校本用英语怎么说 英语

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校本的英语翻译是"school-based -",在日常中也可以翻译为"an edition that has been checked in accordance with various related information.",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到73个与校本相关的短语释义和例句。


1. school-based -

校本翻译为 school-based - 。

示例:反对派称,他们认为卡扎菲上校本人仍在的黎波里地区。 The opposition say they think Colonel Gaddafi himself is still in the Tripoli area.


2. an edition that has been checked in accordance with various related information.

校本翻译为an edition that has been checked in accordance with various related information.。

示例:这包括攻击卡扎菲上校本人。 That would include an attack on Colonel Gaddafi himself.


3. proofreading book -

校本翻译为 proofreading book - 。

示例:有在校本科生1万余人和研究生3500余人。 There are over ten thousand undergraduates and 3500 post-graduates.


4. school-based -

校本翻译为 school-based - 。

示例:But again, just like school-based initiatives, this is hard work. 但是,就像学校主导的方式一样, 它并不容易,



1. schoolbased( 学校本位;

2. regular college course(高等学校本科)

3. synchronization scenario([计] 同步方案, 同步化校本)

英语短语&俚语, School-based Management Policy ( 校本条例 )

school-based curriculum based curriculum School-based course ( 校本课程 )

SBM site-based management ( 校本管理 )

School-based Curriculum Development SBCD Curriculum Development at School Level school-oriented cou( 校本课程开发 )

collated and corrected copy research school-based research school-based teaching research school-ba( 校本教研 )

school-based curriculum ( 学校本位课程 )

school-based management Site-Based Management SBM ( 学校本位管理 )

School-based Training school-based teacher training school-based teacher education school-based in-( 校本培训 )

school-based teaching materials Manuscript material Kohon materials ( 校本教材 )


1. - i hate being in this school in the first place!


2. Those who founded the ideological base of the school-based curriculum development are the theorists such as Jeseph Schwab and Lawrence Stenhouse.

译文:为当代校本课程开发奠定思想基础的是以美国的约瑟夫·施瓦布和英国的劳伦斯·斯腾豪斯为代表的课程理论家。 。

3. Research on How to improve the Undergraduate Elite's Educating Model of GDUT


4. Thanks to this kindergarten, it's advanced in modern teaching...


5. Under implementing the great background of new curriculum, coaching Physics Olympiad as a school-based curriculum is of specific value.


6. The main impetus of SBCD lies not inside schools but outside schools;


7. Based on the present situation of curriculum resources, this article discusses the strategies to utilize school-based curriculum resources and probes into a new way to develop scho...

译文:本文从校本课程资源开发现状入手,着重探讨校内的校本课程资源的利用对策,以期对该地区的校本课程开发提供一个新的开发思路。 。

8. in view of this, this study based on the Shanghai Gezhi Middle School, select a high-grade class of 354 people, school-based physical education curriculum development;

译文:有鉴于此,本研究立足于上海市格致中学,选取高xx年级354人为实验班,进行体育校本课程开发教学; 。

9. This school saw fit to ban the play but the drama teacher thumbed his nose at the school ...

译文:学校本欲阻止该舞台剧的上演 可是该校戏剧老师却反其道而行。

10. Last Tuesday, during the final assembly of the year at my daughter's school, pupils said goodbye to a teacher who was being elbowed out.


11. At the same time, it has strong timeliness and variation, so it doesnot consolidate to be stable text-book with generality.


12. A Resources Mining Study of Compus-based Teachers'Training


13. There are four conclusions in this study: (

1) SBCD lacks in the mechanism of evaluation and supervision;



14. i was an undergraduate in college, i majored in jewelry appraisal, my collection of many precious stones of the original stone.


15. With such aims in mind, the author does research on the practice exploration of based-school researc.

译文:本文就是出于这一目的,对福州市台江第四中心小学校本教研的实践探索进行了研究。 。



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