们的那些合同中。 They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts.
4. lunch
中餐翻译为 lunch 。
示例:- Yes, i don't really care about lunch. - For lunch. - Yes, I don't really care about lunch.
1. Falciani( 中餐)
2. noodle soup((中餐的)汤面)
3. mixed sea foods(【烹饪】(中餐)海杂拌)
4. orange beef((中餐的)陈皮牛肉)
5. hot lunch( 热午餐;
英语短语&俚语, Chinese Restaurant Third floor Chinese restaurant Chinese dining room Wing Lei ( 中餐厅 )
Chinese restaurant Chinese place Chifa Pearl Liang ( 中餐馆 )
Outlet Manager Jade Manager Outlet Manager-Chinese Restaurant ( 中餐厅经理 )
Chinese Cuisine Western Meals ( 中餐点菜 )
Chinese Meal Menu Chinese Meal MenuChines menus of Chinese food ( 中餐菜谱 )
American style Chinese foods American Chinese food Americanized Chinese food ( 美式中餐 )
Chinese cuisine Chinese culinary art Chinese Cooking Chinese food cooking ( 中餐烹饪 )
In a Chinese Restaurant dining at chinese restaurants ( 在中餐馆 )
continenting cuisine continental cuisine continentwis cuisine ( 欧式中餐 )
1. Maybe we should, um, start dinner.
2. Probably already has the money in her pocket.
译文:已经是盘中餐了 什么?。
3. Service Associate - Chinese Banquet (Commis)
4. Chinese restaurant near mill basin,
译文:中餐厅 在Mill Basin附近。
5. i could really go for some Chinese.
6. Aye, everyone's gone to lunch.
译文:是的 大家都去中餐了。
7. We pigged out on Chinese food last night.
8. Chinese food-- it's part of the tradition.
译文:中餐 就是这样。
9. Yeah, "Habanida!"She's££ she's crazy.
10. - Why? - You like Chinese?
译文:怎么了 你喜欢中餐吗。
11. Hope you enjoy Chinese food.
译文:- 希望你喜欢吃中餐。
12. - Chinese food restaurant?
译文:中餐馆? 不是。
13. Oh, it's this Chinese restaurant.
14. Hey, El. i got Chinese food.
译文:El 我买了中餐。
15. i ordered Chinese. Come up.
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