你在哪里上班的英语是"Where do you work?",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到95个与你在哪里上班相关的翻译和例句。
1. Where do you work?
你在哪里上班翻译为Where do you work?。
示例:你好,玛丽,你在哪里上班? Hello, Mary, where do you work?
1. w.r.u( 你在哪里)
2. where are you( 你在哪里;
3. where am i(我在哪里)
4. where'm( 在哪里)
5. whereintill( 在哪里)
英语短语&俚语, Where did you work in the past ( 你过去在哪里上班 )
Do you know where he is now at work ( 你知道他在哪里上班吗 )
1. Where is-- Where's Pensee?
译文:在哪里 - Pensee在哪里?。
2. Where is... where the hell is my... where the hell is my gun?
译文:在哪里? 在哪里? 我的枪在哪里?。
3. - Where is she usually operating?
译文:- 她通常在哪里上班?。
4. Where are you? Where are you hiding?
译文:你在哪里 究竟在哪里?。
5. Where do you... where do you teach?
译文:你在哪里 - 你在哪里教?。
6. Where are you where are you Conan Son
译文:柯南,你在哪里? 你到底在哪里?。
7. Find out who she worked for, and find out where she lives.
译文:查她在哪上班 住哪里。
8. Where are you? The airport.
9. Where, um... Where are you fying to?
译文:在哪里 那个在哪里 你飞?。
10. Where, where did you meet her?
11. What you mean, where am i at? Where the hell are you at?
译文:什么叫我在哪里 你在哪里。
12. -Where were you? Where was i?
13. Where you were, where she was.
14. There's what you want and there's what's good for you.
15. Where... where do you do that?
译文:在哪里... ... 你在哪里做?。
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