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关于”停顿的划分方法“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Division method of pause。以下是关于停顿的划分方法的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Division method of pause


1、According to the norms of disciplinary deviation, tourism science can be divided into two parts: tourism basic theories and Tourism applicable theories.


2、And the methods can be divided into portioning method, hierarchical method, density-based method, grid-based method and model-based method.


3、Experimental results demonstrate that GA-based clustering is better than K-means algorithm.


4、The large anticorrosion flange can be divided into pushing, pressing, forging, casting and so on.


5、Newton PCG method is an inexact Newton like method. It is an organic combination of Newton's method and preconditioned conjugate gradient method.


6、For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, one in four women who wish to delay or stop childbearing does not use any family planning method.


7、Then, the method of debris-flow outbreakability zoning is presented.


8、Finally, the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test.


9、The division method of storage space.


10、Sonny: [pause] Will it hurt?


11、Square root of the current methods are mostly used Newton iteration.


12、The one-dimensional cutting problems are usually solved using branch-and-bound, dynamic programming or integer linear programming.


13、Winston stopped writing, partly because he was suffering from cramp.


14、Utilized fractal method to divide the climatic division of Heilongjiang Province.


15、Then, we point out the partition of central and local finance. In the first place, we look back the historical evolution of the partition of centra!


16、The calculation for equal quotation has the following methods: linear equation group, Newton interpolation, Newton extrapolation, resultant curve and clamped plate dichotomy.


17、Quasi-Newton variable metric method;

对此问题,我国法律法规只有寥若星辰的几条提及过,但都没有明确 划分小区停车位的权属。

18、For this problem, our laws and regulations just mentioned some of them, but did not clearly defined ownership of residential parking spaces.


19、We establish a quasi-Newton algorithm for solving a class of variational inequality problems which subproblems are linear equations.


20、The method for safety evaluation, categorization of the units and the method for using the safety checklist are introduced.

21、When answering questions from state District Judge Barbara Walther, Jeffs usually pauses for a full minute or two and then speaks in slow and deliberate tones, interrupted by long, awkward pauses.在回答州地区法官巴巴拉·沃尔特询问时,杰夫斯通常停顿一到两分钟,然后故意放慢语速速,接着又是一段很长而尴尬的停顿。

22、There have been no six-party talks with North Korea since 2009.六方会谈自xx年以来一直陷于停顿。

23、By using different beam grid divided methods to divide the box girder and comparing the calculating results, the influence of beam lattice division method has been obtained.采用不同的梁格划分方法对箱梁进行划分,并对计算结果进行比较,得出梁格法的划分对计算结果的影响。

24、And Quasi-Newton method is based on the quasi-Newton equation , which is often used in solving optimization problems.而拟牛顿算法是求解最优化问题的常用方法,拟牛顿算法的构造基于所谓的拟牛顿方程。

25、For the incremental approach, the migration must be broken down into manageable parts.对于渐进式方法,迁移过程必须划分为多个可管理的部分。

英文句子26:,26、Quasi-Newton is extensively used in optimization problem , which is based onthe quasi-Newton equation.拟牛顿算法是求解最优化问题的常用方法,拟牛顿算法的构造基于所谓的拟牛顿方程。

27、The image paused again.影像又停顿了下。

28、Stage 2(1962-1970) is a period when China's family planning began to come back and then came to standstill.第二阶段(1962-xx年),是我国计划生育的再起与停顿时期。

29、> Is there a way to get that first percent complete to stay in the same place naturally?>,有一种方法使它完成的百分比,自然地停在那个相同的地方吗?

30、Lightning flashover severity was employed to distinguish the critical lightning spots. The impact of line sectioning method on lightning performance evaluation had been studied.探讨了输电线路的区段划分方法,计算了不同分段方法下杆塔对应区段的落雷分布。

31、There have been no six-party talks with North Korea since 2009.六方会谈自2009 年以来一直陷于停顿。

32、The IOSCO conference provided an excellent opportunity to share information with other jurisdictions, and to measure the progress of implementation plans.国际会议供给啦契机与其他权限下分享信息,以及丈量施行方案地停顿。

33、A new algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation (MWT) of points on a plane, called evolutive minimum weight triangulation (EMWT), is presented.提出了一种解决平面点集最小权三角划分的新方法——最小权三角划分进化算法。

34、Hover the mouse over a section underlined in blue.将鼠标停在蓝色下划线部分上。

35、About one hour later in Dorrington Road, Fawdon, a group of youths damaged a car.该事件发生后大约一小时,这群青年毁坏了一辆停在法顿多灵顿路上的一辆汽车。

36、Build ecological parking lot respectively in the southwest and northeast part of the planning area, which can hold about 100 cars. The main parking mode is outdoor parking.规划区的西南部和东北部分别设置有生态停车场,可停车约100辆,停车方式主要以室外停车为主。

37、This method includes two steps, starting under constant torque and freely stopping.该方法分为两个步骤,即:恒转矩起动和自由停机。

38、Another classifying method is Soviet-Union type, based on geography and economy; western, northern, central, eastern and southern parts.另一种分类方法是以地理和经济为根据的苏联式的分类方法,划分为西部、北部、中部、东部和南部五个区域。

