精神紧张用英语怎么说 精神紧张英语翻译

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精神紧张用英语怎么说 精神紧张英语翻译

精神紧张用英语说是"psychentonia",还经常被译作 mental strain,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到18个与精神紧张相关的短语释义和例句。


1. psychentonia


示例:我精神紧张,但是仍率领着这支队伍前进。 I was nervous, but I led the parade onward.


2. mental strain

精神紧张翻译为 mental strain 。

示例:慢性精神紧张和冠心病携手同行。 Chronic stress and coronary heart disease go hand and hand.


3. Nervousness

精神紧张翻译为 Nervousness 。

示例:他一直精神紧张地摆弄着钢笔。 He kept toying nervously with his pen.


4. psychentonia

精神紧张翻译为 psychentonia 。

示例:Analysis of correlation between psychentonia, deprementia and clinical manifestation of vitiligo 精神紧张和抑郁等心理问题与白癜风临床表现的相关性分析



1. mental strains(精神紧张)

2. psychentonia([医] 精神紧张)

3. ademonia(精神紧张 苦闷)

心理紧张;精神于于疲劳\n 精神奋发;神经不安;精神上的紧张或压力)

4. mental strain(un. 精神紧张;

5. PTSD(abbr. 创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder))

英语短语&俚语, nervous agonizing Stress ( 精神紧张的 )

agonized ( 感到精神紧张 )

Get on one's nerves ( 使人精神紧张 )

Give one the jitters ( 使某人精神紧张 )

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.pdf ( 创伤后精神紧张性障碍 )

biotonus ( 人的精神紧张状态 )

post traumatic stress disorder ( 创伤后精神紧张症 )

psychoneural stress ( 神经精神紧张 )


1. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is the most severe form of PMS, with the prominence anger, irritability, and internal tension.

译文:经前情绪障碍(PMDD)是PMS中最严重的形式,表现为愤怒、易激惹、精神紧张。 。

2. -Migraines are tension, darling.

译文:亲爱的 头疼是因为精神紧张。

3. He kept toying nervously with his pen.

译文:他一直精神紧张地摆弄着钢笔。 。

4. Mr McQueen, admitted, under emotional stress, that he had actually known Mrs Armstrong, albeit very slightly.

译文:麦奎恩先生时 他由于精神紧张 承认了他认识阿姆斯特朗夫人 尽管不熟 这着实令我有点惊讶。

5. it is that i must travel as much, that... it tires.


6. Phillip is... rather highly strung.

译文:Phillip很... 容易精神紧张。

7. i can take psychotic from you, but not Nik, not anymore.

译文:我可以让你不在精神紧张 但是别在叫我尼 别再这么叫。

8. Cold, depression, headache, hangover, varicose vein, menstrual, stress,

译文:感冒,抑郁症, 头痛,解酒, 曲张静脉, 月经,精神紧张,。

9. No treatment is needed, but avoiding sleep deprivation, stress, and other precipitants may be helpful.

译文:但避免睡眠剥夺,精神紧张,和其他的因素可能会有帮助。 。

10. - Guess i spook kind of easy these days.


11. After three nights of everyone getting on each other's nerves, we finally saw this amazingly intense display.

译文:此后的三个晚上,我们都精神紧张 我们终于心灵相通了。

12. You are stressed and time-poor in the supermarket.

译文:比如说在超市里的你 精神紧张,缺乏时间。 。

13. Long-term and excessive exhaustion, rage, excessive spirit is nervous, try hidebound , can become the inducement of chronic enteritis.


14. in one of Mohammed's early medical reports, he was diagnosed with signs of PTSD.

译文:一份关于穆罕默德早期治疗的报告中, 他被诊断出患有 创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍。 。

15. The kid was all tweaked out, and my partner was having a really rough day.

译文:那孩子精神紧张 我搭档那天过得很不顺。


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