39、There are two classical ways, K-center way and K-mean way.经典的划分算法可以分为K中心方法和K平均方法。

40、Ok, so we have this grand scheme, grand idea by Maslow to create a Manhattan-type Project.我们有了这样一个伟大的计划,有了Maslow创造类似曼哈顿计划的伟大想法。

41、Image thresholding segmentation method based on fuzzy partition entropy has good segmentation performance and becomes a kind of extensive application method in image segmentation field.基于模糊划分熵的图像阈值化分割方法因具有良好的分割性能已成为图像分割广泛应用的方法之

42、Newton and Leibniz invented calculus about the same time.牛顿和莱布尼兹几乎同时发明了微积分方法。

43、Market failure----An inefficient allocation produced by a market economy.市场停顿——由于市场经济产生的无效分配。

44、This is achieved through the elimination, or masking, of both planned and unplanned downtime by eliminating single points of failure.实现这一目标的方法是通过消除单一故障点消除或掩盖计划内和计划外停机。

45、What constitutes a long method or class is, of course, somewhat subjective.当然了,长方法或类的划分有点主观。

46、Pull buoy with fast arm 25's - Use this to help them realize that we don't stop our arms in the "praying position, " when we breathe, only in the glide position.使用划手板,快速划25米用这个方法,可以让游泳者意识到一个问题,当我们出水呼吸的时候,我们的手臂姿势就像在祈祷,此时我们手臂不能有停顿,只有在滑行阶段,手臂才有所停顿。

47、The verbose GC log includes heap sizes, information about the division of the heap in the gencon policy, pause timings, object finalizations, and references cleared.verbose GC 日志包括堆的大小,gencon 策略中的堆划分信息、停顿时间、对象结束和清除的引用。

48、The concert began again, and he played from where he had left off7.音乐会又重新开始了,依扎克从刚才停顿的地方演奏。

49、Secondly, the technique of adaptive clutter estimation and suppression based on quasi-stationary sub-image partition is discussed and its computer simulations are completed.针对基于四叉树分割的准平稳区域划分方法精度不高的问题,给出了一种基于分水岭分割的准平稳子域划分方法。

50、Then he pauses.然后,他停顿了一下。

经典英文句子51:停顿的划分方法,51、Hover the mouse over a section underlined in red.将鼠标停在红色下划线部分上。

52、Another distinction often made in the literature of numerical taxonomy is that between divisive and agglomerative approaches.在文献的版值分类方法中,还存在另一个区别,即划分法和聚合法。

53、Standard plot is a popular method in grading appraising cell.地块法是土地评价单元划分的一种普遍适宜的方法;

54、The shared space is divided into sections without the use of a single wall; it is a smart design approach.这一空间没有使用单一墙面的隔断法,而是划分成几个部分,这是空间规划的明智方法。

55、The approach detecting the faces can be devided into two kinds: knowledge-based methods and statistical learning-based methods.人脸检测方法主要划分为基于知识的人脸验证方法和基于统计的学习方法。

56、Second, facet division and its approximation as well as the shading algorithm are discussed on Faceting Approach.还讨论了面元划分及其近似方法,分析了遮挡处理算法。

57、A lot of clustering algorithms are presented so far, such as hierarchical methods, partition methods, grid-based methods, density-based methods, model-based methods and so on.迄今为止研究者们提出了多种聚类算法,例如划分方法、层次方法、基于网格的方法、基于密度的方法、基于模型的方法等。

58、Methods for dodecahedron, icosahedron, "football" and five kinds of random plates are presented in detail.文中详细介绍了正十二面体、正二十面体、“足球”划分以及五种随机划分方法。

59、The super element method is a semi-continuitify method which proceeds a second big element division on the basis of the ordinary finite element one.超级元法是在普通有限元划分的基础上进行二次大单元划分的一种半连续化方法。

60、Her internal time is measured by ‘an indescribable pause: a suspense’ governed by ‘her heart’.心理时间的衡量标准是她内心无法言及的停顿。

61、Based on the theory of optimal cell decompositions, uses the coordinate search algorithm, suggests the method of cutting the region according to ocean current.基于坐标搜索算法中最优单元分解的原理,提出了根据海流方向划分探测区产的区域划分方法;

62、Methods:30 patients enrolled for orthoptic cardiac surgery were divided into cardiac arrest group and beating heart group.方法:30例心内直视术病人随机平均分为心脏停跳和不停跳两组。

63、The basic educational methods of this new pattern can be either institutionalized or non-institutionalized, either self-disciplined or other-disciplined.道德教育新模式的基本方法,可以划分为制度化方法和非制度化方法及他律教育方法和自律教育方法两大系列。

64、The new traffic stop approach.新停车临检方法。

65、One portion of the workspace is assigned as a "parking-lot" so that ideas outside of the scope of the process can be effectively parked.一个工作区的部分划为“停车地段”,使外界对进程的范围的想法,可以有效地停泊。

66、The common discretization strategies are: equally space division strategy, adaptive method, equal interval of frequency, based-on the class information entropy methods.也可根据划分是在分类之前还是分类时做出的而分为静态方法和动态方法。


标签: 方法

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